Reflections from a Postcolonial Experience in Developing Research
Book Chapter
Aguzzoli, R. (in press). Reflections from a Postcolonial Experience in Developing Research. In H. Barnard (Ed.), Handbook for Qualitative Research in Emerging Markets: Methods and Applications. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Professor Roberta Aguzzoli's Outputs (18)
How does colonial history matter for expatriate adjustment? The case of Brazilians in Portugal (2024)
Journal Article
Aguzzoli, R., Śliwa, M., Lengler, J., Brewster, C., & Quatrin, D. (online). How does colonial history matter for expatriate adjustment? The case of Brazilians in Portugal. Journal of International Business Studies, literature on expatriation typically assumes that cultural and institutional familiarity facilitates expatriate adjustment. This assumption underplays the role of the historical context, especially the influence of painful colonial pasts that oft... Read More about How does colonial history matter for expatriate adjustment? The case of Brazilians in Portugal.
Paradigms in Qualitative IB Research: Trends, Analysis and Recommendations (2024)
Journal Article
Aguzzoli, R., Lengler, J., Miller, S. R., & Chidlow, A. (2024). Paradigms in Qualitative IB Research: Trends, Analysis and Recommendations. Management International Review, 64(2), 165-198. paper examines trends, challenges and opportunities in terms of research methodologies in qualitative IB research. In particular, it examines trends for the dominant (positivism/(post)positivism) paradigm versus alternative paradigms (i.e., soci... Read More about Paradigms in Qualitative IB Research: Trends, Analysis and Recommendations.
A conceptual model of individuals’ decision to engage in global mobility: integrating self-determination theory and theory of planned behavior (2024)
Journal Article
Quatrin, D. R., Aguzzoli, R., & Lengler, J. (2024). A conceptual model of individuals’ decision to engage in global mobility: integrating self-determination theory and theory of planned behavior. Journal of Global Mobility, 12(2), 313-332.
Companies target globally mobile workers and face the war for talent, while individuals are more reluctant to engage in global mobility. This scenario led us to propose a model to understand the individuals' decision process to engage in glo... Read More about A conceptual model of individuals’ decision to engage in global mobility: integrating self-determination theory and theory of planned behavior.
Workplace accentism as a postcolonial and intersectional phenomenon: The experiences of Brazilians in Portugal (2023)
Journal Article
Śliwa, M., Aguzzoli, R., Brewster, C., & Lengler, J. (2024). Workplace accentism as a postcolonial and intersectional phenomenon: The experiences of Brazilians in Portugal. Human Relations, 77(10), 1468-1501. insights can postcolonialism and decoloniality offer into workplace accentism? Drawing upon these two strands of literature, this article contributes to workplace research through proposing a view of accentism as an intersectional phenomenon, ro... Read More about Workplace accentism as a postcolonial and intersectional phenomenon: The experiences of Brazilians in Portugal.
Wie regional sind regionale Zentralen? Die „Latinisierung“ der Kontrolle in europäischen Strukturen eines brasilianischen MNC (2023)
Book Chapter
Aguzzoli, R., & Hunek, I. (2023). Wie regional sind regionale Zentralen? Die „Latinisierung“ der Kontrolle in europäischen Strukturen eines brasilianischen MNC. In Multinationale Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern und Europa Herausforderungen und Strategien (95-116). Springer. Regionalisierung der Geschäftstätigkeit ist ein Trend bei multinationalen Unternehmen. Regionale Strukturen überbrücken die Distanz zwischen der Unternehmenszentrale und den lokalen Tochtergesellschaften und Märkten, indem sie als integrale Vermi... Read More about Wie regional sind regionale Zentralen? Die „Latinisierung“ der Kontrolle in europäischen Strukturen eines brasilianischen MNC.
Fifty years of methodological trends in JIBS: Why future IB research needs more triangulation (2020)
Journal Article
Nielsen, B. B., Chidlow, A., Miller, S., Welch, C., Aguzzoli, R., Gardner, E., Karafyllia, M., & Pegoraro, D. (2020). Fifty years of methodological trends in JIBS: Why future IB research needs more triangulation. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(9), 1478-1499. analyze methodological trends in empirical research in JIBS from 1970 to 2019. Our results point to the prevalence of the following patterns: there has been an increase in the use of (1) large-scale longitudinal, cross-national datasets, (2) compl... Read More about Fifty years of methodological trends in JIBS: Why future IB research needs more triangulation.
Here We Go Again: A Case Study on Re-entering a Foreign Market (2020)
Journal Article
Aguzzoli, R., Lengler, J., Sousa, C., & Benito, G. (2020). Here We Go Again: A Case Study on Re-entering a Foreign Market. British Journal of Management, 32(2), 416-434. has motivated firms to expand into foreign markets, but internationalization is inherently dynamic. Many firms have exited foreign markets for various reasons, but some later decide to re‐enter those same markets. Based on a case study... Read More about Here We Go Again: A Case Study on Re-entering a Foreign Market.
The relationship of RHQ and HQ. A case study about a Brazilian MNE in Switzerland (2019)
Book Chapter
Aguzzoli, R., & Hunek, I. (in press). The relationship of RHQ and HQ. A case study about a Brazilian MNE in Switzerland. In A. Breinbauer, L. Brennan, J. Jäger, A. Nachbagauer, & A. Nölke (Eds.), Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe. Springer Verlag
Styles of management, human resource policies and practices, and export performance of Brazilian firms. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
AGUZZOLI, R. (2017, June). Styles of management, human resource policies and practices, and export performance of Brazilian firms. Paper presented at 26th Annual CIMaR Conference, Florence, Italy
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Exit and Re-entry Determinants of MNEs from Emerging Economies. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aguzzoli, R., Lengler, J., & Sousa, C. (2017, December). Should I Stay or Should I Go? Exit and Re-entry Determinants of MNEs from Emerging Economies. Presented at Journal of Management Studies Paper Development Workshop, Denver, USA
The Transfer of ‘International Best Practice’ in a Brazilian MNC: A Consideration of the Convergence and Contingency Perspectives (2016)
Journal Article
Geary, J., Aguzzoli, R., & Lengler, J. (2016). The Transfer of ‘International Best Practice’ in a Brazilian MNC: A Consideration of the Convergence and Contingency Perspectives. Journal of International Management, 23(2), 194-207. study examines the transfer of a Brazilian MNC's HR model to its subsidiaries in the UK, Canada, Switzerland and Norway. It enquires where the model was sourced from, to what extent it bore a distinct Brazilian complexion, and whether it was ada... Read More about The Transfer of ‘International Best Practice’ in a Brazilian MNC: A Consideration of the Convergence and Contingency Perspectives.
Miners, politics and institutional caryatids: Accounting for the transfer of HRM practices in the Brazilian multinational enterprise (2016)
Journal Article
Geary, J., & Aguzzoli, R. (2016). Miners, politics and institutional caryatids: Accounting for the transfer of HRM practices in the Brazilian multinational enterprise. Journal of International Business Studies, 47(8), 968-996. article contributes to the growing stream of research on power and micro-politics in the MNE. It is situated in the critical realist epistemology. It adopts Burawoy’s extended case study method together with a context-sensitive and an actor-cent... Read More about Miners, politics and institutional caryatids: Accounting for the transfer of HRM practices in the Brazilian multinational enterprise.
Accounting for the Universalistic and Contingency Perspectives: The Transfer of ‘Best Practice’ in a Brazilian company. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aguzzoli, R. (2016, December). Accounting for the Universalistic and Contingency Perspectives: The Transfer of ‘Best Practice’ in a Brazilian company. Presented at 2016 British Academy of Management Conference
Is it linear or quadratic relationship between intentions to leave the job and its antecedents in luxury hotels? (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mohsin, A., Lengler, J., & Aguzzoli, R. (2016, July). Is it linear or quadratic relationship between intentions to leave the job and its antecedents in luxury hotels?. Presented at The 79th TOSOK International Tourism Conference., Seoul, Republic of Korea
Staff Turnover in Hotels: exploring the quadratic and linear relationships (2015)
Journal Article
Mohsin, A., Lengler, J., & Aguzzoli, R. (2015). Staff Turnover in Hotels: exploring the quadratic and linear relationships. Tourism Management, 51, 35-48. aim of this study is to assess whether the relationship between intention to leave the job and its antecedents is quadratic or linear. To explore those relationships a theoretical model (see Fig. 1) and eight hypotheses are proposed. Each linear... Read More about Staff Turnover in Hotels: exploring the quadratic and linear relationships.
An ‘emerging challenge’: The employment practices of a Brazilian multinational company in Canada (2013)
Journal Article
Aguzzoli, R., & Geary, J. (2014). An ‘emerging challenge’: The employment practices of a Brazilian multinational company in Canada. Human Relations, 67(5), 587-609. the literature in international human resource management has developed greatly over recent years, our understanding of the dynamics of the transfer of HR practices in multinational companies (MNCs) from emerging economies with subsidiaries... Read More about An ‘emerging challenge’: The employment practices of a Brazilian multinational company in Canada.
Gestão de Pessoas: Categoria Acadêmica. (2008)
Aguzzoli, R., Jorge, S., & Silveira, V. (2008). Gestão de Pessoas: Categoria Acadêmica. QualitymarkO Prêmio Ser Humano Oswaldo Checchia, que homenageia um dos renomados fundadores da ABRH- Nacional e objetiva reconhecer e divulgar as melhores práticas e iniciativas na área de Gestão de Pessoas, ests em sua 15¬ edição. Os resultados são surpreenden... Read More about Gestão de Pessoas: Categoria Acadêmica..