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Mohammad Hamidi's Outputs (9)

Exploring the determinants of household water treatment in Kabul: A COM-B model perspective in a low-income context (2024)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., & Greenwell, H. C. (2025). Exploring the determinants of household water treatment in Kabul: A COM-B model perspective in a low-income context. World Development, 188, Article 106902.

Access to clean drinking water remains a major challenge in low- and middle-income countries, causing premature death from waterborne diseases, especially in water-insecure settings such as Afghanistan. While technologies and solutions for household-... Read More about Exploring the determinants of household water treatment in Kabul: A COM-B model perspective in a low-income context.

The nature and determining factors of inter-household water transfers in Kabul, Afghanistan: a qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., Vasiljevic, M., & Greenwell, H. C. (online). The nature and determining factors of inter-household water transfers in Kabul, Afghanistan: a qualitative study. Environment, Development and Sustainability,

Inter-household water transfer is a common practice in water-scarce regions where households may rely on their neighbors or broader community to access water. However, the literature on inter-household water transfers is dominated by the notion of “b... Read More about The nature and determining factors of inter-household water transfers in Kabul, Afghanistan: a qualitative study.

Evaluation of the antibacterial properties of commonly used clays from deposits in central and southern Asia (2024)
Journal Article
Abdullayev, E., Paterson, J. R., Kuszynski, E. P., Hamidi, M. D., Nahar, P., Greenwell, H. C., Neumann, A., & Sharples, G. J. (2024). Evaluation of the antibacterial properties of commonly used clays from deposits in central and southern Asia. Clays and Clay Minerals, 72, Article e9.

One potential solution to the rising threat of antibacterial drug resistance is the application of therapeutic clays to treat wound infections. Clays with antibacterial activity have been identified from a range of sources with their antibacterial pr... Read More about Evaluation of the antibacterial properties of commonly used clays from deposits in central and southern Asia.

Between a rock and a hard place: A geosocial approach to water insecurity in Kabul (2024)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., Vasiljevic, M., Greenwell, H. C., & Stevenson, E. G. J. (2024). Between a rock and a hard place: A geosocial approach to water insecurity in Kabul. Water Security, 22, Article 100177.

Approximately 50% of the global population currently experiences severe water scarcity, a situation likely to intensify due to climate change. At the same time, the poorest population segments bear the greatest burden of water insecurity. This inters... Read More about Between a rock and a hard place: A geosocial approach to water insecurity in Kabul.

Investigating groundwater recharge using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in Kabul city, a semi-arid region (2023)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Gröcke, D. R., Kumar Joshi, S., & Greenwell, H. C. (2023). Investigating groundwater recharge using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in Kabul city, a semi-arid region. Journal of Hydrology, 626, Article 130187.

There are significant concerns about the sustainability of groundwater, and the inhabitants that depend on it, due to rapid groundwater depletion from the alluvium aquifers in Kabul city. Sustainable groundwater management in Kabul requires an unders... Read More about Investigating groundwater recharge using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in Kabul city, a semi-arid region.

Determinants of household safe drinking water practices in Kabul, Afghanistan: New insights from behavioural survey data (2023)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., & Greenwell, H. C. (2023). Determinants of household safe drinking water practices in Kabul, Afghanistan: New insights from behavioural survey data. Water Research, 244, Article 120521.

More than 2 billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water. Household water treatment (HWT) is an interim option for reducing the risk of water born disease. Understanding the factors that influence HWT behaviour is crucial for deliverin... Read More about Determinants of household safe drinking water practices in Kabul, Afghanistan: New insights from behavioural survey data.

Spatial estimation of groundwater quality, hydrogeochemical investigation, and health impacts of shallow groundwater in Kabul city, Afghanistan (2022)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Kissane, S., Bogush, A. A., Karim, A. Q., Sagintayev, J., Towers, S., & Greenwell, H. C. (2023). Spatial estimation of groundwater quality, hydrogeochemical investigation, and health impacts of shallow groundwater in Kabul city, Afghanistan. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 9(1), Article 20.

The management of groundwater in densely populated areas with no centralized water treatment is critical for the prevention of diseases and maintaining sanitation. Here, we determine the bacteriological and chemical characteristics of groundwater in... Read More about Spatial estimation of groundwater quality, hydrogeochemical investigation, and health impacts of shallow groundwater in Kabul city, Afghanistan.

Evaluation of Paired Watershed Runoff Relationships since Recovery from a Major Hurricane on a Coastal Forest—A Basis for Examining Effects of Pinus palustris Restoration on Water Yield (2021)
Journal Article
Amatya, D. M., Herbert, S., Trettin, C. C., & Hamidi, M. D. (2021). Evaluation of Paired Watershed Runoff Relationships since Recovery from a Major Hurricane on a Coastal Forest—A Basis for Examining Effects of Pinus palustris Restoration on Water Yield. Water, 13(21),

The objective of this study was to test pre-treatment hydrologic calibration relationships between paired headwater watersheds (WS77 (treatment) and WS80 (control)) and explain the difference in flow, compared to earlier published data, using daily r... Read More about Evaluation of Paired Watershed Runoff Relationships since Recovery from a Major Hurricane on a Coastal Forest—A Basis for Examining Effects of Pinus palustris Restoration on Water Yield.

Security implications of climate development in conflict-affected states implications of local-level effects of rural hydropower development on farmers in Herat (2021)
Journal Article
Krampe, F., Smith, E. S., & Hamidi, M. D. (2021). Security implications of climate development in conflict-affected states implications of local-level effects of rural hydropower development on farmers in Herat. Political Geography, 90, Article 102454.

Development initiatives aimed at mitigating or adapting to climate change impacts may result in unanticipated effects especially in conflict-affected contexts. To improved understanding of the implications of future climate development projects in co... Read More about Security implications of climate development in conflict-affected states implications of local-level effects of rural hydropower development on farmers in Herat.