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Professor Paul Hughes' Outputs (46)

Unsaturated behaviour of material from a vernacular eastern Croatia rammed earth house (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hughes, P. (2024, July). Unsaturated behaviour of material from a vernacular eastern Croatia rammed earth house. Presented at Second RILEM International Conference on Earthen Construction, Edinburgh, UK

Abstract. The popularity of the rammed earth building technique has increased over recent decades due to its low ecological impact. Despite the presence of numerous vernacular rammed earth houses across eastern Croatia, research on their properties a... Read More about Unsaturated behaviour of material from a vernacular eastern Croatia rammed earth house.

A non-hysteretic simplification to the Glasgow Coupled Model (GCM) (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mutsvairo, T., Lloret-Cabot, M., Hughes, P., Muguda-Viswanath, S., & Dias, A. S. (2024, April). A non-hysteretic simplification to the Glasgow Coupled Model (GCM). Presented at 2024 UK Association for Computational Mechanics Conference, Durham, UK

The Glasgow Coupled Model (GCM) is an established elasto-plastic constitutive model developed to capture the coupled hydro-mechanical response of unsaturated soils. This study highlights the unique capabilities of the GCM in modelling the water ret... Read More about A non-hysteretic simplification to the Glasgow Coupled Model (GCM).

Soil–Water Retention Curve Prediction for Compacted London Clay Subjected to Moisture Cycles (2023)
Journal Article
Dias, A. S., Hughes, P. N., & Toll, D. G. (2024). Soil–Water Retention Curve Prediction for Compacted London Clay Subjected to Moisture Cycles. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 42(4), 2799-2814.

The evolution of the hydraulic properties of London Clay when compacted at a range of initial conditions (density and water content) was investigated. The soil–water retention curve (SWRC) is observed to change as the soil is subjected to cycles of w... Read More about Soil–Water Retention Curve Prediction for Compacted London Clay Subjected to Moisture Cycles.

A simple method to determine soil–water retention curves of compacted active clays (2023)
Journal Article
Dias, A. S., Hughes, P. N., Toll, D. G., & Glendinning, S. (2023). A simple method to determine soil–water retention curves of compacted active clays. Transportation Geotechnics, 43, 101138.

Determining the Soil Water Retention Curve (SWRC) of an active clay constitutes a challenge due to the significant, and sometimes irreversible, volume changes that occur during wetting and drying cycles. A novel yet simple method of experimentally de... Read More about A simple method to determine soil–water retention curves of compacted active clays.

Development of a Multiphase Numerical Modeling Approach for Hydromechanical Behavior of Clay Embankments Subject to Weather-Driven Deterioration (2023)
Journal Article
Morsy, A. M., Helm, P. R., El-Hamalawi, A., Smith, A., Hughes, P. N., Stirling, R. A., Dijkstra, T. A., Dixon, N., & Glendinning, S. (2023). Development of a Multiphase Numerical Modeling Approach for Hydromechanical Behavior of Clay Embankments Subject to Weather-Driven Deterioration. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 149(8),

Clay embankments used for road, rail, and flood defense infrastructure experience a suite of weather-driven deterioration processes that lead to a progressive loss of hydromechanical performance: micro-scale deformation (e.g., aggregation and desicca... Read More about Development of a Multiphase Numerical Modeling Approach for Hydromechanical Behavior of Clay Embankments Subject to Weather-Driven Deterioration.

Towards a predictive model of the shear strength behaviour of fibre reinforced clay (2023)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Hughes, P. N., & Augarde, C. E. (online). Towards a predictive model of the shear strength behaviour of fibre reinforced clay. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 28(2), 380-400.

Randomly distributed fibres can be a potential reinforcement material to improve the shear strength of soils. However, gaps remain in experimental research and predictive modelling of the shear strength of fibre reinforced high plasticity clays. In l... Read More about Towards a predictive model of the shear strength behaviour of fibre reinforced clay.

Effects of fibre additions on the tensile strength and crack behaviour of unsaturated clay (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Hughes, P. N., & Augarde, C. E. (2023). Effects of fibre additions on the tensile strength and crack behaviour of unsaturated clay. Ground Improvement, 176(2), 108-120.

Desiccation cracking in clay soils is a combined mechanical and hydraulic problem and such soils can be improved by various methods including reinforcement with fibres. The relationships between tensile strength, cracking resistance and water-retenti... Read More about Effects of fibre additions on the tensile strength and crack behaviour of unsaturated clay.

Cross-linking of biopolymers for stabilising earthen construction materials (2021)
Journal Article
Muguda, S., Hughes, P., Augarde, C., Perlot, C., Bruno, A., & Gallipoli, D. (2022). Cross-linking of biopolymers for stabilising earthen construction materials. Building Research and Information, 50(5), 502-514.

Biopolymers are promising potential soil stabilizers due to their ease of application and stabilization efficacy. Biopolymers are biologically occurring polymers that form hydrogels when added to soil in the presence of water. Hydrogels are three-dim... Read More about Cross-linking of biopolymers for stabilising earthen construction materials.

A comparative study of the effects of particle grading and compaction effort on the strength and stiffness of earth building materials at different humidity levels (2021)
Journal Article
Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A., Augarde, C., Hughes, P., & La Borderie, C. (2021). A comparative study of the effects of particle grading and compaction effort on the strength and stiffness of earth building materials at different humidity levels. Construction and Building Materials, 306, Article 124770.

This paper presents an investigation of the mechanical properties of three different earth building materials manufactured by compacting two soils with distinct particle size distributions under two markedly different efforts. Multiple samples of eac... Read More about A comparative study of the effects of particle grading and compaction effort on the strength and stiffness of earth building materials at different humidity levels.

Weather-driven deterioration processes affecting the performance of embankment slopes (2020)
Journal Article
Stirling, R., Toll, D., Glendinning, S., Helm, P., Yildiz, A., Hughes, P., & Asquith, J. (2021). Weather-driven deterioration processes affecting the performance of embankment slopes. Géotechnique, 71(11), 957-969.

Deterioration of earthworks and the resultant implications for serviceability and increased occurrence of failures have a significant negative impact on transport networks both in the UK and internationally. There is evidence in the field that deteri... Read More about Weather-driven deterioration processes affecting the performance of embankment slopes.

Earth stabilisation via carbonate precipitation by plant-derived urease for building applications (2020)
Journal Article
Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A., Augarde, C., Hughes, P., & La Borderie, C. (2022). Earth stabilisation via carbonate precipitation by plant-derived urease for building applications. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 30, Article 100230.

Raw (unfired) earth represents a sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional construction materials but its dissemination into building practice has been hindered by a relatively high vulnerability to water erosion. Enzyme induced carbonate... Read More about Earth stabilisation via carbonate precipitation by plant-derived urease for building applications.

Durability and hygroscopic behaviour of biopolymer stabilised earthen construction materials (2020)
Journal Article
Muguda, S., Lucas, G., Hughes, P. N., Augarde, C. E., Perlot, C., Bruno, A. W., & Gallipoli, D. (2020). Durability and hygroscopic behaviour of biopolymer stabilised earthen construction materials. Construction and Building Materials, 259, Article 119725.

Earthen construction materials are often chemically stabilised in order to improve their durability against water-induced deterioration. However, chemical stabilisers like cement can negatively affect the hygroscopic behaviour and recyclability poten... Read More about Durability and hygroscopic behaviour of biopolymer stabilised earthen construction materials.

Experimental, numerical and field study investigating a heritage structure collapse after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake (2020)
Journal Article
Kumar, A., Hughes, P. N., Sarhosis, V., Toll, D., Wilkinson, S., Coningham, R., Acharya, K. P., Weise, K., Joshi, A., Davis, C., Kunwar, R. B., & Maskey, P. N. (2020). Experimental, numerical and field study investigating a heritage structure collapse after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake. Natural Hazards, 101(1), 231-253.

This paper presents an investigation of the collapse of a 325-year-old multi-tiered heritage temple during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal. The research comprises a reconnaissance survey followed by a geotechnical investigation and num... Read More about Experimental, numerical and field study investigating a heritage structure collapse after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake.

Geotechnical characterisation of recycled biopolymer-stabilised earthen materials (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Muguda, S., Hughes, P., Augarde, C., Perlot, C., Bruno, A., & Gallipoli, D. (2019, December). Geotechnical characterisation of recycled biopolymer-stabilised earthen materials. Presented at The XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Reykjavik Iceland

Earthen structures (i.e. structural units manufactured from soil) are often regarded as sustainable forms of construction due to their characteristically low carbon footprint. Unstabilised earthen materials can easily be recycled or disposed, however... Read More about Geotechnical characterisation of recycled biopolymer-stabilised earthen materials.

Identifying archaeological evidence of past earthquakes in a contemporary disaster scenario: Case-studies of damage, resilience and risk reduction from the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and past seismic events within the Kathmandu Valley UNESCO World Heritage Property (Nepal) (2019)
Journal Article
Davis, C., Coningham, R., Acharya, K., Kunwar, R., Forlin, P., Weise, K., Maskey, P., Joshi, A., Simpson, I., Toll, D., Wilkinson, S., Hughes, P., Sarhosis, V., Kumar, A., & Schmidt, A. (2020). Identifying archaeological evidence of past earthquakes in a contemporary disaster scenario: Case-studies of damage, resilience and risk reduction from the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and past seismic events within the Kathmandu Valley UNESCO World Heritage Property (Nepal). Journal of Seismology, 24(4), 729-751.

The 2015 Gorkha Earthquake was a humanitarian disaster but also a cultural catastrophe that damaged and destroyed historic monuments across Nepal, including those within the Kathmandu Valley UNESCO World Heritage Property. In the rush to rebuild, tra... Read More about Identifying archaeological evidence of past earthquakes in a contemporary disaster scenario: Case-studies of damage, resilience and risk reduction from the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and past seismic events within the Kathmandu Valley UNESCO World Heritage Property (Nepal).

Influence of particle grading on the hygromechanical properties of hypercompacted earth (2019)
Journal Article
Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A. W., Augarde, C., Hughes, P., & La Borderie, C. (2020). Influence of particle grading on the hygromechanical properties of hypercompacted earth. Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, 5(1), Article 2.

Civil engineering research is increasingly focusing on the development of sustainable and energy-efficient building materials. Among these materials, raw (unfired) earth constitutes a promising option for reducing the environmental impact of building... Read More about Influence of particle grading on the hygromechanical properties of hypercompacted earth.

Small to large strain mechanical behaviour of an alluvium stabilised with low carbon secondary minerals (2019)
Journal Article
Sargent, P., Rouainia, M., Diambra, C., Nash, D., & Hughes, P. (2020). Small to large strain mechanical behaviour of an alluvium stabilised with low carbon secondary minerals. Construction and Building Materials, 232, Article 117174.

Deep dry soil mixing is a popular ground improvement technique used to strengthen soft compressible soils, with Portland cement being the most popular binder. However, its continued use is becoming less sustainable given the high CO2 emissions associ... Read More about Small to large strain mechanical behaviour of an alluvium stabilised with low carbon secondary minerals.

Advances in the Use of Biological Stabilisers and Hyper-compaction for Sustainable Earthen Construction Materials (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Muguda, S., Lucas, G., Hughes, P., Augarde, C., Cuccurullo, A., Bruno, A. W., Perlot, C., & Gallipoli, D. (2018, December). Advances in the Use of Biological Stabilisers and Hyper-compaction for Sustainable Earthen Construction Materials. Presented at International Symposium on Earthen Structures 2018 (ISES2018), Bangalore, India

In the majority of cases, earthen construction materials for real buildings require amendment to deliver suitable material properties, which could be some additional strength or resilience to erosion. In modern earthen construction, in India, Austral... Read More about Advances in the Use of Biological Stabilisers and Hyper-compaction for Sustainable Earthen Construction Materials.

In situ measurements of near-surface hydraulic conductivity in engineered clay slopes (2018)
Journal Article
Dixon, N., Crosby, C., Stirling, R., Hughes, P., Smethurst, J., Briggs, K., Hughes, D., Gunn, D., Hobbs, P., Loveridge, F., Glendinning, S., Dijkstra, T., & Hudson, A. (2019). In situ measurements of near-surface hydraulic conductivity in engineered clay slopes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 52(1), 23-135.

In situ measurements of near-saturated hydraulic conductivity in fine grained soils have been made at six exemplar UK transport earthwork sites: three embankment and three cutting slopes. This paper reports 143 individual measurements and considers t... Read More about In situ measurements of near-surface hydraulic conductivity in engineered clay slopes.

The effect of ambient humidity on the stiffness and strength of a hyper-compacted silty clay for earth building (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A., La Borderie, C., Augarde, C., & Hughes, P. (2018, August). The effect of ambient humidity on the stiffness and strength of a hyper-compacted silty clay for earth building. Presented at 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Hong Kong, China

The effect of pore suction and water content on the engineering properties of partially saturated soils has been extensively studied by geotechnical researchers. It is well known that unsaturated soils become stiffer, stronger and less permeable as s... Read More about The effect of ambient humidity on the stiffness and strength of a hyper-compacted silty clay for earth building.