Book Chapter
Yousafzai, S., Fayolle, A., Lindgreen, A., Henry, C., Saeed, S., & Sheikh, S. (2018). Introduction. In S. Yousafzai, A. Fayolle, A. Lindgreen, C. Henry, S. Saeed, & S. Sheikh (Eds.), Women Entrepreneurs and the Myth of ‘Underperformance’: A New Look at Women’s Entrepreneurship Research (xx-xxii). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Dr Saadat Saeed's Outputs (4)
The contextual embeddedness of women’s entrepreneurship: towards a more informed research agenda (2018)
Journal Article
Yousafzai, S. F., A., *., S., H., & C. Lindgreen, A. (2018). The contextual embeddedness of women’s entrepreneurship: towards a more informed research agenda. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 31(3-4), 167-177.
Cross-country Differences in Innovative Entrepreneurial Activity: An Entrepreneurial Cognitive View (2018)
Journal Article
Raza, A., Muffatto, M., & Saeed, S. (2018). Cross-country Differences in Innovative Entrepreneurial Activity: An Entrepreneurial Cognitive View. Management Decision, 58(7), 1301-1329. purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between entrepreneurial cognition and innovative entrepreneurial activity across countries using an institutional perspective. The paper tests theoretical model using data collected by the Glob... Read More about Cross-country Differences in Innovative Entrepreneurial Activity: An Entrepreneurial Cognitive View.
Contextual Embeddedness of Women’s Entrepreneurship: Going Beyond a Gender-Neutral Approach. (2018)
Yousafzai, S., Lindgreen, A., Saeed, S., Henry, C., & Fayolle, A. (Eds.). (2018). Contextual Embeddedness of Women’s Entrepreneurship: Going Beyond a Gender-Neutral Approach. RoutledgeContextual Embeddedness of Women’s Entrepreneurship brings together a range of research that provides powerful insights into the influences and restraints within a diverse set of gendered contexts including social, political, institutional, religious... Read More about Contextual Embeddedness of Women’s Entrepreneurship: Going Beyond a Gender-Neutral Approach..