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Dr Kostas Boyiopoulos' Recognition (10)

Princeton University Library Research Grant. The Friends of Princeton University Library (FPUL). Firestone Library. Value: $2,500.00.
2013 - 2013

Recognition Type Awards / Prizes
Description Princeton University Library Research Grant. The Friends of Princeton University Library (FPUL). Firestone Library. Value: $2,500.00.

Editorial Advisory Board Member

Recognition Type Editorial Roles
Description Editorial Advisory Board Member for Volupté (Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies)

President’s Panel (BAVS). ‘Exophony and Translation at the Fin de Siècle: Stuart Merrill and Renée Vivien.’ President’s Panel: Transnationalism. 2022 BAVS. Moderators: Dinah Birch and Patricia Pulham. University of Birmingham. 1–3 September 20
2022 - 2022

Recognition Type Invited Talks / Keynote / Plenary Addresses at Conferences
Description President’s Panel (BAVS). ‘Exophony and Translation at the Fin de Siècle: Stuart Merrill and Renée Vivien.’ President’s Panel: Transnationalism. 2022 BAVS. Moderators: Dinah Birch and Patricia Pulham. University of Birmingham. 1–3 September 2022.

Invited seminar talk. ‘Exophony at the Fin de Siècle: Stuart Merrill, Renée Vivien, and Decadent Translation.’ Nineteenth Century Research Seminar. Faculty of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford. Organiser: Professor Helen Small. M
2022 - 2022

Recognition Type Invited Talks / Keynote / Plenary Addresses at Conferences
Description Invited seminar talk. ‘Exophony at the Fin de Siècle: Stuart Merrill, Renée Vivien, and Decadent Translation.’ Nineteenth Century Research Seminar. Faculty of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford. Organiser: Professor Helen Small. Monday 7 November 2022.

Keynote talk. ‘Tropes of Tainted Medievalism: Ernest Dowson’s Recasting of Fin’Amor.’ ‘Ernest Dowson (1867–1900): Poet, Translator, Novelist.’ Goldsmiths, University of London. 15 April 2016.
2016 - 2016

Recognition Type Invited Talks / Keynote / Plenary Addresses at Conferences
Description Keynote talk. ‘Tropes of Tainted Medievalism: Ernest Dowson’s Recasting of Fin’Amor.’ ‘Ernest Dowson (1867–1900): Poet, Translator, Novelist.’ Goldsmiths, University of London. 15 April 2016.

Invited talk. ‘Raconteur and Racketeer: Oscar Wilde and the Confidence Trick.’ Research Centre for Literature and Cultural History. Liverpool John Moores University. 24 November 2015.
2015 - 2015

Recognition Type Invited Talks / Keynote / Plenary Addresses at Conferences
Description Invited talk. ‘Raconteur and Racketeer: Oscar Wilde and the Confidence Trick.’ Research Centre for Literature and Cultural History. Liverpool John Moores University. 24 November 2015.

Co-investigator, ‘Neo-Victorian Decadence’
2021 - 2022

Recognition Type Organisation of Conferences or Symposia
Description Co-investigator. ‘Neo-Victorian Decadence’. Joint CUSVE-DRC International Conference. Directors: Jane Desmarais (Goldsmiths, University of London) and Anna Enrichetta Soccio (Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara). Chieti, 26-28 October 2022.
Webinar host. Webinar on ‘Neo-Victorian Decadence’. CUSVE-DRC Research Group. 1 April 2022.

Co-organiser, 'Aphoristic Modernity, 1890–1950’
2014 - 2015

Recognition Type Organisation of Conferences or Symposia
Description ‘“Perfectly phrased and quite as true”: Aphoristic Modernity, 1890–1950.’ 4 July 2015, University of York, with Michael Shallcross. Plenary speakers: James Williams (York) and Mark Sandy (Durham)

Co-organiser, 'Aphoristic Modernity, 1890–1950'
2012 - 2013

Recognition Type Organisation of Conferences or Symposia
Description ‘“We Speak a Different Tongue”: Maverick Voices and Modernity, 1890–1939’. 5–6 July 2013, Durham University. Intn’l Conference. Principal Co-organiser, with Anthony Patterson, Yoonjoung Choi, and Mark Sandy. Plenary speakers: Chris Baldick (Goldsmiths) and Michael O’Neill (Durham)