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Professor Brett Smith's Outputs (168)

Disability sport and activist identities: A qualitative study of narratives of activism among elite athletes’ with impairment (2016)
Journal Article
Smith, B., Bundon, A., & Best, M. (2016). Disability sport and activist identities: A qualitative study of narratives of activism among elite athletes’ with impairment. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 26, 139-148.

Objectives: Sport and exercise psychology has recently expanded into how it can be utilized to enable social missions like activism. No research, however, has examined activist identities among disabled, elite athletes. This article is the first to e... Read More about Disability sport and activist identities: A qualitative study of narratives of activism among elite athletes’ with impairment.

Opening the discussion (2016)
Book Chapter
Schinke, R. J., McGannon, K. R., & Smith, B. (2016). Opening the discussion. In R. J. Schinke, K. R. McGannon, & B. Smith (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sport Psychology (1-6). London: Taylor and Francis.

Collective stories and well-being: Using a dialogical narrative approach to understand peer relationships among combat veterans experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (2015)
Journal Article
Caddick, N., Phoenix, C., & Smith, B. (2015). Collective stories and well-being: Using a dialogical narrative approach to understand peer relationships among combat veterans experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Health Psychology, 20(3), 286-299.

Psychology and sociology in sport studies (2015)
Book Chapter
Smith, B., & McGannon, K. (2015). Psychology and sociology in sport studies. In R. Giulianotti (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Sport (194 - 204). Taylor and Francis.

This chapter aims to understand the intersections between sport and class that is crucial because virtually every experience of sport and physical movement is infused with class. ‘Social class, both on its own and in combination with gender, race/eth... Read More about Psychology and sociology in sport studies.

Narrative as a knowledge translation tool for facilitating impact: Translating physical activity knowledge to disabled people and health professionals (2015)
Journal Article
Smith, B., Tomasone, J., Latimer-Cheung, A., & Martin Ginis, K. (2015). Narrative as a knowledge translation tool for facilitating impact: Translating physical activity knowledge to disabled people and health professionals. Health Psychology, 34(4), 303-313.

Objective: Theoretically informed by narrative inquiry, this article examines the utility of stories as a possible tool for disseminating synthesized physical activity knowledge to adults with spinal cord injury (SCI) and health care professionals (H... Read More about Narrative as a knowledge translation tool for facilitating impact: Translating physical activity knowledge to disabled people and health professionals.