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Dr Venetia Bridges' Outputs (16)

Touch and Temporality in Selected Manuscripts of the Roman de Troie and the Roman d’Eneas (2024)
Journal Article
Bridges, V. (2024). Touch and Temporality in Selected Manuscripts of the Roman de Troie and the Roman d’Eneas. Anglia, 142(3), 446-462.

This article considers the intimate connections between proximity, temporality and metanarrative in selected thirteenth- and fourteenth-century multi-text manuscripts of Benoît de Sainte-Maure’s Roman de Troie (c. 1165) and the Roman d’Eneas (c. 1155... Read More about Touch and Temporality in Selected Manuscripts of the Roman de Troie and the Roman d’Eneas.

The Wonders of Historiography: The Medieval Latin Alexander Narratives and Manuscript Contexts of Justin, Orosius, and the Historia de Preliis (2024)
Book Chapter
Bridges, V. (2024). The Wonders of Historiography: The Medieval Latin Alexander Narratives and Manuscript Contexts of Justin, Orosius, and the Historia de Preliis. In F. Piccioni, E. Poddighe, & T. Pontillo (Eds.), La ricezione dell’ultimo Alessandro: Mirabilia e violenza al di qua e al di là dell’Indo (319-340). De Gruyter.

Textual and Codicological Manifestations of Multilingual Culture in Medieval England (2023)
Book Chapter
Putter, A., Kopaczyk, J., & Bridges, V. (2023). Textual and Codicological Manifestations of Multilingual Culture in Medieval England. In Medieval English in a Multilingual Context (407-439). Springer International Publishing.

Focusing on multilingual literary texts and manuscripts, this chapter takes stock of developments in recent scholarship and highlights areas in which further work is needed. Changes of approach by editors and literary historians are illustrated with... Read More about Textual and Codicological Manifestations of Multilingual Culture in Medieval England.

Chaucer and Gower (2023)
Book Chapter
Bridges, V. (2023). Chaucer and Gower. In Genre and Gender (342-76). Cambridge University Press.

In this chapter, the wide-ranging topic of women’s literary culture is addressed via the following question: what does the representation of femininity enable in the works of Chaucer and Gower, or, to put it slightly differently, what and how do wome... Read More about Chaucer and Gower.

The Romans Antiques Across Time and Space (2017)
Book Chapter
Bridges, V. (in press). The Romans Antiques Across Time and Space. In M. Edlich-Muth (Ed.), Medieval Romances Across European Borders. Brepols Publishers

‘Antique Authorities? Classicizing Poetry of the 1180s’ (2016)
Journal Article
Bridges, V. (2016). ‘Antique Authorities? Classicizing Poetry of the 1180s’. Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures, 3, 143-161.

The ‘twelfth-century Renaissance’ was based on the rediscovery of classical texts and traditions, and inspired new works based on these well-known materials. However, the nature of many of these new works, often described as ‘classicizing poetry,’ ha... Read More about ‘Antique Authorities? Classicizing Poetry of the 1180s’.

‘“What shalt thou do when thou hast an english to make into Latin?” The Proverb Collection of Cambridge, St John’s College, MS F.26’ (2015)
Journal Article
Bellis, J., & Bridges, V. (2015). ‘“What shalt thou do when thou hast an english to make into Latin?” The Proverb Collection of Cambridge, St John’s College, MS F.26’. Studies in philology, 112(1), 68-92.

This article considers proverbs used as translation sentences, in the context of the teaching of Latin in the medieval schoolroom. Its enquiry focuses in particular on one folio of such latinitates, in Cambridge, St. John's College, MS F.26 (with fur... Read More about ‘“What shalt thou do when thou hast an english to make into Latin?” The Proverb Collection of Cambridge, St John’s College, MS F.26’.

‘Passions and Polemics: Latin and Vernacular Alexander Literature in the Later Twelfth Century’ (2014)
Journal Article
Bridges, V. (2014). ‘Passions and Polemics: Latin and Vernacular Alexander Literature in the Later Twelfth Century’. Nottingham Medieval Studies, 58, 87-113.

This article analyses two poems about Alexander the Great from the 1180s, the Latin epic Alexandreis and the French Roman d’Alexandre, suggesting that they are participating in an ongoing and passionate literary debate about how to perform translatio... Read More about ‘Passions and Polemics: Latin and Vernacular Alexander Literature in the Later Twelfth Century’.