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Dr Kelly Jakubowski's Outputs (41)

Individual differences in music-evoked autobiographical memories (2024)
Journal Article
Jakubowski, K., Lee, E., Bai, E., & Belfi, A. M. (online). Individual differences in music-evoked autobiographical memories. Musicae Scientiae,

Music is increasingly used as a cue for autobiographical memories in psychological research and clinical interventions. Despite the burgeoning body of evidence on the phenomenology of music-evoked autobiographical memories (MEAMs), few previous studi... Read More about Individual differences in music-evoked autobiographical memories.

Alice Dalí augmented reality: Evaluating a cultural outdoors game for intergenerational play (2024)
Journal Article
Haahr, M., Rudenko, S., & Jakubowski, K. (2025). Alice Dalí augmented reality: Evaluating a cultural outdoors game for intergenerational play. Entertainment Computing, 52, Article 100865.

Serious Games have been shown to have many uses, such as for learning and cultural engagement. Furthermore, research has shown that some types of game experiences can have significant social benefits, such as a study by Wang, Taylor and Sun, which sh... Read More about Alice Dalí augmented reality: Evaluating a cultural outdoors game for intergenerational play.

Music-Evoked Thoughts: Genre and Emotional Expression of Music Impact Concurrent Imaginings (2024)
Journal Article
Jakubowski, K., Margulis, E. H., & Taruffi, L. (2024). Music-Evoked Thoughts: Genre and Emotional Expression of Music Impact Concurrent Imaginings. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 42(1), 3-18.

Music listening can evoke a range of extra-musical thoughts, from colors and smells to autobiographical memories and fictional stories. We investigated music-evoked thoughts as an overarching category, to examine how the music’s genre and emotional e... Read More about Music-Evoked Thoughts: Genre and Emotional Expression of Music Impact Concurrent Imaginings.

Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries (2024)
Journal Article
Jacoby, N., Polak, R., Grahn, J. A., Cameron, D. J., Lee, K. M., Godoy, R., …McDermott, J. H. (2024). Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries. Nature Human Behaviour, 8, 846–877.

Music is present in every known society but varies from place to place. What, if anything, is universal to music cognition? We measured a signature of mental representations of rhythm in 39 participant groups in 15 countries, spanning urban societies... Read More about Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries.

Music, Memory, and Imagination (2024)
Journal Article
Margulis, E. H., & Jakubowski, K. (2024). Music, Memory, and Imagination. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 33(2), 108-113.

This article argues that the capacity of music to reliably cue both autobiographical memories and fictional imaginings can be leveraged to better understand the relationship and interdependence between memory and imagination more generally. The multi... Read More about Music, Memory, and Imagination.

A Survey into Piano Teachers’ Perceptions of Music Memorization in One-to-one Piano Lessons: A Preliminary Study (2024)
Journal Article
Steliou, C., & Jakubowski, K. (2024). A Survey into Piano Teachers’ Perceptions of Music Memorization in One-to-one Piano Lessons: A Preliminary Study. Music & Science, 7,

Despite more than a century of research on music memorization and practicing strategies, there is a lack of comprehensive evidence on how instrumental music teachers teach memorization to children and adolescents in one-to-one lessons. The present qu... Read More about A Survey into Piano Teachers’ Perceptions of Music Memorization in One-to-one Piano Lessons: A Preliminary Study.

Music cues impact the emotionality but not richness of episodic memory retrieval (2023)
Journal Article
Jakubowski, K., Walker, D., & Wang, H. (online). Music cues impact the emotionality but not richness of episodic memory retrieval. Memory, 31(10), 1259-1268.

Previous studies have found that music evokes more vivid and emotional memories of autobiographical events than various other retrieval cues. However, it is possible such findings can be explained by pre-existing differences between disparate events... Read More about Music cues impact the emotionality but not richness of episodic memory retrieval.

Comparing music‐ and food‐evoked autobiographical memories in young and older adults: A diary study (2023)
Journal Article
Jakubowski, K., Belfi, A. M., Kvavilashvili, L., Ely, A., Gill, M., & Herbert, G. (2023). Comparing music‐ and food‐evoked autobiographical memories in young and older adults: A diary study. British Journal of Psychology, 114(3), 580-604.

Previous research has found that music brings back more vivid and emotional autobiographical memories than various other retrieval cues. However, such studies have often been low in ecological validity and constrained by relatively limited cue select... Read More about Comparing music‐ and food‐evoked autobiographical memories in young and older adults: A diary study.

Differences in autobiographical memories reported using text and voice during everyday life (2023)
Journal Article
Pearson, E., Graff, J., Bai, E., Jakubowski, K., & Belfi, A. M. (2023). Differences in autobiographical memories reported using text and voice during everyday life. Memory, 31(3), 393-405.

Autobiographical memories frequently occur during everyday life. One of the most common approaches to measuring memories in everyday life is a diary method: Participants record memories as they occur by writing down these memories in a paper diary or... Read More about Differences in autobiographical memories reported using text and voice during everyday life.

Mental Imagery in Music-Evoked Autobiographical Memories (2022)
Book Chapter
Jakubowski, K. (2022). Mental Imagery in Music-Evoked Autobiographical Memories. In M. B. Küssner, G. Welch, L. Taruffi, I. Cross, G. A. Floridou, & A. Ockelford (Eds.), Music and Mental Imagery (137-146). Routledge.

Music is often cited as a powerful cue for bringing back significant and emotional lifetime memories. One feature that appears to be a substantial contributor to this experience is the fact that these music-evoked autobiographical memories (MEAMs) ar... Read More about Mental Imagery in Music-Evoked Autobiographical Memories.

Differential effects of familiarity and emotional expression of musical cues on autobiographical memory properties (2022)
Journal Article
Jakubowski, K., & Francini, E. (2023). Differential effects of familiarity and emotional expression of musical cues on autobiographical memory properties. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76(9), 2001–2016.

Features of visual cues, such as their familiarity and emotionality, influence the quantity and qualities of the autobiographical memories they evoke. Despite increasing use in autobiographical memory research, comparatively little is known about how... Read More about Differential effects of familiarity and emotional expression of musical cues on autobiographical memory properties.

Aesthetics of musical timing: Culture and expertise affect preferences for isochrony but not synchrony (2022)
Journal Article
Jakubowski, K., Polak, R., Rocamora, M., Jure, L., & Jacoby, N. (2022). Aesthetics of musical timing: Culture and expertise affect preferences for isochrony but not synchrony. Cognition, 227, Article 105205.

Expressive communication in the arts often involves deviations from stylistic norms, which can increase the aesthetic evaluation of an artwork or performance. The detection and appreciation of such expressive deviations may be amplified by cultural f... Read More about Aesthetics of musical timing: Culture and expertise affect preferences for isochrony but not synchrony.

The Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance Data Collection (2021)
Journal Article
Clayton, M., Tarsitani, S., Jankowsky, R., Jure, L., Leante, L., Polak, R., Poole, A., Rocamora, M., Alborno, P., Camurri, A., Eerola, T., Jacoby, N., & Jakubowski, K. (2021). The Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance Data Collection. Empirical Musicology Review, 16(1), 65-84.

The Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance Data Collection (IEMPDC) comprises six related corpora of music research materials: Cuban Son & Salsa (CSS), European String Quartet (ESQ), Malian Jembe (MJ), North Indian Raga (NIR), Tunisian Stambe... Read More about The Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance Data Collection.

Music evokes fewer but more positive autobiographical memories than emotionally matched sound and word cues (2021)
Journal Article
Jakubowski, K., & Eerola, T. (2022). Music evokes fewer but more positive autobiographical memories than emotionally matched sound and word cues. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 11(2), 272-288.

Anecdotal propositions that music is “special” as a memory cue have been partially supported by research demonstrating that music can evoke qualitatively different autobiographical memories than various other cues. However, it is unknown whether such... Read More about Music evokes fewer but more positive autobiographical memories than emotionally matched sound and word cues.

Phenomenological Differences in Music- and Television-Evoked Autobiographical Memories (2021)
Journal Article
Jakubowski, K., Belfi, A., & Eerola, T. (2021). Phenomenological Differences in Music- and Television-Evoked Autobiographical Memories. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 38(5), 435-455.

Music can be a potent cue for autobiographical memories in both everyday and clinical settings. Understanding the extent to which music may have privileged access to aspects of our personal histories requires critical comparisons to other types of me... Read More about Phenomenological Differences in Music- and Television-Evoked Autobiographical Memories.

Multimodal perception of interpersonal synchrony: Evidence from global and continuous ratings of improvised musical duo performances (2020)
Journal Article
Jakubowski, K., Eerola, T., Blackwood Ximenes, A., Ma, W., Clayton, M., & Keller, P. (2020). Multimodal perception of interpersonal synchrony: Evidence from global and continuous ratings of improvised musical duo performances. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain, 30(4), 159-177.

Investigating cues that underpin perceptual judgments of interpersonal coordination has important implications for understanding sociocognitive evaluations of the quality of human interactions. With a focus on musical interpersonal coordination, we c... Read More about Multimodal perception of interpersonal synchrony: Evidence from global and continuous ratings of improvised musical duo performances.

Interpersonal entrainment in music performance: Theory, method and model (2020)
Journal Article
Clayton, M., Jakubowski, K., Eerola, T., Keller, P., Camurri, A., Volpe, G., & Alborno, P. (2020). Interpersonal entrainment in music performance: Theory, method and model. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 38(2), 136-194.

Interpersonal musical entrainment—temporal synchronization and coordination between individuals in musical contexts—is a ubiquitous phenomenon related to music’s social functions of promoting group bonding and cohesion. Mechanisms other than sensorim... Read More about Interpersonal entrainment in music performance: Theory, method and model.

A Cross-Sectional Study of Reminiscence Bumps for Music-Related Memories in Adulthood (2020)
Journal Article
Jakubowski, K., Eerola, T., Tillmann, B., Perrin, F., & Heine, L. (2020). A Cross-Sectional Study of Reminiscence Bumps for Music-Related Memories in Adulthood. Music & Science, 3,

Music is often intimately linked to identity, as evidenced by the high value many people place on musical activities and the way in which music can become seemingly effortlessly coupled to important memories from throughout one’s lifespan. Previous r... Read More about A Cross-Sectional Study of Reminiscence Bumps for Music-Related Memories in Adulthood.

Involuntary musical imagery as a component of ordinary music cognition: A review of empirical evidence (2020)
Journal Article
Liikkanen, L., & Jakubowski, K. (2020). Involuntary musical imagery as a component of ordinary music cognition: A review of empirical evidence. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 27(6), 1195-1217.

Involuntary musical imagery (INMI) refers to a conscious mental experience of music that occurs without deliberate efforts to initiate or sustain it. This experience often consists of the repetition of a short fragment of a melody, colloquially calle... Read More about Involuntary musical imagery as a component of ordinary music cognition: A review of empirical evidence.