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Professor Rudolf Sinkovics' Outputs (141)

Cultivating learning and fostering flexibility in international distribution (2011)
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R. R., & Roath, A. S. (2012). Cultivating learning and fostering flexibility in international distribution. der markt, 51(1), 3-12.

Research examining the relationship among learning orientation, strategic flexibility, and performance is assessed in an international setting focused on exporting manufacturers involved in contractual relationships with foreign distributors. Adoptin... Read More about Cultivating learning and fostering flexibility in international distribution.

Policy-driven clusters, interfirm interactions and firm internationalisation: Some insights from Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor (2011)
Journal Article
Richardson, C., Yamin, M., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2012). Policy-driven clusters, interfirm interactions and firm internationalisation: Some insights from Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor. International Business Review, 21(5),

This paper investigates the impact of social and business interactions on firm internationalisation within the context of an industrial cluster created from scratch by policymakers. Based on in-depth interviews with firms in Malaysia's Multimedia Sup... Read More about Policy-driven clusters, interfirm interactions and firm internationalisation: Some insights from Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor.

Multilingual elite-interviews and software-based analysis (2011)
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R. R., & Penz, E. (2011). Multilingual elite-interviews and software-based analysis. International Journal of Market Research, 53(5), 705-724.

Qualitative international research is increasingly popular in marketing, management and business practice. Cultural dimensions, most importantly language, play a central role in this research context. The importance of language in the context of ques... Read More about Multilingual elite-interviews and software-based analysis.

A conceptualization of e-risk perceptions and implications for small firm active online internationalization (2011)
Journal Article
Pezderka, N., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2011). A conceptualization of e-risk perceptions and implications for small firm active online internationalization. International Business Review, 20(4), 409-422.

A sound conceptualization of international e-risks has grown in demand, because of the increasing penetration of the Internet, and specifically the enabling-facility of the Internet technology for small firms. Yet, to date, there has been no study ex... Read More about A conceptualization of e-risk perceptions and implications for small firm active online internationalization.

Comunidades online, comunidades virtuales y mundos virtuales: una revisión teórica y aplicación empresarial (2010)
Journal Article
Molina, F. J., Sinkovics, R. R., Penz, E., & Lopez, E. (2010). Comunidades online, comunidades virtuales y mundos virtuales: una revisión teórica y aplicación empresarial. Investigación y marketing, 107, 40-45

El avance de las nuevas tecnologías y sobre todo de Internet ha promovido nuevas herramientas tales como las comunidades virtuales, las comunidades online y los mundos virtuales. Estas aplicaciones son vistas como fuentes de información utilizadas p... Read More about Comunidades online, comunidades virtuales y mundos virtuales: una revisión teórica y aplicación empresarial.

The role of virtual integration, commitment, and knowledge-sharing in improving international supplier responsiveness (2010)
Book Chapter
Jean, R.-J. B., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2010). The role of virtual integration, commitment, and knowledge-sharing in improving international supplier responsiveness. . Palgrave Macmillan.

In order to enhance local suppliers’ responsiveness in international exchange relationships, international MNE customers must work with their local suppliers to create new form of relationship structures. Cultural and country differences may limit th... Read More about The role of virtual integration, commitment, and knowledge-sharing in improving international supplier responsiveness.

Cross-border relationships and performance: Revisiting a complex linkage - A commentary essay (2010)
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R. R., Jean, R.-J. B., & Pezderka, N. (2010). Cross-border relationships and performance: Revisiting a complex linkage - A commentary essay. Journal of Business Research, 63(12), 1368-1371.

Obadia and Vida (2010) extend a prominent theme in the export performance literature, by explicitly addressing "importer role performance.” The commentary essay here builds on a significant volume of work dealing with behavioral dimensions in cross-b... Read More about Cross-border relationships and performance: Revisiting a complex linkage - A commentary essay.

ICT deployment and resource-based power in multinational enterprises (2010)
Journal Article
Yamin, M., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2010). ICT deployment and resource-based power in multinational enterprises. Futures, 42(9), 952-959.

Applying a resource-dependency perspective to intra-multinational enterprise (MNE) power [53,54], this paper examines the effect of the deployment of advanced ICT and particularly the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Alth... Read More about ICT deployment and resource-based power in multinational enterprises.

Between merger and syndrome: The intermediary role of emotions in four cross-border M&As (2010)
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R. R., Zagelmeyer, S., & Kusstatscher, V. (2011). Between merger and syndrome: The intermediary role of emotions in four cross-border M&As. International Business Review, 20(1), 27-47.

Recent M&A studies on human issues frequently call upon the 'merger syndrome' as a typical post-merger phenomenon and a concept used to describe the - usually negative - effects on the attitudes and behaviour of employees in the affected organization... Read More about Between merger and syndrome: The intermediary role of emotions in four cross-border M&As.

Relationship learning and performance enhancement via advanced information technology: The case of Taiwanese dragon electronics firms (2010)
Journal Article
Jean, R.-J. B., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2010). Relationship learning and performance enhancement via advanced information technology: The case of Taiwanese dragon electronics firms. International Marketing Review, 27(2), 200-222.

Purpose – There has been growing interest on how emerging country firms can improve collaborative relationships with their international supply chain partners and improve performance outcomes. This paper aims to develop and test a model which emphasi... Read More about Relationship learning and performance enhancement via advanced information technology: The case of Taiwanese dragon electronics firms.

Enhancing international customer-supplier relationships through IT resources: A study of Taiwanese electronics suppliers (2010)
Journal Article
Jean, R.-J. B., Sinkovics, R. R., & Cavusgil, S. T. (2010). Enhancing international customer-supplier relationships through IT resources: A study of Taiwanese electronics suppliers. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(7), 1218-1239.

The growing popularity of outsourcing and offshore-partnering activities raises the issue of what strategies are appropriate for firms to successfully manage customer–supplier relationships in the international context. Little has been written about... Read More about Enhancing international customer-supplier relationships through IT resources: A study of Taiwanese electronics suppliers.

Drivers and performance outcomes of relationship learning for suppliers in cross-border customer–supplier relationships: The role of communication culture (2010)
Journal Article
Jean, R.-J. '., Sinkovics, R. R., & Kim, D. (2010). Drivers and performance outcomes of relationship learning for suppliers in cross-border customer–supplier relationships: The role of communication culture. Journal of International Marketing, 18(1), 63-85.

Recently, relationship learning between supply chain members has drawn a great deal of attention in the literature. In the context of the international electronics supply chain, which is characterized by cultural differences and complexity of product... Read More about Drivers and performance outcomes of relationship learning for suppliers in cross-border customer–supplier relationships: The role of communication culture.

Understanding the impact of relational capital and organizational learning on alliance outcomes (2009)
Journal Article
Liu, C.-L. (., Ghauri, P. N., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2010). Understanding the impact of relational capital and organizational learning on alliance outcomes. Journal of World Business, 45(3),

This paper examines how relational capital influences the acquisition of knowledge among alliance partners. We propose that firms with higher levels of inter- and intrafirm learning are better able to achieve superior alliance outcomes. A conceptual... Read More about Understanding the impact of relational capital and organizational learning on alliance outcomes.

Social distance between residents and international tourists - Implications for international business (2009)
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R. R., & Penz, E. (2009). Social distance between residents and international tourists - Implications for international business. International Business Review, 18(5), 457-469.

This paper uses the social distance concept and employs a revised version of Bogardus' [Bogardus, E. S. (1933b). Social problems and social processes: Selected papers from the proceedings of the American sociological society. Chicago, IL: University... Read More about Social distance between residents and international tourists - Implications for international business.

Information technology-based innovation in international marketing education: A comparison of learning environments (2009)
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R. R., Haghirian, P., & Yu, S. (2009). Information technology-based innovation in international marketing education: A comparison of learning environments. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 20(2), 123-148.

Information technology (IT) innovations have and continue to have a significant impact on international marketing practice and customer interactions. With the marketing environment becoming increasingly dependent on technology, marketing teaching in... Read More about Information technology-based innovation in international marketing education: A comparison of learning environments.

Qualitative Analyse von Online Communities für Neuproduktentscheidungen (2009)
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R., Penz, E., & Molina Castillo, F. J. (2009). Qualitative Analyse von Online Communities für Neuproduktentscheidungen. der markt, 48(1), 61-72.

In zunehmendem Maße verwenden KonsumentInnen computer-basierte Kommunikationsformen, Bulletin-boards, Newsgroups, Chatrooms, Emailverteiler und Webseiten und sonstige online Formate um sich auszutauschen beziehungsweise um nach Produkten zu recherchi... Read More about Qualitative Analyse von Online Communities für Neuproduktentscheidungen.