A country that works for all children and young people: An evidence-based plan for building the foundations of a new "Sure Start" in and around education settings
Todd, L., Pini, S., Mathai, M., Wood, M., & et al. (2024). A country that works for all children and young people: An evidence-based plan for building the foundations of a new "Sure Start" in and around education settings. Child of the North and Centre for Young Lives
Dr Mohaddeseh Ziyachi's Outputs (4)
A ‘Cultural Models’ Approach to Psychotherapy for Refugees and Asylum Seekers: A Case Study from the UK (2024)
Journal Article
Ziyachi, M., & Castellani, B. (2024). A ‘Cultural Models’ Approach to Psychotherapy for Refugees and Asylum Seekers: A Case Study from the UK. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(5), Article 650. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph21050650Despite the existence of significant research on the mental health care challenges of migrants, particularly refugees and asylum seekers, less attention has been paid to treatment approaches. We used a case study from the UK to look at the topic from... Read More about A ‘Cultural Models’ Approach to Psychotherapy for Refugees and Asylum Seekers: A Case Study from the UK.
Iranian Motherhood: A Cognitive Approach (2023)
Ziyachi, M. (2023). Iranian Motherhood: A Cognitive Approach. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003406365
This book characterises the problematic status of motherhood in present-day Iranian society – that is, problem in the Foucauldian sense of an object of thought and a source of tension, not as a pathological issue – and explains the historical proce... Read More about Iranian Motherhood: A Cognitive Approach.
Mitigating the impact of air pollution on brain health and dementia: Policy and practice brief (2023)
Ziyachi, M., Castellani, B., Heckels, N., Clarke, C., Fullertonf, N., Barbrook-Johnson, P., & Bicketc, M. (2023). Mitigating the impact of air pollution on brain health and dementia: Policy and practice brief. [https://www.art-sciencefactory.com/InSPIREPolicyBrief.pdf]Emerging research suggests exposure to high levels of air pollution at critical points in the life course is detrimental to brain health, including cognitive decline and dementia. Social determinants such as socio-economic deprivation, environmental... Read More about Mitigating the impact of air pollution on brain health and dementia: Policy and practice brief.