A model for permeability evolution during volcanic welding
Journal Article
Wadsworth, F. B., Vasseur, J., Llewellin, E. W., Brown, R. J., Tuffen, H., Gardner, J. E., Kendrick, J. E., Lavallée, Y., Dobson, K. J., Heap, M. J., Dingwell, D. B., Hess, K.-U., Schauroth, J., von Aulock, F. W., Kushnir, A. R., & Marone, F. (2021). A model for permeability evolution during volcanic welding. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 409, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.107118
Volcanic ash and pyroclasts can weld when deposited hot by pyroclastic density currents, in near-vent fall deposits, or in fractures in volcano interiors. Welding progressively decreases the permeability of the particle packs, influencing a range of... Read More about A model for permeability evolution during volcanic welding.