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Dr Helen Roche's Outputs (30)

Nazi Elite-School Pupils as Youth Ambassadors: Between Fascist Italy and the Third Reich (2024)
Journal Article
Roche, H. (2024). Nazi Elite-School Pupils as Youth Ambassadors: Between Fascist Italy and the Third Reich. European History Quarterly, 54(2), 258-275.

Focused on transnational exchanges, this article examines a series of trips to Fascist Italy that were undertaken by pupils of Nazi elite schools in their role as youth ambassadors of the Third Reich. As a form of cultural diplomacy that continued du... Read More about Nazi Elite-School Pupils as Youth Ambassadors: Between Fascist Italy and the Third Reich.

Testimonies in Historiography and Oral History (2023)
Book Chapter
Saupe, A., & Roche, H. (2023). Testimonies in Historiography and Oral History. In S. Jones, & R. Woods (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Testimony and Culture (65-90). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter gives an overview of the ways in which testimony has been used by historians, and the ways in which it has influenced the development of new historiographical methods. Above all, the authors explore the different contextual frameworks wi... Read More about Testimonies in Historiography and Oral History.

Nazi Elite Boarding Schools and the Attempted Creation of a New Class System (2022)
Book Chapter
Roche, H. (2022). Nazi Elite Boarding Schools and the Attempted Creation of a New Class System. In D. Gerster, & F. Jensz (Eds.), Global Perspectives on Boarding Schools in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (79-100). Palgrave Macmillan.

This article uses the elite education provided by the Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten (Napolas), the Third Reich’s most prominent elite schools, as a case study of the Nazi regime’s drive to eradicate class-based social differences. Nazi propa... Read More about Nazi Elite Boarding Schools and the Attempted Creation of a New Class System.

The Biopolitics of Education in the Third Reich’s ‘Special Schools’ and ‘Elite Schools’ (2022)
Journal Article
Roche, H., & Pine, L. (2023). The Biopolitics of Education in the Third Reich’s ‘Special Schools’ and ‘Elite Schools’. Historical Journal, 66(2), 413-434.

While discussion of eugenics and biopolitics during the Third Reich has largely focused upon the regime's most destructive and genocidal policies, this article concentrates on Nazi ‘special schools’ and ‘elite schools’ as a crucial sphere of quasi-eu... Read More about The Biopolitics of Education in the Third Reich’s ‘Special Schools’ and ‘Elite Schools’.

Eine Vergangenheit, die lieber vergessen wird? Scholarly Habitus-Forming, Professional Amnesia, and Postwar Engagement with Nazi Classical Scholarship (2020)
Journal Article
Roche, H. (2020). Eine Vergangenheit, die lieber vergessen wird? Scholarly Habitus-Forming, Professional Amnesia, and Postwar Engagement with Nazi Classical Scholarship. History of Humanities, 5(1), 165-177.

This case study will take Volker Losemann’s recently published collection of essays titled Clio und die Nationalsozialisten and the (often far from complimentary) reception of his groundbreaking work on classics in the Third Reich since the 1970s as... Read More about Eine Vergangenheit, die lieber vergessen wird? Scholarly Habitus-Forming, Professional Amnesia, and Postwar Engagement with Nazi Classical Scholarship.

Mussolini’s ‘Third Rome’, Hitler’s Third Reich and the Allure of Antiquity: Classicizing Chronopolitics as a Remedy for Unstable National Identity? (2019)
Journal Article
Roche, H. (2019). Mussolini’s ‘Third Rome’, Hitler’s Third Reich and the Allure of Antiquity: Classicizing Chronopolitics as a Remedy for Unstable National Identity?. Fascism, 8(2), 127-152.

While it is generally acknowledged that fascist movements tend to glorify the national past of the country in which they arise, sometimes, fascist regimes seek to resurrect a past even more ancient, and more glorious still; the turn towards ancient G... Read More about Mussolini’s ‘Third Rome’, Hitler’s Third Reich and the Allure of Antiquity: Classicizing Chronopolitics as a Remedy for Unstable National Identity?.

Die Klosterschule Ilfeld als Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt (2018)
Book Chapter
Roche, H. (2018). Die Klosterschule Ilfeld als Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt. In D. Schmiechen-Ackermann, & et al. (Eds.), Die Klosterkammer Hannover 1931-1955: Eine Mittelbehörde zwischen wirtschaftlicher Rationalität und Politisierung (605-626). Göttingen: Wallstein

Schulische Erziehung und Entbürgerlichung (2018)
Book Chapter
Roche, H. (2018). Schulische Erziehung und Entbürgerlichung. In N. Frei (Ed.), Wie bürgerlich war der Nationalsozialismus? (154-172). Göttingen: Wallstein

The Peculiarities of German Philhellenism (2017)
Journal Article
Roche, H. (2017). The Peculiarities of German Philhellenism. Historical Journal, 61(2), 541-560.

Studies of German philhellenism have often focused upon the idealization of Greece by German intellectuals, rather than considering the very real, at times reciprocal, at times ambivalent or even brutal, relationship which existed between contemporar... Read More about The Peculiarities of German Philhellenism.

Xenophon and the Nazis: A case study in the politicisation of ancient Greek thought through educational propaganda (2016)
Journal Article
Roche, H. (2016). Xenophon and the Nazis: A case study in the politicisation of ancient Greek thought through educational propaganda. Classical Receptions Journal, 8(1), 71-89.

In National Socialist Germany, radical reinterpretations of Classical texts were always on the agenda. The Reich Education Ministry decreed unequivocally that only those ancient texts which could serve the regime’s new ‘national-political’ education... Read More about Xenophon and the Nazis: A case study in the politicisation of ancient Greek thought through educational propaganda.