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Dr Patrick Kotzur's Outputs (4)

‘Society thinks they are cold and/or incompetent, but I do not’: Stereotype content ratings depend on instructions and the social group's location in the stereotype content space (2020)
Journal Article
Kotzur, P., Veit, S., Namyslo, A., Holthausen, M., Wagner, U., & Yemane, R. (2020). ‘Society thinks they are cold and/or incompetent, but I do not’: Stereotype content ratings depend on instructions and the social group's location in the stereotype content space. British Journal of Social Psychology, 59(4), 1018-1042.

How do we get people into contact? Predictors of intergroup contact and drivers of contact seeking (2020)
Journal Article
Kauff, M., Beneda, M., Paolini, S., Bilewicz, M., Kotzur, P., O'Donnell, A., Stevenson, C., Wagner, U., & Christ, O. (2021). How do we get people into contact? Predictors of intergroup contact and drivers of contact seeking. Journal of Social Issues, 77(1), 38-63.

Compared to the impressive amount of research on consequences of intergroup contact, relatively little work has been devoted to predictors of intergroup contact. Although opportunities for intergroup contact are constantly growing in modern diverse s... Read More about How do we get people into contact? Predictors of intergroup contact and drivers of contact seeking.

Social evaluation at a distance – facets of stereotype content about student groups in higher distance education (2020)
Journal Article
Bick, N., Froehlich, L., Friehs, M.-T., Kotzur, P., & Landmann, H. (2022). Social evaluation at a distance – facets of stereotype content about student groups in higher distance education. International Review of Social Psychology, 35(1), Article 12.

In the academic domain, belonging to a negatively stereotyped group can impair performance and peer relationships. In higher distance education, stereotypes may be particularly influential as face-to-face contact is limited and non-traditional studen... Read More about Social evaluation at a distance – facets of stereotype content about student groups in higher distance education.