Baichuan Liu
Biography | My work focuses on the intersections between development and political geographies. I am broadly interested in the geographies of borderland, territorialisation, biopolitics and development. Recently, I have grown an increasing interest in theorising human geography beyond a horizontal-vertical binary, through the ideas of slope, ascent/descent and terrain. My current postgraduate research concerns the Himalayan borderland and I seek to understand the role of d/Development (both large-scale infrastructural schemes and everyday developmentalism) in shaping nationalism, borderland and coloniality between Nepal, China, India and Bhutan. Specifically speaking, I am interested in the concept of Bianmin (frontier people), the their cross-border movements in shaping a particular territory. For my undergraduate research, I studied Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Western China in relations to the various conceptualisations of biopolitics - both as a apparatus of governmentality and as a tool of dispossession. Outside the academia, I love backpacking, film photography and skiing :) BA Geography, St Anne's College, University of Oxford Master of Public Administration, London School of Economics & Columbia University |