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Dr Claire Hodson's Outputs (10)

A macroscopic assessment of porosity and new bone formation on the inferior pars basilaris: Normal growth or an indicator of scurvy? (2024)
Journal Article
Eggington, J., Pitt, R., & Hodson, C. (2024). A macroscopic assessment of porosity and new bone formation on the inferior pars basilaris: Normal growth or an indicator of scurvy?. International Journal of Paleopathology, 45, 62-72.

This research aims to determine the aetiology of porosity and subperiosteal new bone formation on the inferior surface of the pars basilaris. A total of 199 non-adult individuals aged 36 weeks gestation to 3.5 years, from a total of 12 archaeological... Read More about A macroscopic assessment of porosity and new bone formation on the inferior pars basilaris: Normal growth or an indicator of scurvy?.

Guidance for the identification of bony lesions related to smallpox (2023)
Journal Article
Crawford, R. R., Hodson, C. M., & Errickson, D. (2024). Guidance for the identification of bony lesions related to smallpox. International Journal of Paleopathology, 44, 65-77.

This research aimed to address the underrepresentation of smallpox (osteomyelitis variolosa) in palaeopathology, providing a synthesis of published literature and presenting guidance for the identification of osteomyelitis variolosa in non-adult and... Read More about Guidance for the identification of bony lesions related to smallpox.

Contagion in the Capital: Exploring the Impact of Urbanisation and Infectious Disease Risk on Child Health in Nineteenth-Century London, England (2021)
Journal Article
Newman, S. L., & Hodson, C. M. (2021). Contagion in the Capital: Exploring the Impact of Urbanisation and Infectious Disease Risk on Child Health in Nineteenth-Century London, England. Childhood in the Past, 14(2), 177-192.

Nineteenth-century London was notorious for overcrowding, poor housing, and heavy air pollution. With a large proportion of its population living in conditions of poverty, diseases flourished as people were increasingly drawn to the industrialising c... Read More about Contagion in the Capital: Exploring the Impact of Urbanisation and Infectious Disease Risk on Child Health in Nineteenth-Century London, England.

Sex estimation of teeth at different developmental stages using dimorphic enamel peptide analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Gowland, R., Stewart, N. A., Crowder, K. D., Hodson, C., Shaw, H., Gron, K. J., & Montgomery, J. (2021). Sex estimation of teeth at different developmental stages using dimorphic enamel peptide analysis. American journal of physical anthropology, 174(4), 859-869.

Objectives This study tests, for the first time, the applicability of a new method of sex estimation utilizing enamel peptides on a sample of deciduous and permanent teeth at different stages of mineralization, from nonadults of unknown sex, includin... Read More about Sex estimation of teeth at different developmental stages using dimorphic enamel peptide analysis.

New Prospects for Investigating Early Life-Course Experiences and Health in Archaeological Fetal, Perinatal and Infant Individuals (2021)
Journal Article
Hodson, C. M. (2021). New Prospects for Investigating Early Life-Course Experiences and Health in Archaeological Fetal, Perinatal and Infant Individuals. Childhood in the Past, 14(1), 3-12.

Children have become firmly embedded within multidisciplinary investigations of young lives, yet within these studies, the youngest members of past populations persist in lingering on the margins of discussion. Fetal, perinatal and infant lives are t... Read More about New Prospects for Investigating Early Life-Course Experiences and Health in Archaeological Fetal, Perinatal and Infant Individuals.

Book Review: Outside Roman London: Roadside Burials by the Walbrook Stream: by S. Ranieri and A. Telfer. Pp. xix + 228, 129 illustrations. London: MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology), 2017. £10.00. ISBN 978-1-907586-44-6. Paperback. (2020)
Journal Article
Hodson, C. M. (2020). Book Review: Outside Roman London: Roadside Burials by the Walbrook Stream: by S. Ranieri and A. Telfer. Pp. xix + 228, 129 illustrations. London: MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology), 2017. £10.00. ISBN 978-1-907586-44-6. Paperback. The London Journal, 45(3), 347-349.

Like Mother, Like Child: Investigating Perinatal and Maternal Health Stress in Post-Medieval London (2019)
Book Chapter
Hodson, C. M., & Gowland, R. L. (2019). Like Mother, Like Child: Investigating Perinatal and Maternal Health Stress in Post-Medieval London. In R. Gowland, & S. Halcrow (Eds.), The mother-infant nexus in anthropology : small beginnings, significant outcomes (39-64). Springer Verlag.

Post-Medieval London (sixteenth-nineteenth centuries) was a stressful environment for the poor. Overcrowded and squalid housing, physically demanding and risky working conditions, air and water pollution, inadequate diet and exposure to infectious di... Read More about Like Mother, Like Child: Investigating Perinatal and Maternal Health Stress in Post-Medieval London.

Between Roundhouse and Villa: Assessing Perinatal and Infant Burials from Piddington, Northamptonshire (2017)
Journal Article
Hodson, C. M. (2017). Between Roundhouse and Villa: Assessing Perinatal and Infant Burials from Piddington, Northamptonshire. Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies, 48, 195-219.

The discovery of perinatal and infant individuals is common in the excavation of Iron Age and Romano-British domestic sites. In recent years, the discovery of many such burials has led to interpretations of infanticide and unceremonious disposal. Alt... Read More about Between Roundhouse and Villa: Assessing Perinatal and Infant Burials from Piddington, Northamptonshire.