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Outputs (2558)

Weak emergence in the angular dependence of the critical current density of the high temperature superconductor coated conductor REBCO (2020)
Journal Article
Branch, P., Osamura, K., & Hampshire, D. (2020). Weak emergence in the angular dependence of the critical current density of the high temperature superconductor coated conductor REBCO. Superconductor Science and Technology, 33(10), Article 104006.

Extensive critical current density Jc measurements are reported as a function of magnetic field B, temperature T, angle θ between the applied field and the surface of the tape, and strain ε, on a REBCO coated conductor. The strain, εpeak (B,T, θ), at... Read More about Weak emergence in the angular dependence of the critical current density of the high temperature superconductor coated conductor REBCO.

Interplay of edge fracture and shear banding in complex fluids (2020)
Journal Article
Hemingway, E. J., & Fielding, S. M. (2020). Interplay of edge fracture and shear banding in complex fluids. Journal of Rheology, 64(5), Article 1147.

We explore theoretically the interplay between shear banding and edge fracture in complex fluids by performing a detailed simulation study within two constitutive models: the Johnson–Segalman model and the Giesekus model. We consider separately param... Read More about Interplay of edge fracture and shear banding in complex fluids.

Extremely well isolated two-dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg layers with a small exchange coupling in the molecular-based magnet CuPOF (2020)
Journal Article
Opherden, D., Nizar, N., Richardson, K., Monroe, J., Turnbull, M., Polson, M., Vela, S., Blackmore, W., Goddard, P., Singleton, J., Choi, E., Xiao, F., Williams, R., Lancaster, T., Pratt, F., Blundell, S., Skourski, Y., Uhlarz, M., Ponomaryov, A., Zvyagin, S., …Landee, C. (2020). Extremely well isolated two-dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg layers with a small exchange coupling in the molecular-based magnet CuPOF. Physical Review B, 102(6), Article 064431.

We report on a comprehensive characterization of the newly synthesized Cu2+-based molecular magnet [Cu(pz)2 (2-HOpy)2](PF6 )2 (CuPOF), where pz = C4H4N2 and 2-HOpy = C5H4NHO. From a comparison of theoretical modeling to results of bulk magnetometry,... Read More about Extremely well isolated two-dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg layers with a small exchange coupling in the molecular-based magnet CuPOF.

Non-uniform along thickness spin excitations in magnetic vortex-state nanodots (2020)
Journal Article
Kakazei, G., Guslienko, K., Verba, R., Ding, J., Liu, X., & Adeyeye, A. (2020). Non-uniform along thickness spin excitations in magnetic vortex-state nanodots. Low Temperature Physics, 46(8), Article 863.

We summarize our experimental findings in the arrays of Ni80Fe20 circular nanodots with diameter 300 nm and thickness 20 nm ≤ L ≤ 100 nm, probed by broadband ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy in the absence of external magnetic field. Spin excitat... Read More about Non-uniform along thickness spin excitations in magnetic vortex-state nanodots.

Axisymmetric flows on the torus geometry (2020)
Journal Article
Busuioc, S., Kusumaatmaja, H., & Ambruş, V. E. (2020). Axisymmetric flows on the torus geometry. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 901, Article A9.

We present a series of analytically solvable axisymmetric flows on the torus geometry. For the single-component flows, we describe the propagation of sound waves for perfect fluids, as well as the viscous damping of shear and longitudinal waves for i... Read More about Axisymmetric flows on the torus geometry.

Proximity-induced magnetism in Pt layered with rare-earth–transition-metal ferrimagnetic alloys (2020)
Journal Article
Swindells, C., Nicholson, B., Inyang, O., Choi, Y., Hase, T., & Atkinson, D. (2020). Proximity-induced magnetism in Pt layered with rare-earth–transition-metal ferrimagnetic alloys. Physical Review Research, 2(3), Article 033280.

The proximity-induced moment (PIM) in heavy metal layers may play a significant role in heterostructured spintronic systems. In particular, the PIM of a heavy metal adjacent to a magnetic layer has been linked to interfacial spin transport behavior.... Read More about Proximity-induced magnetism in Pt layered with rare-earth–transition-metal ferrimagnetic alloys.

Photophysics of TADF guest-host systems: introducing the idea of hosting potential (2020)
Journal Article
Stavrou, K., Gomes Franca, L., & Monkman, A. P. (2020). Photophysics of TADF guest-host systems: introducing the idea of hosting potential. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2(9), 2868-2881.

The thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) donor-acceptor (D-A) molecule, DMAC-TRZ, is used as a TADF emitter ‘probe’ to distinguish the environmental effects of a range of solid state host materials in guest-host systems. Using the guest’s... Read More about Photophysics of TADF guest-host systems: introducing the idea of hosting potential.

Microscopic Analysis of Interdiffusion and Void Formation in CdTe(1–x)Sex and CdTe Layers (2020)
Journal Article
Baines, T., Bowen, L., Mendis, B. G., & Major, J. D. (2020). Microscopic Analysis of Interdiffusion and Void Formation in CdTe(1–x)Sex and CdTe Layers. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12(34), 38070-38075.

The use of CdSe layers has recently emerged as a route to improving CdTe photovoltaics through the formation of a CdTe(1–x)Sex (CST) phase. However, the extent of the Se diffusion and the influence it has on the CdTe grain structure has not been wide... Read More about Microscopic Analysis of Interdiffusion and Void Formation in CdTe(1–x)Sex and CdTe Layers.

A general ink formulation of 2d crystals for wafer-scale inkjet printing (2020)
Journal Article
Hu, G., Yang, L., Yang, Z., Wang, Y., Jin, X., Dai, J., Wu, Q., Liu, S., Zhu, X., Wang, X., Wu, T.-C., Howe, R. C., Albrow-Owen, T., Ng, L. W., Yang, Q., Occhipinti, L. G., Woodward, R. I., Kelleher, E. J., Sun, Z., Huang, X., …Hasan, T. (2020). A general ink formulation of 2d crystals for wafer-scale inkjet printing. Science Advances, 6(33), Article eaba5029.

Recent advances in inkjet printing of two-dimensional (2D) crystals show great promise for next-generation printed electronics development. Printing nonuniformity, however, results in poor reproducibility in device performance and remains a major imp... Read More about A general ink formulation of 2d crystals for wafer-scale inkjet printing.

Phase transitions on non-uniformly curved surfaces: Coupling between phase and location (2020)
Journal Article
Law, J. O., Dean, J. M., Miller, M. A., & Kusumaatmaja, H. (2020). Phase transitions on non-uniformly curved surfaces: Coupling between phase and location. Soft Matter, 16(34), 8069-8077.

For particles confined to two dimensions, any curvature of the surface affects the structural, kinetic and thermodynamic properties of the system. If the curvature is non-uniform, an even richer range of behaviours can emerge. Using a combination of... Read More about Phase transitions on non-uniformly curved surfaces: Coupling between phase and location.

Atomic‐Scale Control of Electronic Structure and Ferromagnetic Insulating State in Perovskite Oxide Superlattices by Long‐Range Tuning of BO6 Octahedra (2020)
Journal Article
Li, W., Zhu, B., Zhu, R., Wang, Q., Lu, P., Sun, Y., Cafolla, C., Qi, Z., Chen, A., Gao, P., Wang, H., He, Q., Zhang, K. H., & MacManus‐Driscoll, J. L. (2020). Atomic‐Scale Control of Electronic Structure and Ferromagnetic Insulating State in Perovskite Oxide Superlattices by Long‐Range Tuning of BO6 Octahedra. Advanced Functional Materials, 30(40), Article 2001984.

Control of BO6 octahedral rotations at the heterointerfaces of dissimilar ABO3 perovskites has emerged as a powerful route for engineering novel physical properties. However, its impact length scale is constrained at 2–6 unit cells close to the inter... Read More about Atomic‐Scale Control of Electronic Structure and Ferromagnetic Insulating State in Perovskite Oxide Superlattices by Long‐Range Tuning of BO6 Octahedra.

Navigating CIE Space for Efficient TADF Downconversion WOLEDs (2020)
Journal Article
Aksoy, E., Danos, A., Varlikli, C., & Monkman, A. P. (2020). Navigating CIE Space for Efficient TADF Downconversion WOLEDs. Dyes and Pigments, 183, Article 108707.

High efficiency orange and green emitting perylene dyes have been synthesised and dispersed in an inert polymer host to form an optical downconversion layer. To avoid dye aggregation and allow controlled colour tuning, this layer was deposited in mul... Read More about Navigating CIE Space for Efficient TADF Downconversion WOLEDs.

Polylactide‐perylene derivative for blue biodegradable organic light‐emitting diodes (2020)
Journal Article
Al‐Attar, H., Alwattar, A. A., Haddad, A., Abdullah, B. A., Quayle, P., & Yeates, S. G. (2020). Polylactide‐perylene derivative for blue biodegradable organic light‐emitting diodes. Polymer International, 70(1), 51-58.

In this work we demonstrate, for the first time, the use of polylactic acid (PLA) as a biodegradable host matrix for the construction of the active emissive layer of organic light‐emitting diode (OLED) devices for potential use in bioelectronics. In... Read More about Polylactide‐perylene derivative for blue biodegradable organic light‐emitting diodes.

Factors controlling the pinning force of liquid droplets on liquid infused surfaces (2020)
Journal Article
Sadullah, M. S., Panter, J. R., & Kusumaatmaja, H. (2020). Factors controlling the pinning force of liquid droplets on liquid infused surfaces. Soft Matter, 16(35), 8114-8121.

Liquid infused surfaces with partially wetting lubricants have recently been exploited for numerous intriguing applications, such as for droplet manipulation, droplet collection and spontaneous motion. When partially wetting lubricants are used, the... Read More about Factors controlling the pinning force of liquid droplets on liquid infused surfaces.

Morphology control of nickel nanoparticles prepared in situ within silica aerogels produced by novel ambient pressure drying (2020)
Journal Article
Lu, J., Wang, J., Hassan, K. T., Talmantaite, A., Xiao, Z., Hunt, M. R., & Šiller, L. (2020). Morphology control of nickel nanoparticles prepared in situ within silica aerogels produced by novel ambient pressure drying. Scientific Reports, 10(1), Article 11743.

Silica aerogels are low density solids with high surface area and high porosity which are ideal supports for catalyst materials. The main challenge in aerogel production is the drying process, which must remove liquid from the pores of the wet gel wh... Read More about Morphology control of nickel nanoparticles prepared in situ within silica aerogels produced by novel ambient pressure drying.

Successful production of solution blow spun YBCO+Ag complex ceramics (2020)
Journal Article
Pessoa, A., Raine, M., Hampshire, D., Namburi, D., Durrell, J., & Zadorosny, R. (2020). Successful production of solution blow spun YBCO+Ag complex ceramics. Ceramics International, 46(15), 24097-24101.

YBCO fabrics composed of nanowires, produced by solution blow spinning (SBS) are so brittle that the Lorentz force produced by induced currents can be strong enough to damage them. On the other hand, it is known that silver addition improves the mech... Read More about Successful production of solution blow spun YBCO+Ag complex ceramics.

Cobalt-Doped ZnO Nanorods Coated with Nanoscale Metal-Organic Framework Shells for Water-Splitting Photoanodes (2020)
Journal Article
Galan Gonzalez, A., Sivan, A. K., Hernández Ferrer, J., Bowen, L., Di Mario, L., Martelli, F., Benito, A. M., Maser, W. K., Chaudhry, M. U., Gallant, A., Zeze, D. A., & Atkinson, D. (2020). Cobalt-Doped ZnO Nanorods Coated with Nanoscale Metal-Organic Framework Shells for Water-Splitting Photoanodes. ACS Applied Nano Material, 3(8), 7781-7788.

Developing highly efficient and stable photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting electrodes via inexpensive, liquid phase processing is one of the key challenges for the conversion of solar energy into hydrogen for sustainable energy production. ZnO... Read More about Cobalt-Doped ZnO Nanorods Coated with Nanoscale Metal-Organic Framework Shells for Water-Splitting Photoanodes.

Computational Strategies and Challenges for Using Native Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry in Biophysics and Structural Biology (2020)
Journal Article
Allison, T. M., Barran, P., Cianférani, S., Degiacomi, M. T., Gabelica, V., Grandori, R., Marklund, E. G., Menneteau, T., Migas, L. G., Politis, A., Sharon, M., Sobott, F., Thalassinos, K., & Benesch, J. L. (2020). Computational Strategies and Challenges for Using Native Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry in Biophysics and Structural Biology. Analytical Chemistry, 92(16), 10872-10880.

Native mass spectrometry (MS) allows the interrogation of structural aspects of macromolecules in the gas phase, under the premise of having initially maintained their solution-phase noncovalent interactions intact. In the more than 25 years since th... Read More about Computational Strategies and Challenges for Using Native Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry in Biophysics and Structural Biology.

Predicting the shapes of protein complexes through collision cross section measurements and database searches (2020)
Journal Article
Landreh, M., Sahin, C., Gault, J., Sadeghi, S., Drum, C. L., Uzdavinys, P., Drew, D., Allison, T. M., Degiacomi, M. T., & Marklund, E. G. (2020). Predicting the shapes of protein complexes through collision cross section measurements and database searches. Analytical Chemistry, 92(18), 12297-12303.

In structural biology, collision cross sections (CCSs) from ion mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS) measurements are routinely compared to computationally or experimentally derived protein structures. Here, we investigate whether CCS data can inform a... Read More about Predicting the shapes of protein complexes through collision cross section measurements and database searches.

Software Requirements for the Analysis and Interpretation of Native Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Data (2020)
Journal Article
Allison, T. M., Barran, P., Benesch, J. L., Cianferani, S., Degiacomi, M. T., Gabelica, V., Grandori, R., Marklund, E. G., Menneteau, T., Migas, L. G., Politis, A., Sharon, M., Sobott, F., & Thalassinos, K. (2020). Software Requirements for the Analysis and Interpretation of Native Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Data. Analytical Chemistry, 92(16), 10881-10890.

The past few years have seen a dramatic increase in applications of native mass and ion mobility spectrometry, especially for the study of proteins and protein complexes. This increase has been catalyzed by the availability of commercial instrumentat... Read More about Software Requirements for the Analysis and Interpretation of Native Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Data.