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Professor Steven Higgins' Outputs (9)

Interdisciplinary design research: developing educational technology. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mercier, E., Higgins, S., & Burd, E. (2011, December). Interdisciplinary design research: developing educational technology. Presented at 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Research into Learning and Instruction., Exeter

The impact of interactive whiteboard technology on medical students' achievement in ESL essay writing: an early study in Egypt (2011)
Journal Article
Albaaly, E., & Higgins, S. (2011). The impact of interactive whiteboard technology on medical students' achievement in ESL essay writing: an early study in Egypt. The Language Learning Journal, 40(2), 207-222.

This study investigated the impact of the interactive whiteboard on Egyptian medical students' achievement in essay writing in English as a second language (ESL). First, the writing micro-skills judged essential to help these students improve their e... Read More about The impact of interactive whiteboard technology on medical students' achievement in ESL essay writing: an early study in Egypt.

Every Child Counts: The Independent evaluation Executive Summary (2011)
Torgerson, C., Wiggins, A., Torgerson, D., Ainsworth, H., Barmby, P., Hewitt, C., Jones, K., Hendry, V., Askew, M., Bland, M., Coe, R., Higgins, S., Hodgen, J., Hulme, C., & Tymms, P. (2011). Every Child Counts: The Independent evaluation Executive Summary. Department for Education (DfE)