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Professor Benedetta Cappellini's Outputs (4)

The Italian breakfast: Mulino Bianco and the advent of a family practice (1975-1995) (2018)
Journal Article
Pirani, D., Cappellini, B., & Harman, V. (2018). The Italian breakfast: Mulino Bianco and the advent of a family practice (1975-1995). European Journal of Marketing, 52(12), 2478-2498.

Purpose This paper aims to examine how Mulino Bianco, an iconic Italian bakery brand, has reshaped the symbolic and material aspects of breakfast in Italy, transforming a declining practice into a common family occasion. Design/methodology/approach A... Read More about The Italian breakfast: Mulino Bianco and the advent of a family practice (1975-1995).

Cycling into headwinds: analysing mobility practices that inhibit sustainability (2018)
Journal Article
Scheurendrand, K., Parsons, E., Cappellini, B., & Patterson, A. (2018). Cycling into headwinds: analysing mobility practices that inhibit sustainability. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 37(2), 227-244.

Using the example of cycling, the authors contribute to public policy debates surrounding sustainability. They employ practice theory to shift the debate away from consumer choice and agency to examine instead why sustainable practices are not always... Read More about Cycling into headwinds: analysing mobility practices that inhibit sustainability.

Shouting on Social Media? A borderscapes perspective on a contentious hashtag (2018)
Journal Article
Cappellini, B., Kravets, O., & Reppel, A. (2019). Shouting on Social Media? A borderscapes perspective on a contentious hashtag. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 145, 428-437.

This article extends the concept of borderscapes to understand the role of hashtags, a social media content sorting device, in organizing public conversations on important social issues. We examine a highly contentious hashtag, shout your abortion, t... Read More about Shouting on Social Media? A borderscapes perspective on a contentious hashtag.

Unpacking the lunchbox: biopedagogies, mothering and social class (2018)
Journal Article
Cappellini, B., & Harman, V. (2018). Unpacking the lunchbox: biopedagogies, mothering and social class. Sociology of Health & Illness, 40(7), 1200-1214.

This study investigates how mothers respond to school surveillance of their children's packed lunches. In a context where increasing attention is focused on healthy eating, we adopt a biopedagogical approach to illustrate different positions and stra... Read More about Unpacking the lunchbox: biopedagogies, mothering and social class.