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Dr Jana Bacevic's Outputs (22)

What is social science if not critical? (2024)
Journal Article
Bacevic, J. (online). What is social science if not critical?. The British Journal of Sociology,

This short article represents a contribution to the debate on the motion “Social science is explanation, or it is nothing.” While in the format of parliamentary debating the contribution would fall on the side of the opposition, I will not be arguing... Read More about What is social science if not critical?.

No such thing as free speech? Performativity, free speech, and academic freedom in the UK (2024)
Journal Article
Bacevic, J. (2024). No such thing as free speech? Performativity, free speech, and academic freedom in the UK. Law and Critique,

The relationship between academic freedom and freedom of speech features prominently in public and political discussions concerning the role of universities in Western liberal democracies. Recently, these debates have attracted increased attention, o... Read More about No such thing as free speech? Performativity, free speech, and academic freedom in the UK.

Liberal fatalism, COVID 19 and the politics of impossibility (2024)
Journal Article
Bacevic, J., & McGoey, L. (2024). Liberal fatalism, COVID 19 and the politics of impossibility. Economy and Society, 53(1), 163-182.

How liberal governments manage knowledge, ignorance, prediction and uncertainty has attracted increased attention across the social sciences. In this paper, we analyse the strategy and rhetoric of the UK government during the COVID-19 pandemic, with... Read More about Liberal fatalism, COVID 19 and the politics of impossibility.

The politics of gender and identity (2023)
Book Chapter
Mackay, F., & Bacevic, J. (2023). The politics of gender and identity. In A. Morgan (Ed.), What Matters Most: Conversations on the Art of Living (3-12). Agenda Publishing.

Can we find a way through and even around the messy “gender wars” currently raging on-and offline? A 2021 profile of Finn Mackay in The Guardian described them as “the writer hoping to help end the gender wars”. However, in the days leading up to thi... Read More about The politics of gender and identity.

Encountering Berlant part 1: Concepts otherwise (2022)
Journal Article
Anderson, B., Aitken, S., Bacevic, J., Callard, F., Chung, K. D. (., Coleman, K. S., Hayden, R. F., Healy, S., Irwin, R. L., Jellis, T., Jukes, J., Khan, S., Marotta, S., Seitz, D. K., Snepvangers, K., Staples, A., Turner, C., Tse, J., Watson, M., & Wilkinson, E. (2023). Encountering Berlant part 1: Concepts otherwise. The Geographical Journal, 189(1), 117-142.

In Part 1 of ‘Encountering Berlant’, we encounter the promise and provocation of Lauren Berlant's work. In 1000-word contributions, geographers and others stay with what Berlant's thought offers contemporary human geography. They amplify an encounter... Read More about Encountering Berlant part 1: Concepts otherwise.

Epistemic injustice and epistemic positioning: towards an intersectional political economy (2021)
Journal Article
Bacevic, J. (2023). Epistemic injustice and epistemic positioning: towards an intersectional political economy. Current Sociology, 71(6), 1122-1140.

This article introduces the concept of epistemic positioning to theorize the relationship between identity-based epistemic judgements and the reproduction of social inequalities, including those of gender and ethnicity/race, in the academia. Acts of... Read More about Epistemic injustice and epistemic positioning: towards an intersectional political economy.

Why do we fail to predict social crises? (2021)
Book Chapter
Bacevic, J. (2022). Why do we fail to predict social crises?. In S. Jasanoff (Ed.), Un/certainty. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press

No such thing as sociological excuses? Performativity, rationality and social scientific expertise in late liberalism (2021)
Journal Article
Bacevic, J. (2021). No such thing as sociological excuses? Performativity, rationality and social scientific expertise in late liberalism. European Journal of Social Theory, 24(3), 394-410.

This article examines a frequent assumption of sociological accounts of knowledge: the idea that knowledge acts. The performativity of knowledge claims is here analysed through the prism of ‘sociological excuses’: the idea that sociological explanati... Read More about No such thing as sociological excuses? Performativity, rationality and social scientific expertise in late liberalism.

Unthinking knowledge production: from post-Covid to post-carbon futures (2020)
Journal Article
Bacevic, J. (2021). Unthinking knowledge production: from post-Covid to post-carbon futures. Globalizations, 18(7), 1206-1218.

The past years have witnessed a growing awareness of the role of institutions of knowledge production in reproducing the global climate crisis, from research funded by fossil fuel companies to the role of mainstream economics in fuelling the idea of... Read More about Unthinking knowledge production: from post-Covid to post-carbon futures.

With or without U? Assemblage theory and (de)territorialising the university (2018)
Journal Article
Bacevic, J. (2019). With or without U? Assemblage theory and (de)territorialising the university. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 17(1), 78-91.

Contemporary changes in the domain of knowledge production are usually seen as posing significant challenges to ‘the University’. This paper argues against the framing of the university as an ideal-type, and considers epistemic gains from treating un... Read More about With or without U? Assemblage theory and (de)territorialising the university.

What kind of university for what kind of society? Nation-states, post-national constellations, and higher education in the post-Yugoslav space (2016)
Book Chapter
Bacevic, J. (2016). What kind of university for what kind of society? Nation-states, post-national constellations, and higher education in the post-Yugoslav space. In P. Zgaga, U. Teichler, & J. Brennan (Eds.), The Globalisation Challenge for European Higher Education (287-308). Peter Lang AG.

The last decade has marked European higher education with particular dynamics. Today, after a decade of «connected» policy, national systems look much more convergent but new questions and dilemmas are emerging: about the nature and quality of higher... Read More about What kind of university for what kind of society? Nation-states, post-national constellations, and higher education in the post-Yugoslav space.

Education, conflict and class reproduction in socialist Yugoslavia (2016)
Book Chapter
Bacevic, J. (2016). Education, conflict and class reproduction in socialist Yugoslavia. In R. Archer, I. Duda, & P. Stubbs (Eds.), Social Inequalities and Discontent in Yugoslav Socialism (77 - 94). Taylor and Francis.

Introduction In 1974, the Parliament of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia adopted the Law on Vocational Education, marking the beginning of what would arguably be the most comprehensive education reform in the country’s history. The reform... Read More about Education, conflict and class reproduction in socialist Yugoslavia.