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Emily Hanscam's Outputs (9)

From TRAC to TRAJ: Widening Debates in Roman Archaeology (2018)
Journal Article
Hanscam, E., & Quiery, J. (2018). From TRAC to TRAJ: Widening Debates in Roman Archaeology. Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal, 1(1), Article 9.

The publication of this first issue of the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal (TRAJ) is an indication of the accomplishments that the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (TRAC) has had in the past (nearly) three decades. In the editorial for... Read More about From TRAC to TRAJ: Widening Debates in Roman Archaeology.

Frontiers of Romania: Nationalism and the Ideological Space of the Roman Limes (2017)
Journal Article
Hanscam, E. (2017). Frontiers of Romania: Nationalism and the Ideological Space of the Roman Limes. Ex Novo (Roma), 2, 63-83

Modern Romania is a nation-state containing space which has long been considered marginal - first as part of the Roman Empire and now within the European Union. The national narrative of Romania highlights this liminality, focusing on the interaction... Read More about Frontiers of Romania: Nationalism and the Ideological Space of the Roman Limes.