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Outputs (140)

Multiparticle amplitudes in a scalar EFT (2022)
Journal Article
Khoze, V. V., & Schenk, S. (2022). Multiparticle amplitudes in a scalar EFT. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022(5), Article 134.

At sufficiently high energies the production of a very large number of particles is kinematically allowed. However, it is well-known that already in the simplest case of a weakly-coupled massive λφ4 theory, n-particle amplitudes become non-perturbati... Read More about Multiparticle amplitudes in a scalar EFT.

Central instanton production (2022)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Khoze, V., Milne, D., & Ryskin, M. (2022). Central instanton production. Physical Review D, 105(3),

We study the central production of QCD instantons at hadron colliders in events with two large rapidity gaps. These gaps in rapidity are formed by either Pomeron or photon exchanges or a combination of the two. The kT-factorization formalism is used... Read More about Central instanton production.

Electroweak skyrmions in the HEFT (2021)
Journal Article
Criado, J. C., Khoze, V. V., & Spannowsky, M. (2021). Electroweak skyrmions in the HEFT. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(12), Article 26.

We study the existence of skyrmions in the presence of all the electroweak degrees of freedom, including a dynamical Higgs boson, with the electroweak symmetry being non-linearly realized in the scalar sector. For this, we use the formulation of the... Read More about Electroweak skyrmions in the HEFT.

Small instantons and the strong CP problem in composite Higgs models (2021)
Journal Article
Gupta, R., Khoze, V., & Spannowsky, M. (2021). Small instantons and the strong CP problem in composite Higgs models. Physical Review D, 104(7), Article 075011.

We show that QCD instantons can generate large effects at small length scales in the ultraviolet in standard composite Higgs models that utilize partial compositeness. This has important implications for possible solutions of the strong CP problem in... Read More about Small instantons and the strong CP problem in composite Higgs models.

Hunting for QCD instantons at the LHC in events with large rapidity gaps (2021)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Khoze, V., Milne, D., & Ryskin, M. (2021). Hunting for QCD instantons at the LHC in events with large rapidity gaps. Physical Review D, 104(5),

We outline a strategy of how to search for QCD instantons of invariant mass 20–60 GeVin diffractive events in low-luminosity runs at the LHC. We show that, by imposing appropriate selection criteria on the final states, one can select the kinematic r... Read More about Hunting for QCD instantons at the LHC in events with large rapidity gaps.

The emergence of electroweak Skyrmions through Higgs bosons (2021)
Journal Article
Criado, J. C., Khoze, V. V., & Spannowsky, M. (2021). The emergence of electroweak Skyrmions through Higgs bosons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(3), Article 162.

Skyrmions are extended field configurations, initially proposed to describe baryons as topological solitons in an effective field theory of mesons. We investigate and confirm the existence of skyrmions within the electroweak sector of the Standard Mo... Read More about The emergence of electroweak Skyrmions through Higgs bosons.

Searching for QCD instantons at hadron colliders (2021)
Journal Article
Khoze, V. V., Milne, D. L., & Spannowsky, M. (2021). Searching for QCD instantons at hadron colliders. Physical Review D, 103(1), Article 014017.

QCD instantons are arguably the best motivated yet unobserved nonperturbative effects predicted by the Standard Model. A discovery and detailed study of instanton-generated processes at colliders would provide a new window into the phenomenological e... Read More about Searching for QCD instantons at hadron colliders.

Large Effects from Small QCD Instantons: Making Soft Bombs at Hadron Colliders (2020)
Journal Article
Khoze, V. V., Krauss, F., & Schott, M. (2020). Large Effects from Small QCD Instantons: Making Soft Bombs at Hadron Colliders. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(4), Article 201.

It is a common belief that the last missing piece of the Standard Model of particles physics was found with the discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider. However, there remains a major prediction of quantum tunnelling processes media... Read More about Large Effects from Small QCD Instantons: Making Soft Bombs at Hadron Colliders.

The axion mass from 5D small instantons (2020)
Journal Article
Gherghetta, T., Khoze, V. V., Pomarol, A., & Shirman, Y. (2020). The axion mass from 5D small instantons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(3), Article 063.

We calculate a new contribution to the axion mass that arises from gluons propagating in a 5th dimension at high energies. By uplifting the 4D instanton solution to five dimensions, the positive frequency modes of the Kaluza-Klein states generate a p... Read More about The axion mass from 5D small instantons.

Recommendations on presenting LHC searches for missing transverse energy signals using simplified s-channel models of dark matter (2019)
Journal Article
Boveia, A., Buchmueller, O., Busoni, G., D'Eramo, F., De Roeck, A., De Simone, A., …Zurek, K. (2020). Recommendations on presenting LHC searches for missing transverse energy signals using simplified s-channel models of dark matter. Physics of the Dark Universe, 27, Article 100365.

This document summarises the proposal of the LHC Dark Matter Working Group on how to present LHC results on -channel simplified dark matter models and to compare them to direct (indirect) detection experiments.

Review of the semiclassical formalism for multiparticle production at high energies (2019)
Journal Article
Khoze, V. V., & Reiness, J. (2019). Review of the semiclassical formalism for multiparticle production at high energies. Physics Reports, 822, 1-52.

These notes provide a comprehensive review of the semiclassical approach for calculating multiparticle production rates for initial states with few particles at very high energies. In this work we concentrate on a scalar field theory with a mass gap.... Read More about Review of the semiclassical formalism for multiparticle production at high energies.

Consistency of Higgsplosion in localizable QFT (2019)
Journal Article
Khoze, V. V., & Spannowsky, M. (2019). Consistency of Higgsplosion in localizable QFT. Physics Letters B, 790, 466-474.

We show that large n-particle production rates derived in the semiclassical Higgsplosion limit of scalar field theoretical models with spontaneous symmetry breaking, are consistent with general principles of localizable quantum field theory. The stri... Read More about Consistency of Higgsplosion in localizable QFT.

Higgsplosion: Solving the hierarchy problem via rapid decays of heavy states into multiple Higgs bosons (2017)
Journal Article
Khoze, V. V., & Spannowsky, M. (2018). Higgsplosion: Solving the hierarchy problem via rapid decays of heavy states into multiple Higgs bosons. Nuclear Physics B, 926, 95-111.

We introduce and discuss two inter-related mechanisms operative in the electroweak sector of the Standard Model at high energies. Higgsplosion, the first mechanism, occurs at some critical energy in the 25 to 103 TeV range, and leads to an exponentia... Read More about Higgsplosion: Solving the hierarchy problem via rapid decays of heavy states into multiple Higgs bosons.