Anticipated organizational identity change, job anxiety and affective commitment during macro-level turbulence: a cross-lagged study in the shifting sands of Brexit
Journal Article
Edwards, M. R., Leite, A. C., de Moura, G. R., Marques, A. G., & Abrams, D. (online). Anticipated organizational identity change, job anxiety and affective commitment during macro-level turbulence: a cross-lagged study in the shifting sands of Brexit. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,
The current study examines how events external to organizations raise a challenge to perceptions of organizational identity continuity leading to a negative affective and attitudinal workforce response. This 5-wave study surveys full-time employees (... Read More about Anticipated organizational identity change, job anxiety and affective commitment during macro-level turbulence: a cross-lagged study in the shifting sands of Brexit.