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Outputs (83)

Facilitating research-informed educational practice for inclusion. Survey findings from 147 teachers and school leaders in England (2022)
Journal Article
Brown, C., MacGregor, S., Flood, J., & Malin, J. (2022). Facilitating research-informed educational practice for inclusion. Survey findings from 147 teachers and school leaders in England. Frontiers in Education, 7, Article 890832.

This paper considers the engagement by teachers and school leaders in England in educational practices that are both ‘research-informed’ and supportive of inclusive education. We do so by seeking to understand the benefits, costs, and signifying fact... Read More about Facilitating research-informed educational practice for inclusion. Survey findings from 147 teachers and school leaders in England.

Community health workers and health equity in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review and recommendations for policy and practice (2022)
Journal Article
Ahmed, S., Chase, L. E., Wagnild, J., Akhter, N., Sturridge, S., Clarke, A., Chowdhary, P., Mukami, D., Kasim, A., & Hampshire, K. (2022). Community health workers and health equity in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review and recommendations for policy and practice. International Journal for Equity in Health, 21(1), Article 49.

Background: The deployment of Community Health Workers (CHWs) is widely promoted as a strategy for reducing health inequities in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Yet there is limited evidence on whether and how CHW programmes achieve this. Th... Read More about Community health workers and health equity in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review and recommendations for policy and practice.

Controversy Over Tongue-Tie: Divisions in the Community of Healthcare Professionals (2022)
Journal Article
Larrain, M., & Stevenson, E. G. (2022). Controversy Over Tongue-Tie: Divisions in the Community of Healthcare Professionals. Medical Anthropology, 41(4), 446-459.

While recent decades have seen a rapid rise in cases of infant tongue-tie and in surgery to correct it, a controversy is now raging over the condition. Opinion is especially divided over so-called posterior tongue-tie, a variant which is detected bas... Read More about Controversy Over Tongue-Tie: Divisions in the Community of Healthcare Professionals.

Newly learned novel cues to location are combined with familiar cues but not always with each other (2022)
Journal Article
Aston, S., Beierholm, U., & Nardini, M. (2022). Newly learned novel cues to location are combined with familiar cues but not always with each other. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 48(6), 639-652.

Mature perceptual systems can learn new arbitrary sensory signals (novel cues) to properties of the environment, but little is known about the extent to which novel cues are integrated into normal perception. In normal perception, multiple uncertain... Read More about Newly learned novel cues to location are combined with familiar cues but not always with each other.

Eliciting judgements about dependent quantities of interest: The SHeffield ELicitation Framework extension and copula methods illustrated using an asthma case study (2022)
Journal Article
Holzhauer, B., Hampson, L. V., Gosling, J. P., Bornkamp, B., Kahn, J., Lange, M. R., Luo, W.-L., Brindicci, C., Lawrence, D., Ballerstedt, S., & others. (2022). Eliciting judgements about dependent quantities of interest: The SHeffield ELicitation Framework extension and copula methods illustrated using an asthma case study. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 21(5), 1005-1021.

Pharmaceutical companies regularly need to make decisions about drug development programs based on the limited knowledge from early stage clinical trials. In this situation, eliciting the judgements of experts is an attractive approach for synthesisi... Read More about Eliciting judgements about dependent quantities of interest: The SHeffield ELicitation Framework extension and copula methods illustrated using an asthma case study.

Neuromatch Academy: a 3-week, online summer school in computational neuroscience (2022)
Journal Article
’t Hart, B., Achakulvisut, T., Adeyemi, A., Akrami, A., Alicea, B., Alonso-Andres, A., Alzate-Correa, D., Ash, A., Ballesteros, J., Balwani, A., Batty, E., Beierholm, U., Benjamin, A., Bhalla, U., Blohm, G., Blohm, J., Bonnen, K., Brigham, M., Brunton, B., Butler, J., …van Viegen, T. (2022). Neuromatch Academy: a 3-week, online summer school in computational neuroscience. The journal of open source education, 5(49), Article 118.

Neuromatch Academy (; (van Viegen et al., 2021)) was designed as an online summer school to cover the basics of computational neuroscience in three weeks. The materials cover dominant and emerging computational neuroscien... Read More about Neuromatch Academy: a 3-week, online summer school in computational neuroscience.

The impact of a novel medication scanner on administration errors in the hospital setting: a before and after feasibility study (2022)
Journal Article
Tolley, C. L., Watson, N. W., Heed, A., Einbeck, J., Medows, S., Wood, L., Campbell, L., & Slight, S. P. (2022). The impact of a novel medication scanner on administration errors in the hospital setting: a before and after feasibility study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 22(1), Article 86.

Objective: The medication administration process is complex and consequently prone to errors. Closed Loop Medication Administration solutions aim to improve patient safety. We assessed the impact of a novel medication scanning device (MedEye) on the... Read More about The impact of a novel medication scanner on administration errors in the hospital setting: a before and after feasibility study.

Co-production: A resource to guide co-producing research in the sport, exercise, and health sciences (2022)
Journal Article
Smith, B., Williams, O., Bone, L., & Collective, T. M. S. W. C.-P. (2023). Co-production: A resource to guide co-producing research in the sport, exercise, and health sciences. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 15(2), 159-187.

There is growing interest in co-production in the sport, exercise, and health sciences. That includes from researchers in sport and exercise physiology, public health, sports medicine, sport sociology, sport and exercise psychology, sport management,... Read More about Co-production: A resource to guide co-producing research in the sport, exercise, and health sciences.

Remembrance of Contact Past: When Intergroup Contact Metacognitions Decrease Outgroup Tolerance (2022)
Journal Article
Drury, L., Birtel, M. D., Randsley de Moura, G., & Crisp, R. J. (2022). Remembrance of Contact Past: When Intergroup Contact Metacognitions Decrease Outgroup Tolerance. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 26(3), 652-668.

Positive intergroup contact reliably reduces prejudice, yet little is known about the meta-cognitive processes involved in recalling prior contact experiences and their impact on outgroup tolerance. The present research examined whether contact inter... Read More about Remembrance of Contact Past: When Intergroup Contact Metacognitions Decrease Outgroup Tolerance.

Bed-sharing and SIDS: an evidence-based approach (2022)
Journal Article
Blair, P. S., Ball, H. L., Pease, A., & Fleming, P. J. (2023). Bed-sharing and SIDS: an evidence-based approach. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 108(4),

We read with interest the viewpoint article ‘Bed-sharing is a risk for sudden unexpected death in infancy’ written by David Tappin and his colleagues1 and feel the issues raised and some of the claims made need contextualising. Essentially this is a... Read More about Bed-sharing and SIDS: an evidence-based approach.

Quality of Life of the Elderly during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asian Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study across Six Countries (2022)
Journal Article
Marzo, R. R., Khanal, P., Ahmad, A., Rathore, F. A., Chauhan, S., Singh, A., Shrestha, S., AlRifai, A., Lotfizadeh, M., Younus, D. A., Billah, M. A., Rahman, F., Sivaladchanam, Y., Mohan, D., & Su, T. T. (2022). Quality of Life of the Elderly during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asian Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study across Six Countries. Life, 12(3), Article 365.

Background: Few studies have explored the determinants of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Identifying these factors may help implement appropriate policies to enhance HRQoL in the elderly. Therefore... Read More about Quality of Life of the Elderly during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asian Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study across Six Countries.

‘It All Kind of Links Really’: Young People’s Perspectives on the Relationship between Socioeconomic Circumstances and Health (2022)
Journal Article
Fairbrother, H., Woodrow, N., Crowder, M., Holding, E., Griffin, N., Er, V., Dodd-Reynolds, C., Egan, M., Lock, K., Scott, S., Summerbell, C., McKeown, R., Rigby, E., Kyle, P., & Goyder, E. (2022). ‘It All Kind of Links Really’: Young People’s Perspectives on the Relationship between Socioeconomic Circumstances and Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), Article 3679.

Meaningful inclusion of young people’s perceptions and experiences of inequalities is argued to be critical in the development of pro-equity policies. Our study explored young people’s perceptions of what influences their opportunities to be healthy... Read More about ‘It All Kind of Links Really’: Young People’s Perspectives on the Relationship between Socioeconomic Circumstances and Health.

A meta-analysis of the association between male dimorphism and fitness outcomes in humans (2022)
Journal Article
Lidborg, L. H., Cross, C. P., & Boothroyd, L. G. (2022). A meta-analysis of the association between male dimorphism and fitness outcomes in humans. eLife, 11, Article e65031.

Humans are sexually dimorphic: men and women differ in body build and composition, craniofacial structure, and voice pitch, likely mediated in part by developmental testosterone. Sexual selection hypotheses posit that, ancestrally, more 'masculine' m... Read More about A meta-analysis of the association between male dimorphism and fitness outcomes in humans.

Lost in translation - the influence of language on infant sleep research (2022)
Journal Article
Medvecová Tinková, L., & Ball, H. L. (2022). Lost in translation - the influence of language on infant sleep research. Sleep Health, 8(1), 96-100.

Objectives: We consider whether language shapes cultural interpretations of sleep in the family context using ethnographic data from the Czech Republic to explore one of the methods employed by Czech parents in helping their children aged 0-3 years t... Read More about Lost in translation - the influence of language on infant sleep research.

Strontium isotope identification of possible rural immigrants in 17th century mass graves at St. Gertrude Church cemetery in Riga, Latvia (2022)
Journal Article
Petersone‐Gordina, E., Montgomery, J., Millard, A. R., Nowell, G., Peterkin, J., Roberts, C. A., Gerhards, G., & Zelčs, V. (2022). Strontium isotope identification of possible rural immigrants in 17th century mass graves at St. Gertrude Church cemetery in Riga, Latvia. Archaeometry, 64(4), 1028-1043.

The aims of this study were to explore the origins of 19 children buried in two mass graves and the general cemetery at the post-medieval St Gertrude Church cemetery in Riga, Latvia, using strontium isotope analysis (87Sr/86Sr), and to establish loca... Read More about Strontium isotope identification of possible rural immigrants in 17th century mass graves at St. Gertrude Church cemetery in Riga, Latvia.

Pricing exotic options in the incomplete market: an imprecise probability method (2022)
Journal Article
He, T., Coolen, F., & Coolen-Maturi, T. (2022). Pricing exotic options in the incomplete market: an imprecise probability method. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 38(3), 422-440.

This paper considers a novel exotic option pricing method for incomplete markets. Nonparametric Predictive Inference (NPI) is applied to the option pricing procedure based on the binomial tree model allowing the method to evaluate exotic options with... Read More about Pricing exotic options in the incomplete market: an imprecise probability method.

Examining the relationship between parent/carer's attitudes, beliefs and their child's future participation in physics (2022)
Journal Article
Jones, K., & Hamer, J. (2022). Examining the relationship between parent/carer's attitudes, beliefs and their child's future participation in physics. International Journal of Science Education, 44(2), 201-222.

Despite girls enjoying and being good at physics, the proportion of girls studying physics and going into physics related careers still lags behind that of boys. A large volume of research exists on the factors related to the uptake of girls into phy... Read More about Examining the relationship between parent/carer's attitudes, beliefs and their child's future participation in physics.

Alone With Our Thoughts: Investigation of Autonomy Supportive Framing as a Driver of Enjoyment During Quiet Time in Solitude (2022)
Journal Article
Nguyen, T.-V., Weinstein, N., & Deci, E. (2022). Alone With Our Thoughts: Investigation of Autonomy Supportive Framing as a Driver of Enjoyment During Quiet Time in Solitude. Collabra: Psychology, 8(1),

Sitting alone with one’s thoughts could foster a sense of rest and relaxation, yet many find this activity difficult. In two preregistered experiments (Study 1: n = 266, Study 2: n = 369), we focused on autonomy-supportive and controlling framings of... Read More about Alone With Our Thoughts: Investigation of Autonomy Supportive Framing as a Driver of Enjoyment During Quiet Time in Solitude.

Achieving the ideas informed society: a Structural Equation Model for England (2022)
Journal Article
Brown, C., Groß-Ophoff, J., Chadwick, K., & Parkinson, S. (2022). Achieving the ideas informed society: a Structural Equation Model for England. Emerald Open Research, 4(4),

Background: Democratic societies thrive when citizens actively and critically engage with new ideas, developments and claims to truth. Not only can such practices result in more effective choice-making, but they can also lead to widespread support fo... Read More about Achieving the ideas informed society: a Structural Equation Model for England.

Perceptions of Emotional Functionality: Similarities and Differences Among Dignity, Face, and Honor Cultures (2022)
Journal Article
Maitner, A., DeCoster, J., Andersson, P., Eriksson, K., Sherbaji, S., Giner-Sorolla, R., Mackie, D., Aveyard, M., Claypool, H., Crisp, R., Gritskov, V., Habjan, K., Hartanto, A., Kiyonari, T., Kuzminska, A., Manesi, A., Molho, C., Munasinghe, A., Peperkoorn, L., Shiramizu, V., …Wu, J. (2022). Perceptions of Emotional Functionality: Similarities and Differences Among Dignity, Face, and Honor Cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(3-4), 263-288.

Emotions are linked to wide sets of action tendencies, and it can be difficult to predict which specific action tendency will be motivated or indulged in response to individual experiences of emotion. Building on a functional perspective of emotion,... Read More about Perceptions of Emotional Functionality: Similarities and Differences Among Dignity, Face, and Honor Cultures.