On Endings: American Postmodern Fiction and the Cold War
Grausam, D. (2011). On Endings: American Postmodern Fiction and the Cold War. University of Virginia Press
Outputs (4)
Games People Play: Metafiction, Defense Strategy, and the Cultures of Simulation (2011)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2011). Games People Play: Metafiction, Defense Strategy, and the Cultures of Simulation. ELH: English Literary History, 78(3), 507-532. https://doi.org/10.1353/elh.2011.0027This essay situates the American metafiction produced in the 1960s in relation to contemporary defense strategy and war-gaming. As critics have noted, metafiction about games and gaming is a particularly rich site for thinking about metafiction more... Read More about Games People Play: Metafiction, Defense Strategy, and the Cultures of Simulation.
On the Idea of In(ter)dependence: Paradise and Foreign Policy (2011)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2011). On the Idea of In(ter)dependence: Paradise and Foreign Policy. MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States, 36(2), 127-145. https://doi.org/10.1353/mel.2011.0024
After The Post(al) (2011)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2011). After The Post(al). American Literary History, 23(3), 625-642. https://doi.org/10.1093/alh/ajr018