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Professor Brett Smith's Outputs (26)

Research co-production: What is co-production, why do it, and how might it be practiced, evaluated, and move forward? (2025)
Book Chapter
Smith, B., & Williams, T. (in press). Research co-production: What is co-production, why do it, and how might it be practiced, evaluated, and move forward?. In M. D. Giardina, M. K. Donnelly, & D. J. Waldman (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Sport and Physical Culture. SAGE Publications

This chapter focuses on co-production. In the first section we cover the ‘what’ question without wishing to essentialize or ontological finalize the concept of co-production. To help with the ‘what ‘is’’ question, and respect difference, different ty... Read More about Research co-production: What is co-production, why do it, and how might it be practiced, evaluated, and move forward?.

Narrative Analysis (2023)
Book Chapter
Smith, B., & Javier, M. (2023). Narrative Analysis. In H. Cooper, M. N. Coutanche, L. M. McMullen, A. T. Panter, D. Rindskopf, & K. J. Sher (Eds.), APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Research designs: Quantitative, qualitative, neuropsychological, and biological. (2nd ed.). APA.

Co-production and Impact: Challenges and Opportunities (2023)
Book Chapter
Smith, B., & McGannon, K. R. (2023). Co-production and Impact: Challenges and Opportunities. In N. K. Denzin, Y. S. Lincoln, M. D. Giardina, & G. S. Cannella (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research. (6th). Sage

Para-Sport Activism in South Korea (2022)
Book Chapter
Smith, B. (2022). Para-Sport Activism in South Korea. In B. Powis, J. Brighton, & P. David Howe (Eds.), Researching Disability Sport. Routledge.

While there has been a recent increase in research on para-sport activism, little attention has been given to para-sport contexts in non-Western countries. Accordingly, in this chapter we discuss para-sport activism in South Korea. We begin by provid... Read More about Para-Sport Activism in South Korea.

Exercise, rehabilitation and posthuman disability studies: Four responses (2022)
Book Chapter
Monforte, J., Gibson, B. E., Smith, B., & Goodley, D. (2023). Exercise, rehabilitation and posthuman disability studies: Four responses. In Researching Disability Sport: Theory, Method, Practice (171-184). Routledge.

This chapter takes a detour from sport in the strict sense of the term. Instead, it focuses on exercise-based rehabilitation. In conventional rehabilitation, exercise is a means by which disabled people can return to their “normal” lives and recover... Read More about Exercise, rehabilitation and posthuman disability studies: Four responses.

What we Know and Where we are Going: The Trajectory of Cultural Sport Psychology (2022)
Book Chapter
de Cruz, N., & Smith, B. (2022). What we Know and Where we are Going: The Trajectory of Cultural Sport Psychology. In N. de Cruz (Ed.), Cultural Sport Psychology and Elite Sport in Singapore: An Exploration of Identity and Practice (1-17).

This book cuts across a range of conceptual and theoretical landscapes, traversing the fields of performance and sport psychology, culture, and its influence on Singapore’s elite sport ecosystem, and the consequent impact on the application and pract... Read More about What we Know and Where we are Going: The Trajectory of Cultural Sport Psychology.

Ethnography and Its Potential to Understand and Transform the Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury (2022)
Book Chapter
Monforte, J., Pérez-Samaniego, V., & Smith, B. (2022). Ethnography and Its Potential to Understand and Transform the Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury. In Rehabilitation in Practice: Ethnographic Perspectives (117-129).

This chapter accounts the contributions of ethnographic work for thinking affirmatively about the rehabilitation of spinal cord injury (SCI). The first part of the chapter will provide a concise overview of ethnographic research on SCI in the context... Read More about Ethnography and Its Potential to Understand and Transform the Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury.

Viewpoints toward disability: Conceptualizing disability in adapted physical education (2020)
Book Chapter
Haslett, D., & Smith, B. (2020). Viewpoints toward disability: Conceptualizing disability in adapted physical education. In J. Haegele, S. Hodge, & D. Shapiro (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Adapted Physical Education (48-64).

How we view disability is important. In this chapter, we evaluate the various ways that those interested in adapted physical education (APE) can explain and understand disability. First, two traditional conceptualizations of disability are critically... Read More about Viewpoints toward disability: Conceptualizing disability in adapted physical education.

Qualitative research in physical activity and health (2018)
Book Chapter
Smith, B., & Phoenix, C. (2018). Qualitative research in physical activity and health. In S. R. Bird (Ed.), Research Methods in Physical Activity and Health (109-116). Routledge.

Within the field of physical activity and health qualitative research is both growing and increasingly recognized for what it can offer. Painting with board strokes, this chapter offers an introduction to qualitative research. The chapter first highl... Read More about Qualitative research in physical activity and health.

Disability and physical activity (2017)
Book Chapter
Williams, T., & Smith, B. (2017). Disability and physical activity. In J. Piggin, L. Mansfield, & M. Weed (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice (284-297). London: Taylor and Francis.

This chapter explores the relationship between disability, health and physical activity. First we explore how disability is understood and the consequence this has on shaping medical practices and public health programmes. Next, we discuss the barrie... Read More about Disability and physical activity.

Narrative inquiry and autoethnography (2017)
Book Chapter
Smith, B. (2017). Narrative inquiry and autoethnography. In M. Silk, D. Andrews, & H. Thorpe (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Physical Cultural Studies (505-514). London: Taylor and Francis.

This chapter concerns narrative inquiry as a methodological contingency for physical cultural studies (PCS). It focuses on one narrative approach, that is autoethnography, and highlights several challenges that go with doing an autoethnography. Autoe... Read More about Narrative inquiry and autoethnography.

Opening the discussion (2016)
Book Chapter
Schinke, R. J., McGannon, K. R., & Smith, B. (2016). Opening the discussion. In R. J. Schinke, K. R. McGannon, & B. Smith (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sport Psychology (1-6). London: Taylor and Francis.

Psychology and sociology in sport studies (2015)
Book Chapter
Smith, B., & McGannon, K. (2015). Psychology and sociology in sport studies. In R. Giulianotti (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Sport (194 - 204). Taylor and Francis.

This chapter aims to understand the intersections between sport and class that is crucial because virtually every experience of sport and physical movement is infused with class. ‘Social class, both on its own and in combination with gender, race/eth... Read More about Psychology and sociology in sport studies.