The Multitemporal Contemporary: Colson Whitehead's Presents
Book Chapter
Grausam, D. (2017). The Multitemporal Contemporary: Colson Whitehead's Presents. In S. Brouillette, M. Nilges, & E. Sauri (Eds.), Literature and the Global Contemporary. Palgrave
Outputs (15)
Cold War, Post–Cold War: What Was (Is) the Cold War? (2016)
Book Chapter
Grausam, D. (2016). Cold War, Post–Cold War: What Was (Is) the Cold War?. In J. Gladstone, A. Hoberek, & D. Worden (Eds.), Postmodern/Postwar--And After (141-151). University of Iowa Press
Alchemical Transformations? Fictions of the Nuclear State after 1989 (2016)
Book Chapter
Grausam, D. (2016). Alchemical Transformations? Fictions of the Nuclear State after 1989. In J. Beck, & R. Bishop (Eds.), Cold War Legacies: Systems, Theory, Aesthetics (134-150). Edinburgh University Press
Imagining Postnuclear Times (2015)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2015). Imagining Postnuclear Times. Common Knowledge, 21(3), 451-463. essay compares “expert” attempts, commissioned by the US government, to imagine future nuclear risk with the attempt made by Lydia Millet in her novel Oh Pure and Radiant Heart (2005). During the Cold War, nuclear attack was conceptualized prima... Read More about Imagining Postnuclear Times.
Review of Joseph Keith, Unbecoming Americans: Writing Race and Nation from the Shadows of Citizenship, 1945-60. (2014)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2014). Review of Joseph Keith, Unbecoming Americans: Writing Race and Nation from the Shadows of Citizenship, 1945-60. Literature and History, 23, 100-101
The Way We Talk Now about the Way They Were Then: Recent Work on the “Contemporary” (2013)
Journal Article
Recent Work on the “Contemporary”. American Literature, 85(2), 389-398.
"It is only a statement of the power of what comes after": Atomic Nostalgia and the Ends of Postmodernism (2012)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2012). "It is only a statement of the power of what comes after": Atomic Nostalgia and the Ends of Postmodernism. American Literary History, 24(2), 308-336.
American Literature and Culture in an Age of Cold War: A Critical Reassessment (2012)
Belletto, S., & Grausam, D. (Eds.). (2012). American Literature and Culture in an Age of Cold War: A Critical Reassessment. University of Iowa Press
On Endings: American Postmodern Fiction and the Cold War (2011)
Grausam, D. (2011). On Endings: American Postmodern Fiction and the Cold War. University of Virginia Press
Games People Play: Metafiction, Defense Strategy, and the Cultures of Simulation (2011)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2011). Games People Play: Metafiction, Defense Strategy, and the Cultures of Simulation. ELH: English Literary History, 78(3), 507-532. essay situates the American metafiction produced in the 1960s in relation to contemporary defense strategy and war-gaming. As critics have noted, metafiction about games and gaming is a particularly rich site for thinking about metafiction more... Read More about Games People Play: Metafiction, Defense Strategy, and the Cultures of Simulation.
On the Idea of In(ter)dependence: Paradise and Foreign Policy (2011)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2011). On the Idea of In(ter)dependence: Paradise and Foreign Policy. MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States, 36(2), 127-145.
After The Post(al) (2011)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2011). After The Post(al). American Literary History, 23(3), 625-642.
History, Community, Spirituality: Keywords For Rethinking Postmodernism? (2010)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2010). History, Community, Spirituality: Keywords For Rethinking Postmodernism?. Contemporary literature, 51(2), 398-411.
Postwar Fiction at 65 (2010)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2010). Postwar Fiction at 65. College English, 72(5), 545-553
“The Crying of Lot 49, circa 1642; or, Pynchon and the Writing of World War Three” (2008)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2008). “The Crying of Lot 49, circa 1642; or, Pynchon and the Writing of World War Three”. Clio (Fort Wayne, Ind.), 37(2), 219-238