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Dr Ana Leite's Outputs (4)

“We aren’t idlers”: Using subjective group dynamics to promote prosocial driver behavior at long‐wait stops (2018)
Journal Article
Player, A., Abrams, D., Van de Vyver, J., Meleady, R., Leite, A., Randsley de Moura, G., & Hopthrow, T. (2018). “We aren’t idlers”: Using subjective group dynamics to promote prosocial driver behavior at long‐wait stops. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48(11), 643-648.

Idling engines are a substantial air pollutant which contribute to many health and environmental problems. In this field experiment (N = 419) we use the subjective group dynamics framework to test ways of motivating car drivers to turn off idle engin... Read More about “We aren’t idlers”: Using subjective group dynamics to promote prosocial driver behavior at long‐wait stops.

Longitudinal effects of human supremacy beliefs and vegetarianism threat on moral exclusion (vs. inclusion) of animals (2018)
Journal Article
Leite, A. C., Dhont, K., & Hodson, G. (2018). Longitudinal effects of human supremacy beliefs and vegetarianism threat on moral exclusion (vs. inclusion) of animals. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(1), 179-189.

Stronger beliefs in human supremacy over animals, and stronger perceived threat posed by vegetarianism to traditional practices, are associated with stronger speciesism and more meat consumption. Both variables might also be implicated in the moral e... Read More about Longitudinal effects of human supremacy beliefs and vegetarianism threat on moral exclusion (vs. inclusion) of animals.

Leadership Diversity: Effects of Counterstereotypical Thinking on the Support for Women Leaders under Uncertainty (2018)
Journal Article
Randsley de Moura, G., Leicht, C., Leite, A., Crisp, R., & Gocłowska, M. (2018). Leadership Diversity: Effects of Counterstereotypical Thinking on the Support for Women Leaders under Uncertainty. Journal of Social Issues, 74(1), 165-183.

Despite societal shifts, women are still underrepresented in leadership positions. Previous research has found that women are often placed in risky and precarious leadership positions. This is likely to be the case when the context (economic, social,... Read More about Leadership Diversity: Effects of Counterstereotypical Thinking on the Support for Women Leaders under Uncertainty.

Brexit or bremain? A person and social analysis of voting decisions in the EU referendum (2018)
Journal Article
Van de Vyver, J., Leite, A., Abrams, D., & Palmer, S. (2018). Brexit or bremain? A person and social analysis of voting decisions in the EU referendum. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 28(2), 65-79.

The period following UK's European Union referendum in 2016 foreshadows significant social and political change in the UK. The current research draws on social psychological theories to empirically examine the drivers of voting decisions during the r... Read More about Brexit or bremain? A person and social analysis of voting decisions in the EU referendum.