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Dr Yuqian Wang's Outputs (3)

Improving mathematical reasoning – the professional development challenge (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., & Brown, C. (2022). Improving mathematical reasoning – the professional development challenge. Professional development today, 22(4),

Yuqian Wang and Chris Brown highlight how crucial it is for schools to make explicit plans to improve mathematical reasoning, even in lower primary settings. Their research outlines the professional development that can be employed in support.

‘Allowing them to dream’: fostering creativity in mathematics undergraduates (2022)
Journal Article
Newton, D., Wang, Y., & Newton, L. (2022). ‘Allowing them to dream’: fostering creativity in mathematics undergraduates. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46(10), 1334-1346.

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, work and leisure is expected to change, and human creative competence is expected to be increasingly important, partly for the workplace and the economy, but also for thriving and well-being. The... Read More about ‘Allowing them to dream’: fostering creativity in mathematics undergraduates.

Making sense of ‘mastery’: Understandings of a policy term among a sample of teachers in England (2022)
Journal Article
Simpson, A., & Wang, Y. (2023). Making sense of ‘mastery’: Understandings of a policy term among a sample of teachers in England. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 21(2), 581-600.

This paper considers the term ‘mastery’ as used in mathematics education across different times and locations. A case study from England is offered to show how these pedagogical approaches morph as they move from one territory to another, in the cont... Read More about Making sense of ‘mastery’: Understandings of a policy term among a sample of teachers in England.