Geology of a complex kimberlite pipe (K2 pipe, Venetia Mine, South Africa): Insights into conduit processes during explosive ultrabasic eruptions
Journal Article
Brown, R., Tait, M., Field, M., & Sparks, R. (2009). Geology of a complex kimberlite pipe (K2 pipe, Venetia Mine, South Africa): Insights into conduit processes during explosive ultrabasic eruptions. Bulletin of Volcanology, 71(1),
Dr Richard Brown's Outputs (3)
Pyroclastic flow deposits from a kimberlite eruption : the Orapa South Crater, Botswana. (2009)
Journal Article
Gernon, T., Fontana, G., Field, M., Sparks, R., Brown, R., & Mac Nio Caill, C. (2009). Pyroclastic flow deposits from a kimberlite eruption : the Orapa South Crater, Botswana. Lithos, 112(Supplement 1), 566-578.
3D crystal size distributions: A case study on quantifying olivine populations in kimberlites (2009)
Journal Article
Jerram, D. A., Mock, A., Davis, G. R., Field, M., & Brown, R. J. (2009). 3D crystal size distributions: A case study on quantifying olivine populations in kimberlites. Lithos, 112(Supplement 1 ; Part 1), 223-235. advances in textural analysis and imaging allow the possibility for the true distribution of mineral phases in a rock to be quantified to high resolution. Also we are able to explore the relations between 2D to 3D datasets more rigorously. In thi... Read More about 3D crystal size distributions: A case study on quantifying olivine populations in kimberlites.