Invited speaker at British and Irish Orthoptic Society, Stroke and Neuro rehab study day
Dr Kathleen Vancleef's Recognition (19)
Rising Star Award 2023
Description Organisation for Psychological Research in Stroke
Annual meeting of Organisation of Psychological Research into Stroke
Keynote speaker at Organisation for Psychological Research in Stroke Lowlands
Invited speaker at Welsh Stroke Conference
Description Invited speaker on screening for visual perception deficits after stroke, Welsh Stroke Conference, United Kingdom (online conference)
NIHR Advanced Fellowship
2021 - 2026
Description Advanced Fellowship for improving the life of stroke survivors with visual perception problems, funded by National Institute for Health and Social Care Research (£754,329), PI
Invited speaker at UK Stroke Forum
Description Invited speaker on screening for visual perception deficits after stroke, UK Stroke Forum
Invited speaker at British and Irish Orthoptic Society, Stroke and Neuro rehab study day
Description Invited speaker on screening for visual perception deficits after stroke, British and Irish Orthoptic Society, Stroke and Neuro rehab study day, Oxford, United Kingdom, cancelled due to Covid-19
Invited speaker for Neurointeressegroep
Invited speaker at Workshop Mary Kitzinger Trust
Description Invited speaker on Assessment of Cerebral Visual Impairment, Workshop Mary Kitzinger Trust
Postdoctoral Fellowship at Christ Church
2019 - 2021
Stroke Association Postdoctoral Fellowship
2018 - 2021
Description Postdoctoral Fellowship for investigating visual perception problems in stroke patients at University of Oxford, funded by Stroke Association (£ 175,000), PI
Invited speaker at CVI Symposium, Bartiméus
Description Invited speaker on Assessment of Cerebral Visual Impairment
CVI Symposium, Bartiméus, Zeist, The Netherlands
Best Abstract Award at British Isles Paediatric, Ophthalmology & Strabismus Association (BIPOSA)
Best Oral Presentation at Child Vision Research Society
Best Abstract Award for involving children in research by Young People’s Advisory Group North England
First prize at NHS Hack Day for innovative digital health application
Finalist at North of England Ophthalmological Society video competition
Runner-up Bright Ideas in Health Awards for Patient and Public Involvement