Book Review: A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about International Business
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R. R. (2009). Book Review: A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about International Business. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 5(4), 618-619.
Professor Rudolf Sinkovics' Outputs (8)
Die Wirtschaftskrise und Intellectual Property in China - Perspektiven aus der KFZ-Zulieferindustrie (2009)
Book Chapter
Sinkovics, R. R., Hiebaum, T., & Clark, D. (2009). Die Wirtschaftskrise und Intellectual Property in China - Perspektiven aus der KFZ-Zulieferindustrie. . CDHAW Chinsisch-Deutsche Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften der Tongji-Universität
Understanding the impact of relational capital and organizational learning on alliance outcomes (2009)
Journal Article
Liu, C.-L. (., Ghauri, P. N., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2010). Understanding the impact of relational capital and organizational learning on alliance outcomes. Journal of World Business, 45(3), paper examines how relational capital influences the acquisition of knowledge among alliance partners. We propose that firms with higher levels of inter- and intrafirm learning are better able to achieve superior alliance outcomes. A conceptual... Read More about Understanding the impact of relational capital and organizational learning on alliance outcomes.
Social distance between residents and international tourists - Implications for international business (2009)
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R. R., & Penz, E. (2009). Social distance between residents and international tourists - Implications for international business. International Business Review, 18(5), 457-469. paper uses the social distance concept and employs a revised version of Bogardus' [Bogardus, E. S. (1933b). Social problems and social processes: Selected papers from the proceedings of the American sociological society. Chicago, IL: University... Read More about Social distance between residents and international tourists - Implications for international business.
Information technology-based innovation in international marketing education: A comparison of learning environments (2009)
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R. R., Haghirian, P., & Yu, S. (2009). Information technology-based innovation in international marketing education: A comparison of learning environments. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 20(2), 123-148. technology (IT) innovations have and continue to have a significant impact on international marketing practice and customer interactions. With the marketing environment becoming increasingly dependent on technology, marketing teaching in... Read More about Information technology-based innovation in international marketing education: A comparison of learning environments.
Special Issue: Qualitative Marketing Forschung – Konzeptionelle Entwicklungen und Methodische Trends (2009)
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R. R. (2009). Special Issue: Qualitative Marketing Forschung – Konzeptionelle Entwicklungen und Methodische Trends. der markt, 48(1), 3-5.
Qualitative Analyse von Online Communities für Neuproduktentscheidungen (2009)
Journal Article
Sinkovics, R., Penz, E., & Molina Castillo, F. J. (2009). Qualitative Analyse von Online Communities für Neuproduktentscheidungen. der markt, 48(1), 61-72. zunehmendem Maße verwenden KonsumentInnen computer-basierte Kommunikationsformen, Bulletin-boards, Newsgroups, Chatrooms, Emailverteiler und Webseiten und sonstige online Formate um sich auszutauschen beziehungsweise um nach Produkten zu recherchi... Read More about Qualitative Analyse von Online Communities für Neuproduktentscheidungen.
The use of partial least squares path modeling in international marketing (2009)
Book Chapter
Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2009). The use of partial least squares path modeling in international marketing. In R. R. Sinkovics, & P. N. Ghauri (Eds.), New Challenges to International Marketing (277-319). Emerald. order to determine the status quo of PLS path modeling in international marketing research, we conducted an exhaustive literature review. An evaluation of double-blind reviewed journals through important academic publishing databases (e.g., ABI/In... Read More about The use of partial least squares path modeling in international marketing.