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Professor Gavin Bridge's Outputs (42)

Seas of change: An evolving imaginary of offshore energy capture on the United Kingdom's Continental Shelf (2025)
Journal Article
Kraushaar-Friesen, N., Bridge, G., & Kuchler, M. (2025). Seas of change: An evolving imaginary of offshore energy capture on the United Kingdom's Continental Shelf. Energy Research and Social Science, 120, Article 103889.

The offshore waters surrounding the United Kingdom have been an important national space for energy capture for over six decades. Hosting oil and gas production, large-scale renewable electricity generation and potential sites for carbon storage, the... Read More about Seas of change: An evolving imaginary of offshore energy capture on the United Kingdom's Continental Shelf.

Creating elite encounters: The ‘campaign’ as approach for interviewing corporate elites (2024)
Journal Article
Teixeira, T., & Bridge, G. (2024). Creating elite encounters: The ‘campaign’ as approach for interviewing corporate elites. Environment and Planning A, 56(8), 2121-2142.

Qualitative research in economic geography recognizes the value of accessing business elite perspectives, yet identifying, approaching and interviewing elites present researchers with a set of challenges. Both practical and ethical, these challenges... Read More about Creating elite encounters: The ‘campaign’ as approach for interviewing corporate elites.

Rethinking Energy Geopolitics: Towards a Geopolitical Economy of Global Energy Transformation (2024)
Journal Article
Kuzemko, C., Blondeel, M., Bradshaw, M., Bridge, G., Faigen, E., & Fletcher, L. (2024). Rethinking Energy Geopolitics: Towards a Geopolitical Economy of Global Energy Transformation. Geopolitics, 1-35.

We are in the midst of a global energy system transformation (GEST) which is rewiring the world economy, opening new axes of political contestation, and revolutionising the energetic basis of human civilisation. Energy geopolitics has not yet reconci... Read More about Rethinking Energy Geopolitics: Towards a Geopolitical Economy of Global Energy Transformation.

Global energy scenarios: A geopolitical reality check (2023)
Journal Article
Blondeel, M., Price, J., Bradshaw, M., Pye, S., Dodds, P., Kuzemko, C., & Bridge, G. (2024). Global energy scenarios: A geopolitical reality check. Global Environmental Change, 84, Article 102781.

The ongoing Global Energy System Transformation (GEST) has attracted the attention of multiple academic disciplines and practitioners, approaching the process with different analytical and conceptual tools. We explore the ‘integration gap’ that exist... Read More about Global energy scenarios: A geopolitical reality check.

Extractive Orientations (2023)
Book Chapter
Bridge, G. (2023). Extractive Orientations. In S. Postar, N. Elodie Behzadi, & N. Doering (Eds.), Extraction/Exclusion: Beyond Binaries of Exclusion and Inclusion in Natural Resource Extraction. Rowman & Littlefield

Lithium, Brexit and Global Britain: Onshoring battery production networks in the UK (2023)
Journal Article
Bridge, G., & Faigen, E. (2023). Lithium, Brexit and Global Britain: Onshoring battery production networks in the UK. The Extractive Industries and Society, 16, Article 101328.

As demand for electrical energy storage scales, production networks for lithium-ion battery manufacturing are being re-worked organisationally and geographically. The UK - like the US and EU - is seeking to onshore lithium-ion battery production and... Read More about Lithium, Brexit and Global Britain: Onshoring battery production networks in the UK.

Speculating on shale: Resource-making and the ‘politics of possibility’ in Poland and the UK (2023)
Journal Article
Kuchler, M., & Bridge, G. (2023). Speculating on shale: Resource-making and the ‘politics of possibility’ in Poland and the UK. Political Geography, 107, Article 102978.

This paper focuses on the speculative character of knowledge and action in relation to subterranean resources, drawing on the curtailed histories of shale gas development in Poland and the UK. It adopts a political-economic orientation towards specul... Read More about Speculating on shale: Resource-making and the ‘politics of possibility’ in Poland and the UK.

Towards the lithium-ion battery production network: Thinking beyond mineral supply chains (2022)
Journal Article
Bridge, G., & Faigen, E. (2022). Towards the lithium-ion battery production network: Thinking beyond mineral supply chains. Energy Research and Social Science, 89,

The increasing role of electricity as an energy carrier in decarbonising economies is driving a growing demand for electrical energy storage in the form of battery systems. Two battery applications driving demand growth are electric vehicles and stat... Read More about Towards the lithium-ion battery production network: Thinking beyond mineral supply chains.

Time for oil: competing petrotemporalities in Norway's Lofote/Vesteralen/Senja Archipelago (2022)
Book Chapter
Kristoffersen, B., Bridge, G., & Steinberg, P. (2022). Time for oil: competing petrotemporalities in Norway's Lofote/Vesteralen/Senja Archipelago. In F. Polack, & D. Farquharson (Eds.), Cold Water Oil: Offshore Petroleum Cultures (176-193). Routledge

This chapter analyses how the petroleum industry operates across multiple temporal frames. The authors then go on to illustrate how, when communities debate their petroleum futures, the “anticipatory temporalities” of petroleum abundance, technology,... Read More about Time for oil: competing petrotemporalities in Norway's Lofote/Vesteralen/Senja Archipelago.

Navigating the Structural Coherence of Sea Ice (2022)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P., Ferloni, G., Aporta, C., Bridge, G., Chircop, A., Coddington, K., Elden, S., Kane, S. C., Koivurova, T., Shadian, J., & Stammler-Gossmann, A. (2022). Navigating the Structural Coherence of Sea Ice. In I. Braverman (Ed.), Laws of the Sea: Interdisciplinary Currents (164-183). Routledge.

Ice breaking by ships can cause irreparable harm to the ecologies and cultures of northern regions. This chapter revolves around a central question: what are the barriers preventing the development of a legal mechanism to limit this act of environmen... Read More about Navigating the Structural Coherence of Sea Ice.

Regional assets and network switching: shifting geographies of ownership, control and capital in UK offshore oil (2022)
Journal Article
Bridge, G., & Dodge, A. (2022). Regional assets and network switching: shifting geographies of ownership, control and capital in UK offshore oil. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 15(2), 367–388.

Evolutionary approaches to strategic coupling show how regions harness and match assets, then negotiate their alignment with lead firms. For regions intersected by multiple networks in the same industry, however, the reconfiguration of network-territ... Read More about Regional assets and network switching: shifting geographies of ownership, control and capital in UK offshore oil.

The Geopolitics of Energy System Transformation: A Review (2021)
Journal Article
Blondeel, M., Bradshaw, M., Bridge, G., & Kuzemko, C. (2021). The Geopolitics of Energy System Transformation: A Review. Geography Compass, 15(7), Article e12580.

In 2009, Geography Compass published a paper on ‘The Geopolitics of Global Energy Security’ that reviewed research on the key geographical factors influencing the secure and affordable supply of energy resources. Now, just over a decade later, the en... Read More about The Geopolitics of Energy System Transformation: A Review.

Decarbonizing capital: Investment, divestment and the qualification of carbon assets (2021)
Journal Article
Langley, P., Bridge, G., Bulkeley, H., & van Veelen, B. (2021). Decarbonizing capital: Investment, divestment and the qualification of carbon assets. Economy and Society, 50(3), 494-516.

rivate investment capital is now widely regarded as strategically significant to the governance of climate change. A dedicated and dynamic carbon finance sector has emerged that features techniques and practices for decarbonizing capital, facilitatin... Read More about Decarbonizing capital: Investment, divestment and the qualification of carbon assets.

Harvesting Lithium: water, brine and the industrial dynamics of production in the Salar de Atacama (2021)
Journal Article
Gallardo, B., Bridge, G., & Prieto, M. (2021). Harvesting Lithium: water, brine and the industrial dynamics of production in the Salar de Atacama. Geoforum, 119, 177-189.

Geographical research on lithium and other renewable energy materials explores the geopolitical dimensions of resource supply and the 'new geographies' associated with an expanding resource frontier. The material characteristics and environmental con... Read More about Harvesting Lithium: water, brine and the industrial dynamics of production in the Salar de Atacama.

Industrial Dynamics on the Commodity Frontier: managing time, space and form in mining, tree plantations and intensive aquaculture (2020)
Journal Article
Banoub, D., Bridge, G., Bustos, B., Ertör, I., González-Hidalgo, M., & de los Reyes, J. (2021). Industrial Dynamics on the Commodity Frontier: managing time, space and form in mining, tree plantations and intensive aquaculture. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 4(4), 1533-1559.

Research in political ecology and agrarian political economy has shown how commodity frontiers are constituted through the appropriation and transformation of nature. This work identifies two broad processes of socio-metabolism associated with commod... Read More about Industrial Dynamics on the Commodity Frontier: managing time, space and form in mining, tree plantations and intensive aquaculture.

Covid-19 and the Politics of Sustainable Energy Transitions (2020)
Journal Article
Kuzemko, C., Bradshaw, M., Bridge, G., Goldthau, A., Jewell, J., Overland, I., Scholten, D., van de Graaf, T., & Westphal, K. (2020). Covid-19 and the Politics of Sustainable Energy Transitions. Energy Research and Social Science, 68, Article 101685.

In this perspectives piece, an interdisciplinary team of social science researchers considers the implications of Covid-19 for the politics of sustainable energy transitions. The emergency measures adopted by states, firms, and individuals in respons... Read More about Covid-19 and the Politics of Sustainable Energy Transitions.

Pluralizing and Problematizing Carbon Finance (2019)
Journal Article
Bridge, G., Bulkeley, H., Langley, P., & van Veelen, B. (2020). Pluralizing and Problematizing Carbon Finance. Progress in Human Geography, 44(4), 724-742.

Growing emphasis on finance as key to decarbonization requires social science research that critically attends to the emergent and diverse forms taken by carbon finance. First, we pluralize research into carbon finance, building on existing work to i... Read More about Pluralizing and Problematizing Carbon Finance.