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Dr Richard Brown's Outputs (5)

The 2013 eruption of Chaparrastique volcano (El Salvador): Effects of magma storage, mixing, and decompression (2016)
Journal Article
Scarlato, P., Mollo, S., Del Bello, E., von Quadt, A., Brown, R., Gutierrez, E., …Papale, P. (2017). The 2013 eruption of Chaparrastique volcano (El Salvador): Effects of magma storage, mixing, and decompression. Chemical Geology, 448, 110-122.

On December 29, 2013, an isolated vulcanian-type eruption occurred at Chaparrastique volcano (El Salvador) after 12 years of inactivity. The eruption was classified as VEI 2 and produced an ash plume with a maximum height of ~ 9 km. Textural and comp... Read More about The 2013 eruption of Chaparrastique volcano (El Salvador): Effects of magma storage, mixing, and decompression.

Origin and evolution of silicic magmas at ocean islands: Perspectives from a zoned fall deposit on Ascension Island, South Atlantic (2016)
Journal Article
Chamberlain, K., Barclay, J., Preece, K., Brown, R., Davidson, J., & EIMF. (2016). Origin and evolution of silicic magmas at ocean islands: Perspectives from a zoned fall deposit on Ascension Island, South Atlantic. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 327, 349-360.

Ascension Island, in the south Atlantic is a composite ocean island volcano with a wide variety of eruptive styles and magmatic compositions evident in its ~ 1 million year subaerial history. In this paper, new observations of a unique zoned fall dep... Read More about Origin and evolution of silicic magmas at ocean islands: Perspectives from a zoned fall deposit on Ascension Island, South Atlantic.

Ash Aggregation in Volcanic Clouds (2016)
Book Chapter
Durant, A., & Brown, R. (in press). Ash Aggregation in Volcanic Clouds. In S. Mackie, K. Cashman, H. Ricketts, A. Rust, & M. Watson (Eds.), Volcanic Ash (53-66). Elsevier

The architecture and shallow conduits of Laki-type pyroclastic cones: insights into a basaltic fissure eruption (2016)
Journal Article
Reynolds, P., Brown, R., Thordarson, T., & Llewellin, E. (2016). The architecture and shallow conduits of Laki-type pyroclastic cones: insights into a basaltic fissure eruption. Bulletin of Volcanology, 78(5), Article 36.

Pyroclastic cones built along basaltic fissures provide important volcanological information, but it is often difficult to examine the early-erupted products due to burial by later products. Furthermore, it is rare to see the link between the feeder... Read More about The architecture and shallow conduits of Laki-type pyroclastic cones: insights into a basaltic fissure eruption.

Reconstructing the evolution of an eroded Miocene caldera volcano (Yamanlar volcano, İzmir, Turkey) (2016)
Journal Article
Karaoğlu, O., & Brown, R. (2016). Reconstructing the evolution of an eroded Miocene caldera volcano (Yamanlar volcano, İzmir, Turkey). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 318, 1-18.

The Miocene Yamanlar composite volcano is located in the central part of a shear zone in western Turkey. The volcano's deeply-eroded interior provides excellent three-dimensional exposure of a faulted caldera-floor and caldera-fill rocks as well as s... Read More about Reconstructing the evolution of an eroded Miocene caldera volcano (Yamanlar volcano, İzmir, Turkey).