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Dr Saadat Saeed's Outputs (23)

Top management team attributes and corporate entrepreneurship: A meta‐analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Saeed, S., Alasadi, M., Yousafzai, S. Y., & Zahra, S. A. (online). Top management team attributes and corporate entrepreneurship: A meta‐analysis. Journal of Product Innovation Management,

How do the attributes of a firm's top management team (TMT) influence corporate entrepreneurship across organizational and national contexts? Drawing on upper echelons theory and the managerial discretion perspective, this meta‐analytic study examine... Read More about Top management team attributes and corporate entrepreneurship: A meta‐analysis.

Decoding evidence-based entrepreneurship: A systematic review of meta-analytic choices and reporting (2024)
Journal Article
Rauch, A., Saeed, S., & Frese, M. (online). Decoding evidence-based entrepreneurship: A systematic review of meta-analytic choices and reporting. Journal of Small Business Management,

Meta-analysis—the statistical analysis of a large collection of analysis results from individual studies for the purpose of integrating the findings substantially contributes to paradigm development in the field of entrepreneurship. Notably, a number... Read More about Decoding evidence-based entrepreneurship: A systematic review of meta-analytic choices and reporting.

Preparing the successor through familial support and legitimacy: A multilevel framework (2024)
Journal Article
Saeed, S., Giminez-Jiminez, D., Calabrò, A., & Kraus, S. (online). Preparing the successor through familial support and legitimacy: A multilevel framework. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development,

This study investigates the interplay among parental support, familial legitimacy, and next-generation succession intentions in family businesses in different societal context. Building on attachment theory and insights from family business literatur... Read More about Preparing the successor through familial support and legitimacy: A multilevel framework.

Breaking barriers and bridging gaps: the influence of entrepreneurship policies on women’s entry into entrepreneurship (2024)
Journal Article
Raza, A., Yousafzai, S., & Saeed, S. (2024). Breaking barriers and bridging gaps: the influence of entrepreneurship policies on women’s entry into entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 30(7), 1779-1810.

How does the interplay between entrepreneurship policies and both formal and informal gender equality affect women's inclination towards self-employment in contrast to men?
This study introduces and validates... Read More about Breaking barriers and bridging gaps: the influence of entrepreneurship policies on women’s entry into entrepreneurship.

Radical product sustainability oriented innovation (SOI) and triple-bottom-line (3BL) performance: findings from Malaysian and Singaporean B2B firms (2024)
Journal Article
Ahmad, W., Saeed, S., Janovská, K., Tien Dat, L., Rizomyliotis, I., & Ahmed, S. (2024). Radical product sustainability oriented innovation (SOI) and triple-bottom-line (3BL) performance: findings from Malaysian and Singaporean B2B firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 117, 457-466.

Despite the ongoing debate, there is an absence of research in finding the relationship between radical product sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI) and firm's triple-bottom-line (3BL) performance. While radical product SOIs may lead to 3BL perfo... Read More about Radical product sustainability oriented innovation (SOI) and triple-bottom-line (3BL) performance: findings from Malaysian and Singaporean B2B firms.

How do resilience and self-efficacy relate to entrepreneurial intentions in countries with varying degrees of fragility? A six-country study (2020)
Journal Article
Renko, M., Bullough, A., & Saeed, S. (2021). How do resilience and self-efficacy relate to entrepreneurial intentions in countries with varying degrees of fragility? A six-country study. International Small Business Journal, 39(2), 130-156.

Conflict, poverty and weak institutions create hardships for people, societies and economies on a global basis. We investigate macro-societal state fragility and stability. Within this context, and from a microfoundations perspective, we analyse indi... Read More about How do resilience and self-efficacy relate to entrepreneurial intentions in countries with varying degrees of fragility? A six-country study.

Institutional adversity, external knowledge sources, and new ventures' innovation: An institutional polycentrism theory perspective (2020)
Journal Article
Raza, A., Saeed, S., Yosafzai, S., Shahid, M., & Muffatto, M. (2020). Institutional adversity, external knowledge sources, and new ventures' innovation: An institutional polycentrism theory perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 633-647.

Why do some new ventures thrive while others fail? In this study, we investigate the unique relationship between external knowledge sourcing of new ventures and its innovative outcomes, and its contextual embeddedness. The investigation is based on t... Read More about Institutional adversity, external knowledge sources, and new ventures' innovation: An institutional polycentrism theory perspective.

Does using latest technology impact new venture innovation? A contingency based view of institutional environments (2020)
Journal Article
Mohsen, K., Saeed, S., Raza, A., Omar, S., & Muffatto, M. (2021). Does using latest technology impact new venture innovation? A contingency based view of institutional environments. Journal of Small Business Management, 59(4), 852-886.

Drawing on resource‐based theory and institutional theory, we develop a multi‐level model on the outcomes of early stage entrepreneurs employing latest technologies in their ventures. Essentially, we argue that the effects of using latest technologie... Read More about Does using latest technology impact new venture innovation? A contingency based view of institutional environments.

The influence of formal institutions on the relationship between entrepreneurial readiness and entrepreneurial behaviour: A cross-country analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Raza, A., Muffatto, M., & Saeed, S. (2019). The influence of formal institutions on the relationship between entrepreneurial readiness and entrepreneurial behaviour: A cross-country analysis. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26(1), 133-157.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to use a unique set of measures from Holmes et al. (2013) to clarify the relationship between entrepreneurial readiness and entrepreneurial behaviours across countries and determine whether formal institutions mo... Read More about The influence of formal institutions on the relationship between entrepreneurial readiness and entrepreneurial behaviour: A cross-country analysis.

Introduction. (2018)
Book Chapter
Yousafzai, S., Fayolle, A., Lindgreen, A., Henry, C., Saeed, S., & Sheikh, S. (2018). Introduction. In S. Yousafzai, A. Fayolle, A. Lindgreen, C. Henry, S. Saeed, & S. Sheikh (Eds.), Women Entrepreneurs and the Myth of ‘Underperformance’: A New Look at Women’s Entrepreneurship Research (xx-xxii). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Cross-country Differences in Innovative Entrepreneurial Activity: An Entrepreneurial Cognitive View (2018)
Journal Article
Raza, A., Muffatto, M., & Saeed, S. (2018). Cross-country Differences in Innovative Entrepreneurial Activity: An Entrepreneurial Cognitive View. Management Decision, 58(7), 1301-1329.

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between entrepreneurial cognition and innovative entrepreneurial activity across countries using an institutional perspective. The paper tests theoretical model using data collected by the Glob... Read More about Cross-country Differences in Innovative Entrepreneurial Activity: An Entrepreneurial Cognitive View.

Contextual Embeddedness of Women’s Entrepreneurship: Going Beyond a Gender-Neutral Approach. (2018)
Yousafzai, S., Lindgreen, A., Saeed, S., Henry, C., & Fayolle, A. (Eds.). (2018). Contextual Embeddedness of Women’s Entrepreneurship: Going Beyond a Gender-Neutral Approach. Routledge

Contextual Embeddedness of Women’s Entrepreneurship brings together a range of research that provides powerful insights into the influences and restraints within a diverse set of gendered contexts including social, political, institutional, religious... Read More about Contextual Embeddedness of Women’s Entrepreneurship: Going Beyond a Gender-Neutral Approach..

The Effect of Corporate Support Programs on Employees’ Innovative Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study (2017)
Journal Article
Engelen, A., Weinekotter, L., Saeed, S., & Enke, S. (2018). The Effect of Corporate Support Programs on Employees’ Innovative Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study. Journal of International Business Studies, 35(2), 230-253.

This article establishes a theoretical model that sheds light on whether corporate support programs can foster employees’ innovative behavior across nations and which national cultural dimensions moderate this relationship. To validate the arguments... Read More about The Effect of Corporate Support Programs on Employees’ Innovative Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study.

Institutional Theory and Contextual Embeddedness Of Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership: Evidence From 92 Countries (2015)
Journal Article
Yousafzai, S., Saeed, S., & Muffatto, M. (2015). Institutional Theory and Contextual Embeddedness Of Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership: Evidence From 92 Countries. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(3), 587-604.

Building on GEM research, we develop a multi-level framework that draws on the notion of the contextual embeddedness of entrepreneurship and institutional theory. We examine the mediating role of the vision for women's entrepreneurship (VWE) on the r... Read More about Institutional Theory and Contextual Embeddedness Of Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership: Evidence From 92 Countries.

Inside-out and outside-in orientations: A meta-analysis of orientation's effects on innovation and firm performance (2015)
Journal Article
Saeed, S., Yousafzai, S., Paladino, A., & De Luca, L. (2015). Inside-out and outside-in orientations: A meta-analysis of orientation's effects on innovation and firm performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 47(4), 121-133.

The inside-out and outside-in orientations place differing levels of emphasis on internal versus external resources and capabilities as sources of competitive advantage. While the inside-out orientation primarily considers organizational resources, f... Read More about Inside-out and outside-in orientations: A meta-analysis of orientation's effects on innovation and firm performance.

Exploring inter-generational influence on entrepreneurial intention: the mediating role of perceived desirability and perceived feasibility (2014)
Journal Article
Saeed, S., Muffatto, M., & Yousafzai, S. (2014). Exploring inter-generational influence on entrepreneurial intention: the mediating role of perceived desirability and perceived feasibility. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 18(2/3), 134-153.

Children of self-employed parents are twice as likely as other children to become self-employed themselves, as family background exerts a significant influence on the values, attitudes, and behaviour one adopts. This study explores how entrepreneuria... Read More about Exploring inter-generational influence on entrepreneurial intention: the mediating role of perceived desirability and perceived feasibility.

On cultural and macroeconomic contingencies of the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship (2014)
Journal Article
Saeed, S., Yousafzai, S., & Engelen, A. (2014). On cultural and macroeconomic contingencies of the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(2), 255-290.

The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and firm performance is among the best-researched topics in entrepreneurship research. These studies have been conducted in various national contexts. While a first meta-analysis by Rauch et a... Read More about On cultural and macroeconomic contingencies of the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship.

A Multi-level Study of Entrepreneurship Education among Pakistani University Students (2014)
Journal Article
Saeed, S., Muffatto, M., & Yousafzai, S. (2014). A Multi-level Study of Entrepreneurship Education among Pakistani University Students. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 4(3), 297-321.

This study examines how a university’s support impacts students’ entrepreneurial intentions and finds that entrepreneurship education, concept-development support, and business-development support increase such intentions. The university role is crit... Read More about A Multi-level Study of Entrepreneurship Education among Pakistani University Students.

The Role of Perceived University Support in the Formation of Students' Entrepreneurial Intention (2013)
Journal Article
Saeed, S., Yousafzai, S., Yani-de-Soriano, M., & Muffatto, M. (2015). The Role of Perceived University Support in the Formation of Students' Entrepreneurial Intention. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(4), 1127-1145.

Entrepreneurship education is central to student entrepreneurship. Previous research has attempted to understand the role of entrepreneurship education in the formation of students' entrepreneurial intention and behavior, albeit in an isolated manner... Read More about The Role of Perceived University Support in the Formation of Students' Entrepreneurial Intention.