In Between the Global and the Local: Silk in Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth-Century Russia
Book Chapter
Ivleva, V. (2023). In Between the Global and the Local: Silk in Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth-Century Russia. In B. Marín-Aguilera, & S. Hanß (Eds.), In-Between Textiles, 1400–1800: Weaving Subjectivities and Encounters. Amsterdam University Press
Dr Viktoria Ivleva's Outputs (18)
Alexander Pushkin: A Life (2021)
Digital Artefact
Geoghegan, P., Basker, M., Pevear, R., Volokhonsky, L., Emerson, C., Smith, A., & Ivleva, V. (2021). Alexander Pushkin: A Life. [Podcast]. week Patrick and a panel of distinguished poets, writers, translators and literary scholars explore the life and intellectual legacy of Russian Poet, Novelist and Playwright Alexander Pushkin. Joining Patrick on the panel include: Professor Mich... Read More about Alexander Pushkin: A Life.
Production of Uniform Cloth and Military Uniforms in Russia (1698–1762) (2021)
Journal Article
Ivleva, V. (2021). Production of Uniform Cloth and Military Uniforms in Russia (1698–1762). Textile History, 52(1-2), 101-121. article studies a corpus of state decrees aimed at regulating production of uniform cloth and military uniforms in Russia in the period between the reign of Peter I (1682–1725) and Peter III (1762). It discusses developments and challenges faced... Read More about Production of Uniform Cloth and Military Uniforms in Russia (1698–1762).
From Catherine II's Coup to Alexander Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter": A Reflection on Sartorial and Spiritual Searching in Russian Culture (2020)
Journal Article
Ivleva, V. (2020). From Catherine II's Coup to Alexander Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter": A Reflection on Sartorial and Spiritual Searching in Russian Culture. Vivlīoḟika, 8, 85-128. article examines the origins of different attributions of the uniform that Catherine II wore on the day of the coup in 1762 that brought her to the throne. It traces the importance of this episode in eighteenth-century culture and in Catherine’s... Read More about From Catherine II's Coup to Alexander Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter": A Reflection on Sartorial and Spiritual Searching in Russian Culture.
Kleidung in der Körperpolitik des katharinäischen Russland: Von Regimentskleidern zu regionalen Uniformen (2020)
Book Chapter
Ivleva, V. (2020). Kleidung in der Körperpolitik des katharinäischen Russland: Von Regimentskleidern zu regionalen Uniformen. In B. Braun, J. Kusber, & M. Schnettger (Eds.), Weibliche Herrschaft im Vergleich: Maria Theresia und Katharina II (375-406). Bielefeld: Transcript
Catherine II: Uniform Dresses and Regional Uniforms (2019)
Journal Article
Ivleva, V. (2019). Catherine II: Uniform Dresses and Regional Uniforms. Costume, 53(2), 207-230. after the coup d’état of 1762, which brought Catherine II, also known as Catherine the Great, to power, Vigilius Erichsen painted the equestrian portrait of the Empress in the Life Guards’ uniform. Catherine wore this uniform during the coup tha... Read More about Catherine II: Uniform Dresses and Regional Uniforms.
Catherine the Great of Russia, The Forum, BBC World Service (2018)
Digital Artefact
Kendall, B., Dixon, S., Zorin, A., & Ivleva, V. (2018). Catherine the Great of Russia, The Forum, BBC World Service. [Discussion programme]The Forum episode, BBC World Service
Bridget Kendall in conversation with Professor Simon Dixon, Professor Andrei Zorin and Dr Victoria Ivleva
Poetry and film: artistic kinship between Arsenii and Andrei Tarkovsky (2017)
Journal Article
Ivleva, V. (2017). Poetry and film: artistic kinship between Arsenii and Andrei Tarkovsky. Slavonica, 22(1-2), 95-96.
Dress Culture in Imperial Russia (Special issue: Clothing Cultures, 3:3) (2016)
Ivleva, V., & Murphy, A. (Eds.). (2016). Dress Culture in Imperial Russia (Special issue: Clothing Cultures, 3:3). Intellect
Social Life of the Caftan in Eighteenth-Century Russia (2016)
Journal Article
Ivleva, V. (2016). Social Life of the Caftan in Eighteenth-Century Russia. Clothing cultures, 3(3), 171-189. article explores the ‘cultural biography’ of the caftan, a garment, which underwent significant changes as a part of Peter I’s urban clothing revolution. The article discusses the evolution of the caftan and changes in its functions and meanings... Read More about Social Life of the Caftan in Eighteenth-Century Russia.
Catherine II as Female Ruler: The Power of Enlightened Womanhood (2015)
Journal Article
Ivleva, V. (2015). Catherine II as Female Ruler: The Power of Enlightened Womanhood. Vivlīoḟika, 3, 20-46This article examines some of the complexities of female rule during the reign of Catherine II (1762-1796). It argues that in addition to the Baroque scenarios of power inherited from her predecessors, the German-born Russian empress employed the cul... Read More about Catherine II as Female Ruler: The Power of Enlightened Womanhood.
St. Petersburg and the Russian Court, 1703-1761 (2014)
Journal Article
Ivleva, V. (2014). St. Petersburg and the Russian Court, 1703-1761. Slavonica, 20(2), 135-36.
Frills and Perils of Fashion: Politics and Culture of Eighteenth-Century Russian Court Through the Eyes of La Mode (2014)
Book Chapter
Ivleva, V. (2014). Frills and Perils of Fashion: Politics and Culture of Eighteenth-Century Russian Court Through the Eyes of La Mode. In C. Ionescu, & I. Baird (Eds.), Eighteenth-Century Thing Theory in a Global Context: From Consumerism to Celebrity Culture (113-132). Ashgate Publishing
The Locus of the Fashion Shop in Russian Literature from 1764 to 1806 (2013)
Journal Article
Ivleva, V. (2013). The Locus of the Fashion Shop in Russian Literature from 1764 to 1806. Eighteenth Century Studies, 46(3), 363-383. article examines the evolution in the cultural perception of the fashion shop in eighteenth-century Russian literature. I argue that in the context of eighteenth-century culture, a fashion shop became a heterogeneous locus of cultural negotiatio... Read More about The Locus of the Fashion Shop in Russian Literature from 1764 to 1806.
Shchegoli i vertoprakhi: Geroi russkogo galantnogo veka (2010)
Journal Article
Ivleva, V. (online). Shchegoli i vertoprakhi: Geroi russkogo galantnogo veka
Functions of Textile and Sartorial Artifacts in Russian Folk Tales (2009)
Journal Article
Ivleva, V. (2009). Functions of Textile and Sartorial Artifacts in Russian Folk Tales. Marvels and Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies, 23(2), 268-299This article studies the main functions of textile and sartorial artifacts in a three-volume edition of Russian folktales collected by Aleksandr Afanas'ev. The author explores the revealing, concealing, transformational, aesthetic, utilitarian, and m... Read More about Functions of Textile and Sartorial Artifacts in Russian Folk Tales.
A Vest Reinvested in Nabokov’s Gift (2009)
Journal Article
Ivleva, V. (2009). A Vest Reinvested in Nabokov’s Gift. Russian Review, 68(2), 283-301. held the universe to be a large suit of clothes, which invests everything: that the earth is invested by the air; the air is invested by the stars; and the stars are invested by the primum mobile. Look on this globe of earth, you will find it to... Read More about A Vest Reinvested in Nabokov’s Gift.
Literary Theory in Practice: Rethinking Tynjanov’s 'The Wax Figure.' (2006)
Journal Article
Ivleva, V. (2006). Literary Theory in Practice: Rethinking Tynjanov’s 'The Wax Figure.'. Russian Literature, 60(2), 127-157. article examines Iurii Tynianov's novella ‘Voskovaia persona’ (‘The Wax Figure’) in light of his ideas about tradition and innovation as outlined in his collection of articles Arkhaisty i novatory (Archaists and Innovators). In the novella, Tyni... Read More about Literary Theory in Practice: Rethinking Tynjanov’s 'The Wax Figure.'.