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Outputs (17)

Three-dimensional data capture and analysis of intact eye lenses evidences emmetropia-associated changes and strain-dependent differences in epithelial cell organization (2020)
Journal Article
Kalligeraki, A. A., Isted, A., Pal, R., Saunter, C., Girkin, J., Jarrin, M., Uwineza, A., Obara, B., & Quinlan, R. A. (2020). Three-dimensional data capture and analysis of intact eye lenses evidences emmetropia-associated changes and strain-dependent differences in epithelial cell organization. Scientific Reports, 10, Article 16898.

Organ and tissue development are highly coordinated processes; lens growth and functional integration into the eye (emmetropia) is a robust example. An epithelial monolayer covers the anterior hemisphere of the lens, and its organization is the key t... Read More about Three-dimensional data capture and analysis of intact eye lenses evidences emmetropia-associated changes and strain-dependent differences in epithelial cell organization.

Non-invasive in vivo quantification of the developing optical properties and graded index of the embryonic eye lens using SPIM (2018)
Journal Article
Young, L., Jarrin, M., Saunter, C., Quinlan, R., & Girkin, J. (2018). Non-invasive in vivo quantification of the developing optical properties and graded index of the embryonic eye lens using SPIM. Biomedical Optics Express, 9(5), 2176-2188.

Graded refractive index lenses are inherent to advanced visual systems in animals. By understanding their formation and local optical properties, significant potential for improved ocular healthcare may be realized. We report a novel technique measur... Read More about Non-invasive in vivo quantification of the developing optical properties and graded index of the embryonic eye lens using SPIM.

Advancing Age Decreases Pressure-Sensitive Modulation of Calcium Signaling in the Endothelium of Intact and Pressurized Arteries (2017)
Journal Article
Wilson, C., Saunter, C. D., Girkin, J. M., & McCarron, J. G. (2017). Advancing Age Decreases Pressure-Sensitive Modulation of Calcium Signaling in the Endothelium of Intact and Pressurized Arteries. Journal of Vascular Research, 53(5-6), 358-369.

Aging is the summation of many subtle changes which result in altered cardiovascular function. Impaired endothelial function underlies several of these changes and precipitates plaque development in larger arteries. The endothelium transduces chemica... Read More about Advancing Age Decreases Pressure-Sensitive Modulation of Calcium Signaling in the Endothelium of Intact and Pressurized Arteries.

Age decreases mitochondrial motility and increases mitochondrial size in vascular smooth muscle (2016)
Journal Article
Chalmers, S., Saunter, C., Girkin, J., & McCarron, J. (2016). Age decreases mitochondrial motility and increases mitochondrial size in vascular smooth muscle. The Journal of Physiology, 594(15), 4283-4295.

Mitochondrial function, motility and architecture are each central to cell function. Age-associated mitochondrial dysfunction may contribute to vascular disease. However, mitochondrial changes in ageing remain ill-defined because of the challenges of... Read More about Age decreases mitochondrial motility and increases mitochondrial size in vascular smooth muscle.

Clusters of specialized detector cells provide sensitive and high fidelity receptor signaling in the intact endothelium (2016)
Journal Article
Wilson, C., Saunter, C. D., Girkin, J. M., & McCarron, J. G. (2016). Clusters of specialized detector cells provide sensitive and high fidelity receptor signaling in the intact endothelium. FASEB Journal, 30(5), 2000-2013.

Agonist-mediated signaling by the endothelium controls virtually all vascular functions. Because of the large diversity of agonists, each with varying concentrations, background noise often obscures individual cellular signals. How the endothelium di... Read More about Clusters of specialized detector cells provide sensitive and high fidelity receptor signaling in the intact endothelium.

Flicker-assisted localization microscopy reveals altered mitochondrial architecture in hypertension (2015)
Journal Article
Chalmers, S., Saunter, C. D., Girkin, J. M., & McCarron, J. G. (2015). Flicker-assisted localization microscopy reveals altered mitochondrial architecture in hypertension. Scientific Reports, 5, Article 16875.

Mitochondrial morphology is central to normal physiology and disease development. However, in many live cells and tissues, complex mitochondrial structures exist and morphology has been difficult to quantify. We have measured the shape of electricall... Read More about Flicker-assisted localization microscopy reveals altered mitochondrial architecture in hypertension.

Pressure-dependent regulation of Ca2+ signalling in the vascular endothelium (2015)
Journal Article
Wilson, C., Saunter, C. D., Girkin, J. M., & McCarron, J. G. (2015). Pressure-dependent regulation of Ca2+ signalling in the vascular endothelium. The Journal of Physiology, 593(24), 5231-5253.

The endothelium is an interconnected network upon which haemodynamic mechanical forces act to control vascular tone and remodelling in disease. Ca2+ signalling is central to the endothelium's mechanotransduction and networked activity. However, chall... Read More about Pressure-dependent regulation of Ca2+ signalling in the vascular endothelium.

Quantitative High Dynamic Range Beam Proling for Fluorescence Microscopy (2014)
Journal Article
Mitchell, T., Saunter, C., O'Nions, W., Girkin, J., & Love, G. (2014). Quantitative High Dynamic Range Beam Proling for Fluorescence Microscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments, 85(10), Article 103713.

Modern developmental biology relies on optically-sectioning uorescence microscope techniques to produce non-destructive in-vivo images of developing specimens at high resolution in three dimensions. As optimal performance of these techniques is relia... Read More about Quantitative High Dynamic Range Beam Proling for Fluorescence Microscopy.

Combining optical trapping in a microfluidic channel with simultaneous micro-Raman spectroscopy and motion detection (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lawton, P., Saunter, C., & Girkin, J. (2014, March). Combining optical trapping in a microfluidic channel with simultaneous micro-Raman spectroscopy and motion detection. Presented at Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems XII, San Francisco, California, United States

Since their invention by Ashkin optical tweezers have demonstrated their ability and versatility as a non-invasive tool for micromanipulation. One of the most useful additions to the basic optical tweezers system is micro-Raman spectroscopy, which pe... Read More about Combining optical trapping in a microfluidic channel with simultaneous micro-Raman spectroscopy and motion detection.

Comparison of closed loop and sensorless adaptive optics in widefield optical microscopy (2013)
Journal Article
Bourgenot, C., Saunter, C., Love, G., & Girkin, J. (2013). Comparison of closed loop and sensorless adaptive optics in widefield optical microscopy. Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 8, Article 13027.

We report on a closed loop widefield adaptive optics, optical microscopy system in which the feedback signal is provided by backscattered light from the sample acting as a guide star. The improvement in imaging performance is compared to an adaptive... Read More about Comparison of closed loop and sensorless adaptive optics in widefield optical microscopy.

Adaptive optical methods for in vivo imaging in developing Zebra fish (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Girkin, J., Taylor, J., Bourgenot, C., Saunter, C., & Love, G. (2012, December). Adaptive optical methods for in vivo imaging in developing Zebra fish. Presented at 2012 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT 2012), Paris

The humble Zebra fish is rapidly establishing itself as the model of choice for a wide range of biological investigations, in particular at the developing embryo stage. Single Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM) has already been shown to be a very p... Read More about Adaptive optical methods for in vivo imaging in developing Zebra fish.

3D adaptive optics in a light sheet microscope (2012)
Journal Article
Bourgenot, C., Saunter, C. D., Taylor, J. M., Girkin, J. M., & Love, G. D. (2012). 3D adaptive optics in a light sheet microscope. Optics Express, 20(12), 13252-13261.

We report on a single plane illumination microscope (SPIM) incorporating adaptive optics in the imaging arm. We show how aberrations can occur from the sample mounting tube and quantify the aberrations both experimentally and computationally. A wavef... Read More about 3D adaptive optics in a light sheet microscope.

Closed loop adaptive optics with a laser guide star for biological light microscopy (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Saunter, C. D., Bourgenot, C., Girkin, J. M., & Love, G. D. (2012, January). Closed loop adaptive optics with a laser guide star for biological light microscopy. Presented at MEMS Adaptive Optics VI, San Francisco, CA

We report on the development of a widefield microscope that achieves adaptive optics correction through the use of a wavefront sensor observing an artificial laser guide star induced within the sample. By generating this guide star at arbitrary posit... Read More about Closed loop adaptive optics with a laser guide star for biological light microscopy.

Real-time optical gating for three-dimensional beating heart imaging (2011)
Journal Article
Taylor, J., Saunter, C., Love, G., Girkin, J., Henderson, D., & Chaudhry, B. (2011). Real-time optical gating for three-dimensional beating heart imaging. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16(11),

We demonstrate real-time microscope image gating to an arbitrary position in the cycle of the beating heart of a zebrafish embryo. We show how this can be used for high-precision prospective gating of fluorescence image slices of the moving heart. We... Read More about Real-time optical gating for three-dimensional beating heart imaging.

Multidepth, multiparticle tracking for active microrheology using a smart camera (2011)
Journal Article
Silburn, S. A., Saunter, C. D., Girkin, J. M., & Love, G. D. (2011). Multidepth, multiparticle tracking for active microrheology using a smart camera. Review of Scientific Instruments, 82(3),

The quantitative measurement of particle motion in optical tweezers is an important tool in the study of microrheology and can be used in a variety of scientific and industrial applications. Active microheology, in which the response of optically tra... Read More about Multidepth, multiparticle tracking for active microrheology using a smart camera.

Adaptive optics for wide-field microscopy (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bourgenot, C., Saunter, C., Girkin, J., & Love, G. (2011, January). Adaptive optics for wide-field microscopy. Presented at Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XVIII, San Francisco, CA

We report on recent developments in the use of adaptive optics (AO) in wide-field microscopy to remove both system and sample induced aberrations. We describe progress on using both a full AO system and image optimization techniques (wavefront sensor... Read More about Adaptive optics for wide-field microscopy.

Heart synchronization for SPIM microscopy of living zebra fish (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor, J., Saunter, C., Chaudhry, B., Henderson, D., Love, G., & Girkin, J. (2011, January). Heart synchronization for SPIM microscopy of living zebra fish. Presented at Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XVIII, San Francisco, CA

We describe work on producing a selective plane illumination microscope for cardiac imaging in zebra fish embryos. The system has a novel synchronization system for imaging oscillating structures (e.g. the heart) and will have adaptive optics for ima... Read More about Heart synchronization for SPIM microscopy of living zebra fish.