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Christina Straub's Outputs (3)

The value of liminal cases in developing a narrative victimology: The case of families of people serving an indeterminate sentence for public protection (2023)
Journal Article
Mackenzie, K., Annison, H., Straub, C., & Condry, R. (online). The value of liminal cases in developing a narrative victimology: The case of families of people serving an indeterminate sentence for public protection. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 1-19.

This article contributes to the emerging literature on narrative victimology by examining what we will suggest to be a telling ‘liminal case’: families of people sentenced to Imprisonment for Public Protection in England and Wales. We draw on qualita... Read More about The value of liminal cases in developing a narrative victimology: The case of families of people serving an indeterminate sentence for public protection.