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Dr Sarah Heaps' Outputs (16)

Structured prior distributions for the covariance matrix in latent factor models (2024)
Journal Article
Heaps, S. E., & Jermyn, I. H. (2024). Structured prior distributions for the covariance matrix in latent factor models. Statistics and Computing, 34(4), Article 143.

Factor models are widely used for dimension reduction in the analysis of multivariate data. This is achieved through decomposition of a p×p covariance matrix into the sum of two components. Through a latent factor representation, they can be interpre... Read More about Structured prior distributions for the covariance matrix in latent factor models.

A Bayesian spatio‐temporal model for short‐term forecasting of precipitation fields (2023)
Journal Article
Johnson, S. R., Heaps, S. E., Wilson, K. J., & Wilkinson, D. J. (2023). A Bayesian spatio‐temporal model for short‐term forecasting of precipitation fields. Environmetrics, 34(8),

With extreme weather events becoming more common, the risk posed by surface water flooding is ever increasing. In this work we propose a model, and associated Bayesian inference scheme, for generating short-term, probabilistic forecasts of localised... Read More about A Bayesian spatio‐temporal model for short‐term forecasting of precipitation fields.

A sparse Bayesian hierarchical vector autoregressive model for microbial dynamics in a wastewater treatment plant (2022)
Journal Article
Hannaford, N., Heaps, S., Nye, T., Curtis, T., Allen, B., Golightly, A., & Wilkinson, D. (2023). A sparse Bayesian hierarchical vector autoregressive model for microbial dynamics in a wastewater treatment plant. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 179,

Proper function of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) relies on maintaining a delicate balance between a multitude of competing microorganisms. Gaining a detailed understanding of the complex network of interactions therein is essential to maximisin... Read More about A sparse Bayesian hierarchical vector autoregressive model for microbial dynamics in a wastewater treatment plant.

Enforcing Stationarity through the Prior in Vector Autoregressions (2022)
Journal Article
Heaps, S. E. (2023). Enforcing Stationarity through the Prior in Vector Autoregressions. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 32(1), 74-83.

Stationarity is a very common assumption in time series analysis. A vector autoregressive process is stable if and only if the roots of its characteristic equation lie outside the unit circle, constraining the autoregressive coefficient matrices to l... Read More about Enforcing Stationarity through the Prior in Vector Autoregressions.

Encapsulated Nanodroplet Crystallization of Organic-Soluble Small Molecules (2020)
Journal Article
Tyler, A. R., Ragbirsingh, R., McMonagle, C. J., Waddell, P. G., Heaps, S. E., Steed, J. W., Thaw, P., Hall, M. J., & Probert, M. R. (2020). Encapsulated Nanodroplet Crystallization of Organic-Soluble Small Molecules. Chem, 6(7), 1755-1765.

Small molecules can form crystalline solids, in which individual molecules pack together into ordered three-dimensional arrays. Once a suitable crystal is grown, the packing and atomic connectivity of the constituent molecules can be studied by X-ray... Read More about Encapsulated Nanodroplet Crystallization of Organic-Soluble Small Molecules.