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The Middle Euphrates and its Transformation from the 3rd to the 7th c.: The case of Dibsi Faraj (2020)
Journal Article
Leone, A., & Sarantis, A. (2020). The Middle Euphrates and its Transformation from the 3rd to the 7th c.: The case of Dibsi Faraj. Journal of Late Antiquity, 13(2), 308-351

Dibsi Faraj is a fortified citadel situated on the middle reaches of the Euphrates River in modern Syria which was occupied until the ninth century, when it was abandoned and then reoccupied in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. This article exami... Read More about The Middle Euphrates and its Transformation from the 3rd to the 7th c.: The case of Dibsi Faraj.

An integrated methodology for the documentation and protection of cultural heritage in the MENA region: a case study from Libya and Tunisia (2020)
Journal Article
Leone, A., Wootton, W., Fenwick, C., Nebbia, M., Alkhalaf, H., Jorayev, G., Othman, A., Alhaddad, M., Belzic, M., Emrage, A., Siala, Z., & Voke, P. (2020). An integrated methodology for the documentation and protection of cultural heritage in the MENA region: a case study from Libya and Tunisia. Libyan Studies, 51, 141-168.

This paper presents the methodology and overall outcomes from the Training in Action project (TinA), funded by the British Council's Cultural Protection Fund between 2017 and 2019, which has built capacity among 72 employees of the Department of Anti... Read More about An integrated methodology for the documentation and protection of cultural heritage in the MENA region: a case study from Libya and Tunisia.