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Christina Straub's Outputs (9)

Early Days in Custody (2023)
O'Brien, K., & Straub, C. (2023). Early Days in Custody. Charity

The Early Days in Custody (EDiC) project is a prison-based crisis intervention delivered by NEPACS providing targeted support to prisoners and family members during the critical first two weeks of custody. The aim is to prevent (or soften) the shock... Read More about Early Days in Custody.

The value of liminal cases in developing a narrative victimology: The case of families of people serving an indeterminate sentence for public protection (2023)
Journal Article
Mackenzie, K., Annison, H., Straub, C., & Condry, R. (online). The value of liminal cases in developing a narrative victimology: The case of families of people serving an indeterminate sentence for public protection. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 1-19.

This article contributes to the emerging literature on narrative victimology by examining what we will suggest to be a telling ‘liminal case’: families of people sentenced to Imprisonment for Public Protection in England and Wales. We draw on qualita... Read More about The value of liminal cases in developing a narrative victimology: The case of families of people serving an indeterminate sentence for public protection.