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William Crozier's Outputs (21)

A medieval "abbreviatio": John Peckham's "Questio de existentia dei": Introduction and edition. (2023)
Journal Article
Crozier, W. (2023). A medieval "abbreviatio": John Peckham's "Questio de existentia dei": Introduction and edition. Recherches de théologie et de philosophie médiévales, 90(1), 49-73.

This essay offers an introduction to, and an edition of, the Questio de existentia dei found in MS. Todi 58, fol. 145ra-rb. This codex, which contains one of the earliest known complete transcriptions of the first book of Bonaventure’s Sentences comm... Read More about A medieval "abbreviatio": John Peckham's "Questio de existentia dei": Introduction and edition..

Philosophy’s Resurrection: Richard Fishacre on Theology, Light, and the Stars (2024)
Journal Article
Crozier, W. (2024). Philosophy’s Resurrection: Richard Fishacre on Theology, Light, and the Stars. New Blackfriars, 105(4), 384-400.

This article explores Richard Fishacre’s (1200–1248) thinking on the relationship between theology and philosophy. It shows how, despite constructing what, on the surface at least, appears to be a traditional understanding of theology’s relationship... Read More about Philosophy’s Resurrection: Richard Fishacre on Theology, Light, and the Stars.

'The Father of Lights': St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio on Light (2024)
Book Chapter
Crozier, W. 'The Father of Lights': St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio on Light. In V. Henkelmann, & M. Brietenstien (Eds.), Medieval Light Studies: The Presence, Use, and Symbolism of Light in the Middle Ages. Manuscript submitted for publication

St. Albert the Great and Robert Grosseteste on the nature and causes of comets (2023)
Journal Article
Crozier, W. (2023). St. Albert the Great and Robert Grosseteste on the nature and causes of comets. Journal for the History of Astronomy, 54(2),

Addressing a subject which has received very little attention, this article explores the interpretations of comets offered by St. Albert the Great (c. 1190–1280) and Robert Grosseteste (1168–1253). It shows how, despite prima facie convergences betwe... Read More about St. Albert the Great and Robert Grosseteste on the nature and causes of comets.

The Anatomy of Salvation: Robert Grosseteste on Christ’s Death, Passion, and Satisfaction (2022)
Journal Article
Crozier, W. (2022). The Anatomy of Salvation: Robert Grosseteste on Christ’s Death, Passion, and Satisfaction. Irish Theological Quarterly, 87(4), 259-378.

While Robert Grosseteste’s contribution to the 13th-century debate on the reason for the Incarnation is well known, his novel theory of what caused Christ’s death, and in particular the role which it plays in shaping his understanding of the atonemen... Read More about The Anatomy of Salvation: Robert Grosseteste on Christ’s Death, Passion, and Satisfaction.

Early Franciscan Theology: Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon and the Summa Halensis (2022)
Book Chapter
Crozier, W. (2022). Early Franciscan Theology: Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon and the Summa Halensis. In R. Van Nieuwenhove (Ed.), Introduction to Medieval Theology (199-231). (2nd edition). Cambridge University Press 2022.

Early Franciscan theology exerted an important influence but remains insufficiently known. This chapter treats of English theologians Robert Grosseteste and Roger Bacon, and the work attributed to Alexander of Hales and his circle, the Summa Halensis... Read More about Early Franciscan Theology: Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon and the Summa Halensis.

Book Review: Shawn M. Colberg, The Wayfarers End: Bonaventure and Aquinas on Divine and Rewards in Scripture and Sacred Doctrine (Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2020) in The Thomist 85.3 (2021), pp. 489-493. (2021)
Journal Article
Crozier, W., & Van Nieuwenhove, R. (online). Book Review: Shawn M. Colberg, The Wayfarers End: Bonaventure and Aquinas on Divine and Rewards in Scripture and Sacred Doctrine (Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2020) in The Thomist 85.3 (2021), pp. 489-493. The Thomist,

The Trinity (2020)
Book Chapter
Crozier, W., & Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2020). The Trinity. In The Oxford Handbook of Mystical Theology (465-485). Oxford: Oxford University Press