The extent to which education interventions have been studied and the range of effects typically observed
Book Chapter
Kay, J., Higgins, S., Villanueva Aguilera, A., Dobson, E., Gascoine, L., Katsipataki, M., …Blausten, H. (2022). The extent to which education interventions have been studied and the range of effects typically observed. In J. Mercier (Ed.), Data and Evidence in Reimagining Education: The International Science andEvidence based Education Assessment. UNESCO MGIEP
Dr Maria Katsipataki's Outputs (2)
Motor Skill Acquisition (2014)
Book Chapter
Kokotsaki, D., & Katsipataki, M. (2014). Motor Skill Acquisition. In W. Thompson (Ed.), Music in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Encyclopedia (713-714). SAGE Publications