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Adaptive optical methods for in vivo imaging in developing Zebra fish (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Girkin, J., Taylor, J., Bourgenot, C., Saunter, C., & Love, G. (2012, December). Adaptive optical methods for in vivo imaging in developing Zebra fish. Presented at 2012 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT 2012), Paris

The humble Zebra fish is rapidly establishing itself as the model of choice for a wide range of biological investigations, in particular at the developing embryo stage. Single Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM) has already been shown to be a very p... Read More about Adaptive optical methods for in vivo imaging in developing Zebra fish.

3D adaptive optics in a light sheet microscope (2012)
Journal Article
Bourgenot, C., Saunter, C. D., Taylor, J. M., Girkin, J. M., & Love, G. D. (2012). 3D adaptive optics in a light sheet microscope. Optics Express, 20(12), 13252-13261.

We report on a single plane illumination microscope (SPIM) incorporating adaptive optics in the imaging arm. We show how aberrations can occur from the sample mounting tube and quantify the aberrations both experimentally and computationally. A wavef... Read More about 3D adaptive optics in a light sheet microscope.

Closed loop adaptive optics with a laser guide star for biological light microscopy (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Saunter, C. D., Bourgenot, C., Girkin, J. M., & Love, G. D. (2012, January). Closed loop adaptive optics with a laser guide star for biological light microscopy. Presented at MEMS Adaptive Optics VI, San Francisco, CA

We report on the development of a widefield microscope that achieves adaptive optics correction through the use of a wavefront sensor observing an artificial laser guide star induced within the sample. By generating this guide star at arbitrary posit... Read More about Closed loop adaptive optics with a laser guide star for biological light microscopy.