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Dr Laura Young's Outputs (2)

Design, manufacture, and evaluation of prototype telescope windows for use in low-vision aids (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Young, L., Robertson, D., Love, G., Girkin, J., Cowie, E., Bourgenot, C., & Courtial, J. (2017, November). Design, manufacture, and evaluation of prototype telescope windows for use in low-vision aids. Presented at Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XX, San Diego, California

Pixellated Optics, a class of optical devices which preserve phase front continuity only over small sub areas of the device, allow for a range of uses that would not otherwise be possible. One potential use is as Low Vision Aids (LVAs), where they ar... Read More about Design, manufacture, and evaluation of prototype telescope windows for use in low-vision aids.

Precise spatio-temporal control of rapid optogenetic cell ablation with mem-KillerRed in Zebrafish (2017)
Journal Article
Buckley, C., Carvalho, M., Young, L., Rider, S., McFadden, C., Berlage, C., …Mullins, J. (2017). Precise spatio-temporal control of rapid optogenetic cell ablation with mem-KillerRed in Zebrafish. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article 5096.

The ability to kill individual or groups of cells in vivo is important for studying cellular processes and their physiological function. Cell-specific genetically encoded photosensitizing proteins, such as KillerRed, permit spatiotemporal optogenetic... Read More about Precise spatio-temporal control of rapid optogenetic cell ablation with mem-KillerRed in Zebrafish.