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Dr Claire Hodson's Outputs (1)

Book Review: Outside Roman London: Roadside Burials by the Walbrook Stream: by S. Ranieri and A. Telfer. Pp. xix + 228, 129 illustrations. London: MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology), 2017. £10.00. ISBN 978-1-907586-44-6. Paperback. (2020)
Journal Article
Hodson, C. M. (2020). Book Review: Outside Roman London: Roadside Burials by the Walbrook Stream: by S. Ranieri and A. Telfer. Pp. xix + 228, 129 illustrations. London: MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology), 2017. £10.00. ISBN 978-1-907586-44-6. Paperback. The London Journal, 45(3), 347-349.