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Iñaki García Etxebarria's Outputs (51)

Some aspects of symmetry descent (2024)
Journal Article
Etxebarria, I. G., & Hosseini, S. S. (2024). Some aspects of symmetry descent. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024(12), Article 223.

In many cases the symmetry structure of quantum field theories can be neatly encoded into their associated symmetry topological field theory (SymTFT), a topological field theory in one dimension higher. For geometrically engineered QFTs in string the... Read More about Some aspects of symmetry descent.

Global structures from the infrared (2023)
Journal Article
Del Zotto, M., & García Etxebarria, I. (2023). Global structures from the infrared. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(11), Article 58.

Quantum field theories with identical local dynamics can admit different choices of global structure, leading to different partition functions and spectra of extended operators. Such choices can be reformulated in terms of a topological field theory... Read More about Global structures from the infrared.

A Goldstone theorem for continuous non-invertible symmetries (2023)
Journal Article
Etxebarria, I. G., & Iqbal, N. (2023). A Goldstone theorem for continuous non-invertible symmetries. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(9), Article 145.

We study systems with an Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly in terms of non-invertible symmetry. We present a new kind of non-invertible charge defect where a key role is played by a local current operator localized on the defect. The charge defects are now l... Read More about A Goldstone theorem for continuous non-invertible symmetries.

Branes and symmetries for N = 3 S-folds (2023)
Journal Article
Etheredge, M., Etxebarria, I. G., Heidenreich, B., & Rauch, S. (2023). Branes and symmetries for N = 3 S-folds. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(9), Article 5.

We describe the higher-form and non-invertible symmetries of 4d N = 3 S-folds using the brane dynamics of their holographic duals. In cases with enhancement to N = 4 supersymmetry, our analysis reproduces the known field theory results of Aharony, Se... Read More about Branes and symmetries for N = 3 S-folds.

Symmetry TFTs from String Theory (2023)
Journal Article
Apruzzi, F., Bonetti, F., García Etxebarria, I., Hosseini, S. S., & Schäfer-Nameki, S. (2023). Symmetry TFTs from String Theory. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 402(1), 895-949.

We determine the d+1 dimensional topological field theory, which encodes the higher-form symmetries and their ’t Hooft anomalies for d-dimensional QFTs obtained by compactifying M-theory on a non-compact space X. The resulting theory, which we call t... Read More about Symmetry TFTs from String Theory.

2-Group symmetries and M-theory (2022)
Journal Article
Del Zotto, M., García Etxebarria, I., & Schäfer-Nameki, S. (2022). 2-Group symmetries and M-theory. SciPost Physics, 13(5), Article 105 (2022).

Quantum Field Theories engineered in M-theory can have 2-group symmetries, mixing 0-form and 1-form symmetry backgrounds in non-trivial ways. In this paper we develop methods for determining the 2-group structure from the boundary geometry of the M-t... Read More about 2-Group symmetries and M-theory.

Branes and Non‐Invertible Symmetries (2022)
Journal Article
García Etxebarria, I. (2022). Branes and Non‐Invertible Symmetries. Fortschritte der Physik, 70(11),

=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories with algebra𝔰𝔬(4N) and appropriate choices of global structure can have non-invertible symmetries. We identify the branes holographically dual to the non-invertible symmetries, and derive the fusion rules for th... Read More about Branes and Non‐Invertible Symmetries.

The Standard Model quiver in de Sitter string compactifications (2021)
Journal Article
Cicoli, M., García Etxebarria, I., Quevedo, F., Schachner, A., Shukla, P., & Valandro, R. (2021). The Standard Model quiver in de Sitter string compactifications. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(8), Article 109.

We argue that the Standard Model quiver can be embedded into compact Calabi-Yau geometries through orientifolded D3-branes at del Pezzo singularities dPn with n ≥ 5 in a framework including moduli stabilisation. To illustrate our approach, we explici... Read More about The Standard Model quiver in de Sitter string compactifications.

Higher form symmetries and M-theory (2020)
Journal Article
Albertini, F., Del Zotto, M., García Etxebarria, I., & Hosseini, S. S. (2020). Higher form symmetries and M-theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(12), Article 203.

We discuss the geometric origin of discrete higher form symmetries of quantum field theories in terms of defect groups from geometric engineering in M-theory. The flux non-commutativity in M-theory gives rise to (mixed) ’t Hooft anomalies for the def... Read More about Higher form symmetries and M-theory.

Nothing is certain in string compactifications (2020)
Journal Article
García Etxebarria, I., Montero, M., Sousa, K., & Valenzuela, I. (2020). Nothing is certain in string compactifications. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020, Article 32.

A bubble of nothing is a spacetime instability where a compact dimension collapses. After nucleation, it expands at the speed of light, leaving “nothing” behind. We argue that the topological and dynamical mechanisms which could protect a compactific... Read More about Nothing is certain in string compactifications.

Higher form symmetries of Argyres-Douglas theories (2020)
Journal Article
Del Zotto, M., Etxebarria, I. G., & Hosseini, S. S. (2020). Higher form symmetries of Argyres-Douglas theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(10), Article 056.

We determine the structure of 1-form symmetries for all 4d N = 2 theories that have a geometric engineering in terms of type IIB string theory on isolated hypersurface singularities. This is a large class of models, that includes Argyres-Douglas theo... Read More about Higher form symmetries of Argyres-Douglas theories.

IIB flux non-commutativity and the global structure of field theories (2019)
Journal Article
García Etxebarria, I., Heidenreich, B., & Regalado, D. (2019). IIB flux non-commutativity and the global structure of field theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(10), Article 169.

We discuss the origin of the choice of global structure for six dimensional (2, 0) theories and their compactifications in terms of their realization from IIB string theory on ALE spaces. We find that the ambiguity in the choice of global structure o... Read More about IIB flux non-commutativity and the global structure of field theories.

Dai-Freed anomalies in particle physics (2019)
Journal Article
García-Etxebarria, I., & Montero, M. (2019). Dai-Freed anomalies in particle physics. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(8), Article 3.

Anomalies can be elegantly analyzed by means of the Dai-Freed theorem. In this framework it is natural to consider a refinement of traditional anomaly cancellation conditions, which sometimes leads to nontrivial extra constraints in the fermion spect... Read More about Dai-Freed anomalies in particle physics.

A note on non-flat points in the SU(5) × U(1)PQ F-theory model (2019)
Journal Article
Achmed-Zade, I., García-Etxebarria, I., & Mayrhofer, C. (2019). A note on non-flat points in the SU(5) × U(1)PQ F-theory model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5), Article 13.

Non-flat fibrations often appear in F-theory GUT models, and their interpretation is still somewhat mysterious. In this note we explore this issue in a model of particular phenomenological interest, the global SU(5) × U(1) Peccei-Quinn F-theory model... Read More about A note on non-flat points in the SU(5) × U(1)PQ F-theory model.

2d orbifolds with exotic supersymmetry (2018)
Journal Article
Florakis, I., García-Etxebarria, I., Lust, D., & Regalado, D. (2018). 2d orbifolds with exotic supersymmetry. Journal of High Energy Physics, 02, Article 146.

We analyse various two dimensional theories arising from compactification of type II and heterotic string theory on asymmetric orbifolds. We find extra supersymmetry generators arising from twisted sectors, giving rise to exotic supersymmetry algebra... Read More about 2d orbifolds with exotic supersymmetry.

Exceptional N=3 theories (2017)
Journal Article
García-Etxebarria, I., & Regalado, D. (2017). Exceptional N=3 theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 12, Article 042.

We present a new construction of four dimensional N = 3 theories, given by M5 branes wrapping a T 2 in an M-theory U-fold background. The resulting setup generalizes the one used in the usual class S construction of four dimensional theories by using... Read More about Exceptional N=3 theories.

8d gauge anomalies and the topological Green-Schwarz mechanism (2017)
Journal Article
García-Etxebarria, I., Hayashi, H., Ohmori, K., Tachikawa, Y., & Yonekura, K. (2017). 8d gauge anomalies and the topological Green-Schwarz mechanism. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(11), Article 177.

String theory provides us with 8d supersymmetric gauge theory with gauge algebras su(N), so(2N), sp(N), e6, e7 and e8, but no construction for so(2N+1), f4 and g2 is known. In this paper, we show that the theories for f4 and so(2N+1) have a global ga... Read More about 8d gauge anomalies and the topological Green-Schwarz mechanism.

Global Orientifolded Quivers with Inflation (2017)
Journal Article
Cicoli, M., García-Etxebarria, I., Mayrhofer, C., Quevedo, F., Shukla, P., & Valandro, R. (2017). Global Orientifolded Quivers with Inflation. Journal of High Energy Physics, 11, Article 134.

We describe global embeddings of fractional D3 branes at orientifolded singularities in type IIB flux compactifications. We present an explicit Calabi-Yau example where the chiral visible sector lives on a local orientifolded quiver while non-perturb... Read More about Global Orientifolded Quivers with Inflation.

E6 Yukawa couplings in F-theory as D-brane instanton effects (2017)
Journal Article
Collinucci, A., & García-Etxebarria, I. (2017). E6 Yukawa couplings in F-theory as D-brane instanton effects. Journal of High Energy Physics, 03, Article 155.

At weak coupling the neighborhood of a E6 Yukawa point in SU(5) GUT F-theory models is described by a non-resolvable orientifold of the conifold. We explicitly show, first directly in IIB and then via a mirror symmetry argument, that in this limit th... Read More about E6 Yukawa couplings in F-theory as D-brane instanton effects.