Exploring inter-generational influence on entrepreneurial intention: the mediating role of perceived desirability and perceived feasibility
Journal Article
Saeed, S., Muffatto, M., & Yousafzai, S. (2014). Exploring inter-generational influence on entrepreneurial intention: the mediating role of perceived desirability and perceived feasibility. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 18(2/3), 134-153. https://doi.org/10.1504/ijeim.2014.062877
Children of self-employed parents are twice as likely as other children to become self-employed themselves, as family background exerts a significant influence on the values, attitudes, and behaviour one adopts. This study explores how entrepreneuria... Read More about Exploring inter-generational influence on entrepreneurial intention: the mediating role of perceived desirability and perceived feasibility.