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Dr Jenny Lloyd's Outputs (28)

The education experiences of young people experiencing child criminal and sexual exploitation (2025)
Journal Article
Lloyd, J. (online). The education experiences of young people experiencing child criminal and sexual exploitation. British Educational Research Journal,

School exclusion forms part of the processes that can increase young people's risk of offending and involvement in exploitation and harm. However, little is known about the education experiences of young people impacted by harm, such as child sexual... Read More about The education experiences of young people experiencing child criminal and sexual exploitation.

Innovation in Social Care: New Approaches for Young People Affected by Extra-Familial Risks and Harms (2024)
Lefevre, M., Huegler, N., Lloyd, J., Owens, R., Damman, J., Ruch, G., & Firmin, C. (2024). Innovation in Social Care: New Approaches for Young People Affected by Extra-Familial Risks and Harms. Policy Press.

Based on the findings of the Innovate Project, a four year pan-UK study to identify the processes of innovation in care this book asks: how can services be re-envisioned and transformed through innovation? The authors provide an overview of the proje... Read More about Innovation in Social Care: New Approaches for Young People Affected by Extra-Familial Risks and Harms.

Relationship‐based practice and contextual safeguarding: Approaches to working with young people experiencing extra‐familial risk and harm (2023)
Journal Article
Lloyd, J., Hickle, K., Owens, R., & Peace, D. (2023). Relationship‐based practice and contextual safeguarding: Approaches to working with young people experiencing extra‐familial risk and harm. Children & Society, 38(4), 1113-1129.

This article explores the synergies between relationship-based practice and contextual safeguarding when working with young people experiencing extra-familial risk and harm (EFRH). The article draws on data from interviews, observations, policy revie... Read More about Relationship‐based practice and contextual safeguarding: Approaches to working with young people experiencing extra‐familial risk and harm.

Contextual Safeguarding: The Next Chapter (2023)
Firmin, C., & Lloyd, J. (Eds.). (2023). Contextual Safeguarding: The Next Chapter. Policy Press.

This book shares stories from child sexual exploitation, child criminal exploitation and peer violence about what has been learnt from the Contextual Safeguarding approach to understanding harm that happens to young people in their communities and wh... Read More about Contextual Safeguarding: The Next Chapter.

Developing outcomes measurements in Contextual Safeguarding: explorations of theory and practice (2023)
Book Chapter
Lloyd, J., & Owens, R. (2023). Developing outcomes measurements in Contextual Safeguarding: explorations of theory and practice. In C. Firmin, & J. Lloyd (Eds.), Contextual Safeguarding (147-159). Policy Press.

Ask any parent, or child, what a good outcome for a child would be and they are likely to talk about being ‘happy’ or ‘healthy’, ‘having friends’ or access to the things they need. Ask someone working in a quality assurance team in children's social... Read More about Developing outcomes measurements in Contextual Safeguarding: explorations of theory and practice.

From peers and parks to patriarchy and poverty: inequalities in young people’s experiences of extra-familial harm and the child protection system (2023)
Book Chapter
Wroe, L., Lloyd, J., & Manister, M. (2023). From peers and parks to patriarchy and poverty: inequalities in young people’s experiences of extra-familial harm and the child protection system. In C. Firmin, & J. Lloyd (Eds.), Contextual Safeguarding: The Next Chapter (17-29). Policy Press.

A body of social work literature evidences the relationship between the wider contexts of young people’s lives, such as poverty, austerity, racism and so on, their experiences of harm and the child protection response to it. This literature casts a l... Read More about From peers and parks to patriarchy and poverty: inequalities in young people’s experiences of extra-familial harm and the child protection system.

Identifying and responding to structural and system drivers of extra-familial harm using a Contextual Safeguarding approach (2023)
Book Chapter
Manister, M., Wroe, L., & Adams Elias, C. (2023). Identifying and responding to structural and system drivers of extra-familial harm using a Contextual Safeguarding approach. In C. Firmin, & J. Lloyd (Eds.), Contextual Safeguarding: The Next Chapter (30-43). Policy Press.

As the previous chapter has shown, there is a case to be made for thinking about context beyond physical location and into how inequalities shape the places and spaces where young people spend their time. By exploring how racism, poverty, ableism, se... Read More about Identifying and responding to structural and system drivers of extra-familial harm using a Contextual Safeguarding approach.

Social Care Responses to Children who Experience Criminal Exploitation and Violence: The Conditions for a Welfare Response (2023)
Journal Article
Lloyd, J., Manister, M., & Wroe, L. (2023). Social Care Responses to Children who Experience Criminal Exploitation and Violence: The Conditions for a Welfare Response. The British Journal of Social Work, 53(8), 3725-3743.

This article explores social care responses to children experiencing criminal exploitation and violence. The article draws on data from two children’s social care departments in England applying a Contextual Safeguarding framework to extra-familial h... Read More about Social Care Responses to Children who Experience Criminal Exploitation and Violence: The Conditions for a Welfare Response.

From behaviour-based to ecological: Multi-agency partnership responses to extra-familial harm (2023)
Journal Article
Owens, R., & Lloyd, J. (2023). From behaviour-based to ecological: Multi-agency partnership responses to extra-familial harm. Journal of Social Work, 23(4), 741–760.

Summary: In the United Kingdom (UK), inquiries into the abuse of adolescents harmed in contexts beyond their families frequently document failures in multi-agency arrangements. Forms of extra-familial harm, such as criminal and sexual exploitation, o... Read More about From behaviour-based to ecological: Multi-agency partnership responses to extra-familial harm.

How Schools are Addressing Harmful Sexual Behaviour: findings of 14 School Audits (2023)
Journal Article
Lloyd, J., & Walker, J. (2023). How Schools are Addressing Harmful Sexual Behaviour: findings of 14 School Audits. British Journal of Educational Studies, 71(3),

This article considers how schools are addressing harmful sexual behaviour occurring between students. In the context of policy and school inspection, driven by student disclosures of sexual harm, schools are being required to evidence responses to s... Read More about How Schools are Addressing Harmful Sexual Behaviour: findings of 14 School Audits.

Green Lights and Red Flags: The (Im)Possibilities of Contextual Safeguarding Responses to Extra-Familial Harm in the UK (2022)
Journal Article
Firmin, C., & Lloyd, J. (2022). Green Lights and Red Flags: The (Im)Possibilities of Contextual Safeguarding Responses to Extra-Familial Harm in the UK. Social Sciences, 11(7), Article 303.

Young people experience significant harm in a range of social contexts and from adults and peers unconnected to their caregivers. The recognition of this by policymakers in England, Scotland, and Wales has resulted in child protection policy framewor... Read More about Green Lights and Red Flags: The (Im)Possibilities of Contextual Safeguarding Responses to Extra-Familial Harm in the UK.

Life in a lanyard: developing an ethics of embedded research methods in children’s social care (2021)
Journal Article
Lloyd, J. (2021). Life in a lanyard: developing an ethics of embedded research methods in children’s social care. Journal of Children's Services, 16(4), 318-331.

This paper aims to consider the opportunities for embedded methodologies for research into children’s social care and the ethics of this method.

This study draws upon embedded research from a two-year study in... Read More about Life in a lanyard: developing an ethics of embedded research methods in children’s social care.

‘You’re not big, you’re just in Asia’: Expatriate embodiment and emotional experiences of size in Singapore§ [‘Tu n’es pas grosse, tu es tout simplement en Asie’: incarnation de l’expatriée et expériences émotionnelles de la taille à Singapour] (2019)
Journal Article
Lloyd, J. (2019). ‘You’re not big, you’re just in Asia’: Expatriate embodiment and emotional experiences of size in Singapore§ [‘Tu n’es pas grosse, tu es tout simplement en Asie’: incarnation de l’expatriée et expériences émotionnelles de la taille à Singapour]. Social and Cultural Geography, 20(6), 806-825.