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Biography I am an Associate Professor in Politics and Islam at the School of Government and International Affairs at Durham, where I research and teach the comparative politics of the Middle East. I study the dilemmas of Islamism in the wake of the Arab uprisings, looking at the ambiguities and internal dynamics of contemporary Islamist mobilizations, with fieldwork funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust and the Project on Middle East Political Science. I also research civil society activism.

Before coming to Durham I spent three years as a Fellow by Examination at Magdalen College, Oxford. Previously, I worked as a foreign correspondent with the Guardian, with postings in Islamabad, Baghdad, Beirut, and Jerusalem. I have a BA in History from Cambridge and an MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies and a DPhil in Oriental Studies from Oxford. I am a Fellow of the HEA.
Research Interests Islamism
Comparative Politics of the Middle East
Contentious Politics
ResearcherID H-9909-2019
Scopus Author ID 56153982400