Towards a Symptomatology of Globalization and Its Discontents: Geoengineering, Immunology, and the Phantasma of Sovereignty in Reinhard Jirgl's Nichts von euch auf Erden
Journal Article
Radisoglou, A. (in press). Towards a Symptomatology of Globalization and Its Discontents: Geoengineering, Immunology, and the Phantasma of Sovereignty in Reinhard Jirgl's Nichts von euch auf Erden. Monatshefte (Madison, Wis. 1946. Online), 117(3),
Dr Alexis Radisoglou's Outputs (13)
(Post-)Global Constellations (2023)
Book Chapter
Radisoglou, A. (Post-)Global Constellations. In A. Byford, & C. Nitschke (Eds.), Modern Languages and Cultures: A Handbook. De Gruyter
Anthropocene Realism: On Nikolaus Geyrhalter's Erde and the Limits of a Cumulative Aesthetic (2022)
Journal Article
Radisoglou, A. (2022). Anthropocene Realism: On Nikolaus Geyrhalter's Erde and the Limits of a Cumulative Aesthetic. Austrian Studies, 30, 47-62.
Ethnoplanetarity as Postglobality: Four Theses and a Postscript on a Contemporary Decolonial Constellation (2022)
Book Chapter
Radisoglou, A. (2022). Ethnoplanetarity as Postglobality: Four Theses and a Postscript on a Contemporary Decolonial Constellation. In G. Müller, & B. Loy (Eds.), Postglobal Aesthetics: 21st Century Latin American Literatures and Cultures (29-44). De Gruyter.
Introduction: Figuring the Planet: Post-Global Perspectives on German Literature (2022)
Journal Article
Radisoglou, A., & Schaub, C. (2022). Introduction: Figuring the Planet: Post-Global Perspectives on German Literature. The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory, 97(2), 125-133.
'Interview mit Fatma Aydemir und Hengameh Yaghoobifarah'. Web project 'literatür'. Goethe Institute Istanbul (2021)
Digital Artefact
Radisoglou, A. (online). 'Interview mit Fatma Aydemir und Hengameh Yaghoobifarah'. Web project 'literatür'. Goethe Institute Istanbul
What is the EU Novel? Arche-Teleology, Queer Temporality, and the Contested Domain of Europe in Robert Menasse's Die Hauptstadt and Angela Dimitrakaki's Aeroplast (2021)
Journal Article
Radisoglou, A. (2021). What is the EU Novel? Arche-Teleology, Queer Temporality, and the Contested Domain of Europe in Robert Menasse's Die Hauptstadt and Angela Dimitrakaki's Aeroplast. Modern Language Review, 116(4), 553-587.
Ethnoplanetarity: Contemporaneity and Scale in Patricio Guzmán’s Nostalgia de la luz and El botón de nácar (2019)
Book Chapter
Radisoglou, A. (2019). Ethnoplanetarity: Contemporaneity and Scale in Patricio Guzmán’s Nostalgia de la luz and El botón de nácar. In S. Ferdinand, I. Villaescusa Illán, & E. Peeren (Eds.), Other Globes: Past and Peripheral Imaginations of Globalization (195-211). Palgrave Macmillan. volume challenges dominant imaginations of globalization by highlighting alternative visions of the globe, world, earth, or planet that abound in cultural, social, and political practice. In the contemporary context of intensive globalization, r... Read More about Ethnoplanetarity: Contemporaneity and Scale in Patricio Guzmán’s Nostalgia de la luz and El botón de nácar.
Catastrophic Histories, Planetary Futures: Aesthetics for the Anthropocene in Alexander Kluge, Sebastião Salgado, and Anselm Kiefer (2018)
Book Chapter
Radisoglou, A. (2018). Catastrophic Histories, Planetary Futures: Aesthetics for the Anthropocene in Alexander Kluge, Sebastião Salgado, and Anselm Kiefer. In G. Dürbeck, & J. Nesselhauf (Eds.), Representations of the Anthropocene in Literature and the Media (199-217). Peter Lang. with representations of catastrophic histories and ‘planetary futures’ in the photography of Sebastião Salgado, in sculpture and painting by Anselm Kiefer, and the fictional work of Alexander Kluge, the article examines the formal heterogene... Read More about Catastrophic Histories, Planetary Futures: Aesthetics for the Anthropocene in Alexander Kluge, Sebastião Salgado, and Anselm Kiefer.
"Cet objet de plus en plus réduit qu’est le monde"? Vom Globus und Planeten bei Christoph Ransmayr und Laurent Mauvignier (2018)
Book Chapter
Radisoglou, A. (2018). "Cet objet de plus en plus réduit qu’est le monde"? Vom Globus und Planeten bei Christoph Ransmayr und Laurent Mauvignier. In M. Frenzel, K. Geist, & C. Oberrauch (Eds.), Ein Ort, viel Raum(theorie)? – Fiktive Imaginationen gleicher Orte/Räume (93-111). University of Bamberg Press.
Jenseits der Pässe: Wolfgang Hildesheimer — Eine Biographie (2018)
Journal Article
Radisoglou, A. (2018). Jenseits der Pässe: Wolfgang Hildesheimer — Eine Biographie. Modern Language Review, 113(1), 277-279.
Amy J. Elias and Christian Moraru, eds. The Planetary Turn: Relationality and Geoaesthetics in the Twenty-First Century. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2015 (2017)
Journal Article
Radisoglou, A. (2017). Amy J. Elias and Christian Moraru, eds. The Planetary Turn: Relationality and Geoaesthetics in the Twenty-First Century. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2015.
"Ist der Schreibtisch vielleicht der Ort der Gespenster?" Hantologie, Erinnerung und Alterität in Wolfgang Hildesheimers Tynset und W.G. Sebalds Austerlitz (2016)
Journal Article
Radisoglou, A. (2016). "Ist der Schreibtisch vielleicht der Ort der Gespenster?" Hantologie, Erinnerung und Alterität in Wolfgang Hildesheimers Tynset und W.G. Sebalds Austerlitz